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today / 331 before Christ was the battle of Gaugamela

“O You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. He is an outright enemy to you.” (Holy Quran: 2, 208)

“You cannot guide those you would like to but God guides those He wills. He has best knowledge of the guided.” (Holy Quran/28: 56)

“God does not forbid you from being good to those who have not fought you in the religion or driven you from your homes, or from being just towards them. God loves those who are just.” (Surat al-Mumtahana, 8)

“We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had God willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to God and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 48)

“God does not love corruption”. (Surat al-Baqara, 205)

Quran [2:190] “You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.”

Quran [2:193] “You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship GOD freely. If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors.”

Quran [76:8-9]”And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him (saying) : We feed you, for the sake of Allah only. We wish for no reward nor thanks from you..”

Quran [2/ 256] “There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.”
Sorry guy ...

But i don't trust these translations.

if you have a multilingual online Quran website,

Put a link, then we can continiue.
If it's like that then egyptians and arabs are also relatives because at a certain time they mixed, sumerians and arabs are relatives, native indians of USA and germans and spanish are relatives etc..

I have not seen 350000 black africans in Iran, impossible (maybe 100000 max, mostly part of already arab speaking coastal population). Arab, black, north african population in Italy is together near 2 million. In Iran we've about 1,5 million arabs. Relatively you have more of them since your population is 60 million while ours is 80 million. And while we speak the numbers are rising in Italy, not in Iran.

We're independent but not completely free, you're free but not free enough to be independent.

Our numbers of arabs and blacks actually shrink. They want escape Italy. They are used as slaves on the fields. They get no money and get treated like animals. Since the med route got closed in june no new arrive. The ones here try escape France.
Sorry to say that 99% of Europeans are stupid.

Fact: After Alexander and his generals, Greece was destroyed and absorbed by Rome. The Romans destroyed many great Greek cities and put their inhabitants to the sword. Greece would not be independent for over 1000 years. Meanwhile, Iranians destroyed the Seleucid Greeks and ruled the Middle East for 800 years.

Fact: Today, Greece is nothing, while Iran continues to be the regional hegemon of its region.

Fact: Christianity is not a Roman religion. Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew. The Bible was written by Middle Eastern Jews. You are "ruled" by a Jewish religion.

Fact: The true inheritor of Rome is Romania, not Italy. This is an undeniable fact. Northern Italians are Germanic, southern Italians are Arab, and central Italians are a mix of the two. The original Romans are all dead.

The bible was written by roman politics. Jesus was a roman citizen. If he existed at all.

And no, no migrations happened into Italy. As genetic studies show the genetic make up of italoams was finished 2500 before christ. After that no big foreign impact is meassureable. We are the original romans.


Molecular anthropology found no evidence of significant Northern geneflow into the Italian peninsula over the last 1500 years. On the other hand, the bulk of Italian ethnogenesis occurred prior to Germanic or non European invasions. Dna studies show that only the Greek colonization of Sicily and Southern Italy had a lasting effect on the local genetic landscape.[11][12]

Contrary to that, Iran is basicly completly arabized.
you used "we" pronoun as in referring to more than one person aka IRAN lol
We, refers to Anti Arabs and Nationalists,

the whole problem is:

we have many problems inside iran ...

but Regime does not do anything ...

they say just "Palestin, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon ..." are more important.

They are all correct translations I assure you. Just acknowledge your wrong and move on.

i have no info about Arabic Language.

and i assure you, you will find some "terror" facts in Quran, Bible, Avesta and all other religious textbooks.
i assure you, you will find some "terror" facts in Quran, Bible, Avesta and all other religious textbooks.

You are embarrassing yourself at this point. Just acknowledge you were wrong.

i have no info about Arabic Language.

Then how did you know about your fictional "Quran verses"?

Can't wait to see how you get yourself out of this argument, it's probably best if you just stopped quoting me and slink back into whatever Islamaphobic hole you crawled out of.

Thanks, your opinion is very important to me.
By the way ...

For me,

You Are Still Iranian.

now, did you understand what i mean by "we are not muslim" ?

before being muslim or any other one,

we are Iranian.

and before that, we are Humans ...

but someones don't like this ...

they try to "divide and canquer" by diffrent ways.

only way is saying we are Iranians.

like what we did against pan Kurds and Pan turks. or in Gorgan, in 1358 (1980).

that's it.
The bible was written by roman politics. Jesus was a roman citizen. If he existed at all.

And no, no migrations happened into Italy. As genetic studies show the genetic make up of italoams was finished 2500 before christ. After that no big foreign impact is meassureable. We are the original romans.


Molecular anthropology found no evidence of significant Northern geneflow into the Italian peninsula over the last 1500 years. On the other hand, the bulk of Italian ethnogenesis occurred prior to Germanic or non European invasions. Dna studies show that only the Greek colonization of Sicily and Southern Italy had a lasting effect on the local genetic landscape.[11][12]

Contrary to that, Iran is basicly completly arabized.


Quran says:

Kill non muslims, whereever you find them .

do you do this ?

Quran says:

Slave their women and children.

do you do this ?

and so many other things ...

we are not muslims.

ISIS, Taliban, and other terrorists are real muslims.

because they do whatever Quran says.
This shows how your brain is working bro... When u pick such a big claim at least research it a little first...!! Read before and after those verses... read when and why and in what circumstances and in response to whom these verses are said... Sourat Al Kafirun is Islam's stance toward non muslims and even pagans... read it once... It is like when some said "لا اله" from the "لا اله الا الله" and then decided that Quran says "There is no God!!"

Islam never says go kill non-muslims just because they are non-Muslims!! It is in defense brother.. Defense... This shows how peaceful Islam is... This is our current Iran strategy by the way... We don't attack others but if they attack then we defend.. it is a basic human right... is n;t it? Even we defend very peacefully... remember Iran-Iraq war which was imposed on us? Iraq used chemical weapons and all sorts of WMDs in their access...yet, the same Khomeini that you hate a lot, forbids any such actions even as self defense...

I bet you never heard of Nahj al balagha... Read how Imam ali (s) was ordering his army, not to kill whom is backed on you and flee... don't disrespect women... don't.... don't...don't.... If you read how real Islam is your head would be blown... Human right to the fullest extent it is and even beyond...

I know your and many of hot head Iranians problem... It is morghe hamsaye ghaze...

The way you treat Arabs, Islam and the world in 21th century is in no way Iranian and progressive..

Think more... Research more...
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1- You are embarrassing yourself at this point. Just acknowledge you were wrong.

2- Then how did you know about your fictional "Quran verses"?

Can't wait to see how you get yourself out of this argument, it's probably best if you just stopped quoting me and slink back into whatever Islamaphobic hole you crawled out of.

2- beause of Iran Laws ... and Iran pan islamist and pan arab leaders.

i never opened quan even one time ...

and i don't think that if i sum all my points from 1st grade, to doploma,

in arabic and quran, in 12 years, it would be more than 5 (of 20).
your head would be blown..

Definitely, need to re-word that:rofl:.

beause of Iran Laws ... and Iran pan islamist and pan arab leaders.

???? I know no Iranian leaders who have ever said that all non-Muslims must be killed.

i never opened quan even one time ...

And yet you call yourself an expert on Islamic theology, absolutely astounding.

in arabic and quran, in 12 years, it would be more than 5 (of 20).

Uh... what?
Alexander was indeed a great leader,a brave fighter.there are lots of other great warriors but alexander did great job and history is full of his bravery.

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