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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

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Yes, the "historical region" which approximated to the boundaries of the British created entity called India.

You're finally getting it right. :azn:
:lol: karma is a bitch aint it.
just wait buddy i have not even got started. some of the stuff i'm collecting.... oh man talk about best served cold
The British didn't create ancient India. Professors would laugh right at your face for being so incredibly, let's say "not up to par" to the school's requirements :lol:

Yes because there was no such thing as Ancient India. :tup:

There was an Indian subcontinent, of which the greatest achievements came from the Indus Valley Civilization (now Pakistan).

India only existed after the British created it, by uniting the various independent kingdoms of the subcontinent. And it was named after a river in Pakistan.

The British also gave the same name to some of their other created colonies, like the West Indians.
pakistan takes the suffix from Sanskrit and was coined by a British Indian

'Pak' and 'stan' or 'istan' (spoken word) both are Persian words nothing to do with Sanskrit.
Pak means holy/clean and Stan is formed from the old Iranian root *sta- "to stand, stay," and means "place where one stays," i.e. homeland or country. So, meaning of Pakistan is not 'land of pure' but a 'Holy land'. It should be 'isthan' to be in Sanskrit not 'stan'. The same word also turns up in English as 'stand'.
The question is from Indians but if some one ask me who do you hate most between China/chinese and India/indians..........................my answer would be china/chinese and i have very strong reasons for it.
Yes because there was no such thing as Ancient India. :tup:

There was an Indian subcontinent, of which the greatest achievements came from the Indus Valley Civilization (now Pakistan).

India only existed after the British created it, by uniting the various independent kingdoms of the subcontinent. And it was named after a river in Pakistan.

The British also gave the same name to some of their other created colonies, like the West Indians.

Modern day India was created by the British yes, you're half way there. Ancient India, included what is today known as pakistan, Bangladesh and to a lesser extent parts of Afghanistan.
Modern day India was created by the British yes, you're half way there. Ancient India, included what is today known as pakistan, Bangladesh and to a lesser extent parts of Afghanistan.

Not modern day India, the entire concept of India.

Which broke in half pretty much right away. Something that is soon to be repeated when India becomes the largest Muslim nation in the world (right now India is the 2nd or 3rd largest Muslim country in the world).
'Pak' and 'stan' or 'istan' (spoken word) both are Persian words nothing to do with Sanskrit.
Pak means holy/clean and Stan is formed from the old Iranian root *sta- "to stand, stay," and means "place where one stays," i.e. homeland or country. So, meaning of Pakistan is not 'land of pure' but a 'Holy land'. It should be 'isthan' to be in Sanskrit not 'stan'. The same word also turns up in English as 'stand'.

The word "stan" is Persian, however it is ultimately derived from "sthana" which is Sanskrit for place or location.
'Pak' and 'stan' or 'istan' (spoken word) both are Persian words nothing to do with Sanskrit.
Pak means holy/clean and Stan is formed from the old Iranian root *sta- "to stand, stay," and means "place where one stays," i.e. homeland or country. So, meaning of Pakistan is not 'land of pure' but a 'Holy land'. It should be 'isthan' to be in Sanskrit not 'stan'. The same word also turns up in English as 'stand'.

The word has a common Indo-Iranian origin.
90% of inhabitants of Indus Valley civilization migrated inside in Ganga Valley during 1900-1300BC, so in reality, Indians are the truest inheritors of IVC. your claim on IVC is as authentic as gora Americans claiming native american civilization. Moreover,we don't claim any history outside of historical India.

Muslim Pakistanis are as a much rightful master as much Nigerian Christians are my rightful masters. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Why would anyone migrate to Ganga anyway? when IVC already had a fertile, agricultural, most mordern city around the banks of Sindu River aka Indus River? Another lie busted.

All this link proves how vastly modern the IVC was than any other Civilization":

Pakistan Early Civilizations History

Lie and keep lying, but u can never make that was never urs to start with.
Why would anyone migrate to Ganga anyway? when IVC already had a fertile, agricultural, most mordern city around the banks of Sindu River aka Indus River? Another lie busted.

All this link proves how vastly modern the IVC was than any other Civilization":

Pakistan Early Civilizations History

Tell me why would an IVC settler move to Gandara, Ganges river ? Lie and keep lying, but u can never make that was never urs.

They left because Ghaggar-Hakra dried in an earthquake in 1900BC, monsoon pattern changed and diseases and they found Ganga Valley as more fertile. Google Late valley civilization where almost 90% of the population abandoned their cities. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped..._Civilization,_Late_Phase_(1900-1300_BCE).png

Moreover, North-West either desert or semi-arid, it always lacked water.
This shows you can see your history outside of Two nation theory, so better stop claiming IVC and Gandhara they are against basics of Pakistani identity.

LoL, Indus Valley C is on my land, took birth on my land namely Pakistan, which has no bearing with India, and you have the audacity to copy our IVC and later claim it as urs in 21st century...Indians ToT style.

Let me clear my identity and ideology to your baby mind, IVC is our cultural, identity basis of who we are, personality traits, ethnic birth and while Islam as being Muslim is our Ideology, the religion I follow, with traditions and basic cultural social fabrics of IVC.

It is just like the Arabs has their own Arab civilization, traditions, culture, social fabrics, defining as Arab identity and yet Arabs are Muslim, followers of Islam religion, as its ideological basis.

And similarly like the Iranians are proud of their Persian Civilization as they are proud of their ideological belief in Islam...something Hindus who had Mauryan Empire of 30 years in 5000 years history, over UK and USA, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian can not ever comprehend & stomach it.

Similar is the case with the proud Chinese Civilization history.
I am sorry for your feeling.Mostly because Chinese here have strong self-respect so they can't chat with others friendly if finding something smearing words to China.

In real world,most Chinese are friendly and enlightened like common Indians.

I am very interested in Indian culture and festivals and read many books.watch many videos.India is a fantastic place with lots of people who have devout faith to your great gods.The hearts of many Chinese are full filled by money and money nowadays.I really envy Indian' peace heart whenever they live.If not,I will not come here.

Generally speaking,Chinese and Indian has great misunderstanding in many areas because of language and history.For instance,some Chinese think India is dirty and poor though India is not.And some Indian think China is a place without any freedom and democracy.

We are neighbors for thousands of years,but we still don't know and trust each other even we are both country with an vivid ancient civilization in the past and great potential in the future.

Say sorry to you again.If you have chance,plz come to China to has a visit and make some friends.Maybe the journey will change your thought a lot for China.

Do you want to know more about China?If so,I'd like to be your first Chinese friend.:-)
Bro there is a difference between self respect and arrogance, the Chinese fall here under the later category, pak members here are much better, I will take a RazPaK over Chinese-Dragon anyday.
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