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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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LoL, Indus Valley C is on my land, took birth on my land namely Pakistan, which has no bearing with India, and you have the audacity to copy our IVC and later claim it as urs in 21st century...Indians ToT style.

Let me clear my identity and ideology to your baby mind, IVC is our cultural, identity basis of who we are, personality traits, ethnic bith and while Islam as being Muslim is our Ideology, the religion I follow, with traditions and basic cultural social fabrics of IVC.

It is ust like the Arabs has their own Arab civilization, traditions, culture, social fabrics, defining as Arab identity and yet Arabs are Muslim, followers of Islam religion, as its ideological basis.

And similar like the Iranians are proud of their Persian Civilization as they are proud of their ideological belief in Islam...something Hindus who had Mauryan Empire of 30 years in 5000 years history, over UK and USA, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indian can not ever comprehend & stomach it.

Similar is the case with the proud Chinese Civilization history.

Did you see the map I shared with you, most of it is in India and most of the sites abandoned. you only have materialistic claim on it, Indian have more of the ancestral and cultural and part geographic claims on it. ;)

The word "stan" is Persian, however it is ultimately derived from "sthana" which is Sanskrit for place or location.

Not really unless you desperately want to. Did you read what I wrote?
Proto-Indo-European language does include Sanskrit as well as Greek and Persian. All three languages have some similarities but Persian is directly derived from Indo-Iranian. Don't eject out of the chair hearing word Indo- because it is still not Sanskrit. Indo-Iranian language branches into Indo-Aryan later into Vedic Sanskrit which is extinct. The branch of Vedic Sanskrit, called Sanskrit however is still alive.
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Did you see the map I shared with you, most of it is in India and most of the sites abandoned. you only have materialistic claim on it, Indian have more of the ancestral and cultural and part geographic claims on it. ;)


Did you see the real map I share you with: Birth place in Pakistan, all together.


Apart from Afghanistan, Gujrat India is a small part of IVC is predominately Muslim as well Sikhs dominated small areas of Punjab under IVC, rest of all IVC comes and origins in Pakistan, where is Hindu in it? Where is Bharat ? where is Hindu IVC...lie busted by ur own self.

Hindu are still predominantly settled around urs Ganges river / Gandara Civilization, no link what so ever with Indus Valley.
Did you see the real map I share you with: Birth place in Pakistan, all together.


Apart from Afghanistan, Gujrat India is a small part of IVC is predominately Muslim as well Sikhs domin
ated small areas of Punjab under IVC, where is Hindu in it? where is Hindu IVC...lie busted by ur own self?

Hindu are still predominantly settled around urs Ganges rivers / Gandara Civilization, no link what so ever with Indus Valley?

That's a crude map. The Indus valley civilizations have different periodization.
Periodization of the Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See you later. :wave:

I know you are pissed with what you read about China and its history and how it came into being on the thread which a Chinese created by the name fake Arunachal Pradesh.

and you yourself said you are Mongoloids???? from where ?????Mongolia???? whose King Genghis Khan killed millions of Chinese and reduced them to lowest class in Chinese society and who brought in Muslims from Central Asia to rule over Hans Chinese. You surely are now serving your Muslims masters very well. They are also very fond of the Khans just like the Hans.

and was that really Great Wall of China??? Which giant country would erect such a wall to DEFEND ITSELF against attacks and not counter attack???? Is it the tomb of millions of Chinese???

by the way, why does the world know Himalayas by its Indian Sanskrit name and not by hits Chinese name???

Better if your conscience awakens someday.

i have read many bloodthirsty comments from you personally and you give negative ratings to those who expose you. Most Pakistanis know that you are a royal troll. Many brilliant Pakistanis on this site deserve much better ratings than you.
I know you are pissed with what you read about China and its history and how it came into being on the thread which a Chinese created by the name fake Arunachal Pradesh.

and you yourself said you are Mongoloids???? from where ?????Mongolia???? whose King Genghis Khan killed millions of Chinese and reduced them to lowest class in Chinese society and who brought in Muslims from Central Asia to rule over Hans Chinese. You surely are now serving your Muslims masters very well. They are also very fond of the Khans just like the Hans.

and was that really Great Wall of China??? Which giant country would erect such a wall to DEFEND ITSELF against attacks and not counter attack???? Is it the tomb of millions of Chinese???

by the way, why does the world know Himalayas by its Indian Sanskrit name and not by hits Chinese name???

Better if your conscience awakens someday.

i have read many bloodthirsty comments from you personally and you give negative ratings to those who expose you. Most Pakistanis know that you are a royal troll. Many brilliant Pakistanis on this site deserve much better ratings than you.

That's a crude map. The Indus valley civilizations have different periodization.
Periodization of the Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Busted again by ur own wiki link: LoL

The Localization Era of IVC comprises several phases (Shaffer 1992):

  • Punjab Phase (Cemetery H, Late Harappan). The Punjab Phase includes the Cemetery H and other cultures. Punjab Phase sites are found in Harappa and in other places of Punjab.
  • Jhukar Phase (Jhukar and Pirak) The Jhukar Phase refers to Mohenjo-daro and sites in Sindh.
  • Rangpur Phase (Late Harappan and Lustrous Red Ware). Rangpur Phase sites are in Kachchh, Saurashtra and mainland Gujarat.
The Pirak Phase is a phase of the Localization Era of both the Indus Valley Tradition and the Baluchistan Tradition.

Just I mentioned above....you cannot win over through lies with me.
Punjab Phase (Cemetery H, Late Harappan). The Punjab Phase includes the Cemetery H and other cultures. Punjab Phase sites are found in Harappa and in other places.

I showed you the map of Punjab phase including a vast territory in India and Pakistan.The Ghaggar-Hakra is established as the Saraswati river of Rigveda.
What a butthurt thread. If you have a problem with a Chinese member, then report their posts. But if they're not breaking the rules, then your complaint is invalid.
Did you see the map I shared with you, most of it is in India and most of the sites abandoned. you only have materialistic claim on it, Indian have more of the ancestral and cultural and part geographic claims on it. ;)


You will come to giving up all your lies soon on IVC, right now u have admitted our 'Materialistic claim' and our 'territorial claim' over Pakistani Indus Valley Civilization, now am going to bust ur ancestral, cultural claims to so-called Indians too.
Not modern day India, the entire concept of India.

Which broke in half pretty much right away. Something that is soon to be repeated when India becomes the largest Muslim nation in the world (right now India is the 2nd or 3rd largest Muslim country in the world).

And the concept of China was created by communist party. What's your point?
Bro there is a difference between self respect and arrogance, the Chinese fall here under the later category.

Not in real life. Don't get fooled by the paid trolls here.
And the concept of China was created by communist party. What's your point?

No, the country called China came into being over 2000 years ago. From then on (apart from the civil wars and divisions every few hundred years) we have been a country ruled by one central authority, very similar to a modern nation state.

India on the other hand was created by the British, by uniting various independent kingdoms in the subcontinent.
The question is from Indians but if some one ask me who do you hate most between China/chinese and India/indians..........................my answer would be china/chinese and i have very strong reasons for it.

Why do you hate cheen when most of your country loves it?
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