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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Except, they do. Along with almost all established historians. In fact the consensus on China in its present form is far more shaky. ;)

I think you're confused. :lol:

India did not exist before the British came and united the various independent kingdom of the subcontinent.

Even Indians know it themselves. They just don't like to admit it. :P
I think you're confused. :lol:

India did not exist before the British came and united the various independent kingdom of the subcontinent.

Even Indians know it themselves. They just don't like to admit it. :P
No sire. :) I am absolutely not confused. The Republic of India is a new construct. Not the nation or civilization that has been known to mankind since millenia. I will suggest you sincerely go through the history books and come to a more informed opinion. Besides this coming from a Westerner is understandable, but from some country that has had deep connections with us is rather awkward. You may Joe Shearer if you wish to dispel your doubts. If not, I don't any issues with ignorance. :)
Its not Bhāratas but Bharatas who were a rigvedic clan. Bhārata/Bhāratam/Bhārat was the land of Indian people where they trace a common civilization of the common homeland. now, don't distribute taleem here when you know nothing and stop feeling jealous if you don't have a historical identity unlike the Indians. :laugh:

TRUE, I never claim your identity, of Gandarah Civilization off Ganges river, as ours, Pakistanis has Harrappan /
Mohenjo-daro, Indus Valley Civilization and Islam as it true identity and ideology....period.

Pakistan Early Civilizations History
Except India, none of the mentioned countries has Hindus in millions.

There are a few million Hindus unfortunately stranded in pakistan and another 2-3 million in Bangladesh. Ever heard of the word conversion son? Yeah that's what your ancestors faced when they couldn't defend themselves.
There are a few million Hindus unfortunately stranded in pakistan and another 2-3 million in Bangladesh. Ever heard of the word conversion son? Yeah that's what your ancestors faced when they couldn't defend themselves.

Thanks the tiny, numbers you just put here, gave me a huge laugh, oh, UK and USA has more Hindus in their countries than the ones in Pak or Bangladesh, according to Indian logic, these Indians are true historic identity, Hindu Kingdoms and vast empire span over Hindu UK and American part of Asoka, lol.
Thanks the tiny, numbers you just put here, gave me a huge laugh, oh, UK and USA has more Hindus in their countries than the ones in Pak or Bangladesh, according to Indian logic, these Indians are true historic identity, Hindu Kingdoms and vast empire span over UK and American, lol.

No the historical region of India spread from modern day Afghanistan, India, pakistan and Bangladesh, like I explained earlier. This is probably too complex for your inbred self to comprehend.
By Indian logic, those Hindus which were left over in millions are stranded in Britain and American and parts of Europe, since most of the Hindus have been forced converted to either Atheism or Christianity, after Mauryan empire of Asoka over UK and USA collapsed...but its part of Hindu and Indian heritage anyway..lol
TRUE, I never claim your identity, of Gandarah Civilization off Ganges river, as ours, Pakistanis has Harrappan /
Mohenjo-daro, Indus Valley Civilization and Islam as it true identity and ideology....period.

Pakistan Early Civilizations History

Gandhara, Madra, Sindhu, Kekeya region were all part of historical India deeply embedded in Indian culture, mythology, folklore and history. Both Ganges and Indus are the part of our culture. Your think your history starts with Muhammad Bin Qasim, I really don't need your advice on what constitutes historical India. ;)
Gandhara, Madra, Sindhu, Kekeya region were all part of historical India deeply embedded in Indian culture, mythology, folklore and history. Both Ganges and Indus are the part of our culture. Your think your history starts with Muhammad Bin Qasim, I really don't need your advice on what constitutes historical India. ;)

Actually, add the historical verdic region of India spreading over parts of Europe and North America , since they have more stranded Hindus living now, than even Bangladesh or Pakistan or Afghanistan ever had in the 5000 years old history of Bharat, Hindustan, lol.

Indus Valley Civilization is as much relation to Indian as Black is to White. India made after 1947 has no bearing at all on IVC, the rightful owners of the piece of land where Indus Valley Civilization existed is completely inside Pakistani territory, unless you are just bending over to claim historical perspective of Muslim Pakistanis as ur rightful masters.

Okay tell me, Asoka , was he a Hindu or a Buddhist ?
Actually, add the historical verdic region of India spreading over parts of Europe and North America , since they have more stranded Hindus living now, than even Bangladesh or Pakistan or Afghanistan ever had in the 5000 years old history of Bharat, Hindustan, lol.

Indus Valley Civilization is as much relation to Indian as Black is to White. India made after 1947 has no bearing at all on IVC, the rightful owners of the piece of land where Indus Valley Civilization existed is completely inside Pakistani territory, unless you are just bending over to claim historical perspective of Muslim Pakistanis as ur rightful masters.

Okay tell me, Asoka , was he a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

90% of inhabitants of Indus Valley civilization migrated inside in Ganga Valley during 1900-1300BC, so in reality, Indians are the truest inheritors of IVC. your claim on IVC is as authentic as gora Americans claiming native american civilization. Moreover,we don't claim any history outside of historical India.

Muslim Pakistanis are as a much rightful master as much Nigerian Christians are my rightful masters. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Okay tell me, Asoka , was he a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

This shows you can see your history outside of Two nation theory, so better stop claiming IVC and Gandhara they are against basics of Pakistani identity.
Yes, the "historical region" which approximated to the boundaries of the British created entity called India.

You're finally getting it right. :azn:

The British didn't create ancient India. Professors would laugh right at your face for being so incredibly, let's say "not up to par" to the school's requirements :lol:
Yes, the "historical region" which approximated to the boundaries of the British created entity called India.

You're finally getting it right. :azn:

Atleast our historical India is almost same as modern India, the historical China looks like a tiny province in modern PRC. :omghaha::omghaha:
take this thread for eg.
Can India become a superpower? | Page 4

a pakistani starts this thread about south asian unity, and before you know it the chinese defecate all over the place.
chinese dragon "think tank" and instead of behaving responsibly, joins in the troll fest and gives me some "negative rating" for using the word chinaman (man from china) while his compatriots continue using vile and disgusting language against india and indians

i think these people are genuinly incapable of rational dicussion
What?? PDF and 'rational' discussion? :woot: Man, you must be from Mars! :lol:
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