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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

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Wrong. The Persians called everything beyond the Indus "Hindustan", Tianzhu (天竺) in Chinese, Tenjiku(天竺) from Japanese (which is derived from the Chinese word "Tianzhu", Hind by the Arabs, Indos by the Greeks :)

Actually, the historical China never existed outside of Great wall of China. The Manchus expanded China by twice and brought China's border until India and then lost it in late 1800s. Funny thing, was Manchus were hated by Han Chinese but the land conquered by Manchus by subjugating and mass murdering the natives became historical Chinese land.
Let's face it, everyone in the world (especially Indians) know that India was created by the British, out of the many independent kingdoms of the subcontinent.

The reason it's so easy to put forward this argument, is because even the Indians believe this too. Maybe they don't want to admit it to a foreigner, but they will readily admit this fact when among themselves. No Indian historian will deny it.

Brother Chinese, it is an actual truth, I went to British library in Kings-cross for research, to know the term called India, a word's actual existence centuries ago, it has no historical perspective before British arrival in 1800s, no basis at all, the region was always a conglomerate of Kingdoms and Empires.

The term SUBCONTINENT is an English term, coined by British during 150 years stay in the Indian subcontinent they like to call it.

British termed it India and Indian Subcontinent to manage, expand, and control a territory and so they were compelled to name it just like the Muslim Mughals, who termed the same region is The Mughal Empire or Mug̱ẖliyah Salṭanat.
Didn't the Indian supreme court recently say that gays were illegal?

So apparently your supreme court doesn't think so. :P

The Supreme Court said no such thing. What it said was that the law that exists is not liable to be struck down by the courts and that parliament should change the law if it wants to.
Brother Chinese, it is an actual truth, I went to British library in Kings-cross for research, to know the term called India, a word's actual existence centuries ago, it has no historical perspective before British arrival in 1800s, no basis at all, the region was always a conglomerate of Kingdoms and Empires.

The term SUBCONTINENT is an English term, coined by British during 150 years stay in the Indian subcontinent they like to call it.

British termed it India and Indian Subcontinent to manage, expand, and control a territory and so they were compelled to name it just like the Muslim Mughals, who termed the same region is The Mughal Empire or Mug̱ẖliyah Salṭanat.

For the sake of the argument, if you're nitpicking on the etymology, we can call it a region :lol:
Btw @Chinese-Dragon you never answered my question. Are gay Chinese people less Chinese for being gay? Since you tried using the word as an insult.

Doesn't bother me, I don't know any gay people personally, apart from historical figures like Gandhi.

But it's the Indian Supreme Court that said gays were illegal, so maybe you should listen to your own supreme court?
Brother Chinese, it is an actual truth, I went to British library in Kings-cross for research, to know the term called India, a word's actual existence centuries ago, it has no historical perspective before British arrival in 1800s, no basis at all, the region was always a conglomerate of Kingdoms and Empires.

The term SUBCONTINENT is an English term, coined by British during 150 years stay in the Indian subcontinent they like to call it.

British termed it India and Indian Subcontinent to manage, expand, and control a territory and so they were compelled to name it just like the Muslim Mughals, who termed the same region is The Mughal Empire or Mug̱ẖliyah Salṭanat.

What do you mean by region, a village, a muhalla, a province, a town, a city, a country, continent everything is a region. ;omghaha: moreover, subcontinent means the region is detached and different from the rest of Asia , in ancient time most of Indian subcontinent was India/Bharat/Hindustan. ;)
Doesn't bother me, I don't know any gay people personally, apart from historical figures like Gandhi.

But it's the Indian Supreme Court that said gays were illegal, so maybe you should listen to your own supreme court?

Even if Gandhi was gay, I have no problem with that. He had a greater influence on the world than the Chini killer "Mao", who had killed more Chinis than Hitler had killed Jews :eek:

As for the SC declaring gays "illegal", refer to post 307
Wrong. The Persians called everything beyond the Indus "Hindustan", Tianzhu (天竺) in Chinese, Tenjiku(天竺) from Japanese (which is derived from the Chinese word "Tianzhu", Hind by the Arabs, Indos by the Greeks :)

True, the Persians called it, Just as the Holy Prophet called the region in east as Khorasan including parts of Pakistan. And you prove my point, a land being inhabited by Hindus does not mean it has a HINDUSTAN EMPIRE OR BHARAT KINGDOM, that is exactly the point u have proven.

India as a word as no historical basis, certainly not, and Pakistan would have never existed had for over 1000 years, Muslims had not arrived in the region around 722 near Multan, Modern day Pakistan.

And the same way, the leader Ahmed Shah Durrani born in Multan, Pakistan also called the Sadozai Kingdom and the Last Afghan Empire different from Persians, called it The Durrani Empire around Indus river, never mentioned anything HINDUSTAN.

The Durrani Empire at its maximum extent encompassed present-day Afghanistan, northeastern Iran, eastern Turkmenistan (including the Panjdeh oasis), almost, most of Pakistan, and a tiny portion northwestern India, including the Kashmir region.
Modern day India and pakistan are both British creations. However we're talking about ancient India, any college professor would laugh right at your face to think otherwise.

Sorry to your bust ur bubble again, India was the term only coined by British and Pakistan was the term coined by Chaudry Rehmat Ali.

I laugh at u at ur insecurity, true form of inferior complex and totally baseless comments by attempting to join yourself with me (Pakistanis) and have some fascination, about how good are Indians.

Y donot u Indians do the same for Bangladeshis?
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