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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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No such thing.

Even Indian historians agree that India was created by the British, out of the many independent kingdoms of the subcontinent. :azn:

And I don't have to convince you, since you guys already believe it is true. :D

BTW I have heard majority of Southern Chinese never called themselves as Hans even 1000 years back until later Tangs Sinticize them and made Southern China Han majority around 10th century. When most of southern Chinese were not Hans, how you claim China is a historical country. :laugh:
exactly we were called india for thousands of years while nobody bothered about china until we named them
you mean brahmos copy syndrome? hows that going by the way

Copy brahmos? :lol: No better than that, you guys like to troll about how you can piss China by selling your famous Brahmos to Vietnam for years, so we just came out with an anti-troll weapon against India and it calls CX-1:rofl:, this has anger most of you and I'm not surprise if Indians cast the hate vote against us:lol:
That is exactly, you Indians used to suck us centuries before during Muslim rule over subcontinent, and that is exactly now you are doing it, :yahoo: there is no similarity except Indian Sikh Punjab or Kashmirs....it is as honest as it can get.

Just as I claim, there is no resemblence between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, except religious ideology identity.

Pakistanis and Bangladeshi by creed, race and genes are completely different species same way as Indians are too Pakistanis.

Empires exists for 50 years or 100 years sometime foreign rule, we Indians really don't need to see some random empires when our Indian identity is embedded in our culture.
Chinese members here are doing a very bad job of representing their country.
Let's face it, everyone in the world (especially Indians) know that India was created by the British, out of the many independent kingdoms of the subcontinent.

The reason it's so easy to put forward this argument, is because even the Indians believe this too. Maybe they don't want to admit it to a foreigner, but they will readily admit this fact when among themselves. No Indian historian will deny it.
Copy brahmos? :lol: No better than that, you guys like to troll about how you can piss China by selling your famous Brahmos to Vietnam for years, so we just came out with an anti-troll weapon against India and it calls CX-1:rofl:, this has anger most of you and I'm not surprise if Indians cast the hate vote against us:lol:

Elephants are real, Dragons are myths. :laugh:
Copy brahmos? :lol: No better than that, you guys like to troll about how you can piss China by selling your famous Brahmos to Vietnam for years, so we just came out with an anti-troll weapon against India and it calls CX-1:rofl:, this has anger most of you and I'm not surprise if Indians cast the hate vote against us:lol:
so let me get this right.

you are comparing cx1, a chinese copy of brahmos which cant even fly to the original which is said to be the deadliest anti ship cruide missile? riiigght :lol:

and yes we indians hate you because most chinese here are retarded scum who cannot control themselves from posting vile things
Empires exists for 50 years or 100 years sometime foreign rule, we Indians really don't need to see some random empires when our Indian identity is embedded in our culture.

Define me Indian Culture, i have asked u so many times? What was Indian in Indian culture before 1947?

India had no basis, no Kingdom or Empire called India empire, there is no term called INDIAN SUBCONTINENT, before British arrived, they coined the term India.

You have very shallow and defeatist mentality.
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Let's face it, everyone in the world (especially Indians) know that India was created by the British, out of the many independent kingdoms of the subcontinent.

The reason it's so easy to put forward this argument, is because even the Indians believe this too. Maybe they don't want to admit it to a foreigner, but they will readily admit this fact when among themselves. No Indian historian will deny it.

Modern day India and pakistan are both British creations. However we're talking about ancient India, any college professor would laugh right at your face to think otherwise.
Let's face it, everyone in the world (especially Indians) know that India was created by the British, out of the many independent kingdoms of the subcontinent.

The reason it's so easy to put forward this argument, is because even the Indians believe this too. Maybe they don't want to admit it to a foreigner, but they will readily admit this fact when among themselves. No Indian historian will deny it.
does not change the fact that
we were called india for thousands of years while nobody bothered about china until we named you
Let's face it, everyone in the world (especially Indians) know that India was created by the British, out of the many independent kingdoms of the subcontinent.

The reason it's so easy to put forward this argument, is because even the Indians believe this too. Maybe they don't want to admit it to a foreigner, but they will readily admit this fact when among themselves. No Indian historian will deny it.

The modern China was created by Americans, British and Russians when they liberated half of Chinese population from Japanese occupation but thankless Chinese hated American, British and Russians in return. :tsk::tsk:
does not change the fact that
we were called india for thousands of years while nobody bothered about china until we named you

There was no united China before 1949-50. The Republic of China never controlled entire China, it only existed on paper. It was Mao Zedong who united entire China under one government(although I am excluding Taiwan, Hongkong and Macau).
Define me Indian Culture, i have u so many times? What was Indian in Indian culture before 1947?

India had no basis, no Kingdom or Empire called India empire, there is no term called INDIAN SUBCONTINENT, before British arrived, they coined the term India.

You have very shallow and defeatist mentality.

Wrong. The Persians called everything beyond the Indus "Hindustan", Tianzhu (天竺) in Chinese, Tenjiku(天竺) from Japanese (which is derived from the Chinese word "Tianzhu", Hind by the Arabs, Indos by the Greeks :)
Define me Indian Culture, i have u so many times? What was Indian in Indian culture before 1947?

India had no basis, no Kingdom or Empire called India empire, there is no term called INDIAN SUBCONTINENT, before British arrived, they coined the term India.

You have very shallow and defeatist mentality.

That all belongs to concept of Historical India(Bharatavarsha), the land from Gandhara to Dravida in South India and until river(now in mid of Pakistan) was our historical India. Honestly, the ancient people of Sindh and Punjab never saw people West of Indus(Pashtun and Baloch) as one of them, they were made to live together by British. ;)
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