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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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there was no such thing as china as well. until we named you

First Chinese empire was founded by Qin Shi Huang of Qin Dynasty. He got all the learned intellectuals of China killed and when he died he got all his concubines buried alive with his dead body. :o::o:
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:lol: nice

exactly what i have been trying to tell that idiot

You really don't need to prove anything with these people. They say the same shit over again like a broken record player. Sometimes I think the replay button is stuck on these bots and then you got pakis with their mini skirts and pom poms on the sidelines ;)
The word "China" is derived from the Persian word Chin (چین), which is from the Sanskrit word Cīna (चीन).[26] It is first recorded in 1516 in the journal of the Portuguese explorer Duarte Barbosa.[27] The journal was translated and published in England in 1555.[28] The traditional theory, proposed in the 17th century byMartino Martini, is that Cīna is derived from "Qin" (), the westernmost of the Chinese kingdoms during the Zhou Dynasty.[29] However, the word was used in early Hindu scripture, including the Mahābhārata (5th century BC) and the Laws of Manu (2nd century BC)

Yes, it originated from the Chinese word Qin/Chin.

In English it is called "China" because that's what the British heard, and the British are the ones who speak English. They gave that language to India as well, after they created India out of the various independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. :P

I have heard similar private stories about Mao Zedong to stay younger and longer life. Do you buy such stories. :wacko:
Who is asking you. You guys are Arab wannabes, rest of them East of the Indus have always associated themselves with historical Indian identity. ;)

Haha, No Arab wannabee here...infact hate to be an Arab by any associated...and you and your Indian identity suck everyday in Pakistan, otherwise there would never have any wars.

I would have been the most proud, if by any way Pakistanis and Indians looked same, real identities and could not be differentiated but its sadly its not the truth, it has no bearing historically, and no resemblance today as can be seen clearly today.
Yes, it originated from the Chinese word Qin/Chin.

In English it is called "China" because that's what the British heard, and the British are the ones who speak English. They gave that language to India as well, after they created India out of the various independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. :P
no, we named you cheen and the word stuck. the anglicized version became China
no, we named you cheen and the word stuck. the anglicized version became China

You mean British India?

Well that was a later creation. Before that, there was no such thing as India.

China is an English approximation of "Qin/Chin" with the "a" at the end as is common in all Latin-based languages.
Haha, No Arab wannabee here...infact hate to be an Arab by any associated...and you and your Indian identity suck everyday in Pakistan, otherwise there would never have any wars.

I would have been the most proud, if by any way Pakistanis and Indians looked same, real identities and could not be differentiated but its sadly its not the truth, it has no bearing historically, and no resemblance today as can be seen clearly today.

We really don't care about your obsession with your 'Not India' and artificially trying to associate people east and West of Indus. Our historical Indian identity is embedded in our culture, mythologies and folklore and authenticated by other ancient civilization. Your crying won't going to change anything. :laugh:
You mean British India?

Well that was a later creation. Before that, there was no such thing as India.

China is an English approximation of "Qin/Chin" with the "a" at the end as is common in all Latin-based languages.

No the word "Chin" comes from Persian which ultimately comes from "Cina" from Sanskrit. You should be happy that we named you people :)
You mean British India?

Well that was a later creation. Before that, there was no such thing as India.

China is an English approximation of "Qin/Chin" with the "a" at the end as is common in all Latin-based languages.

China was united by Qings, then when Sun Yat Sen(father of Chinese nationalism) referred Manchus as non-Chinese barbarians and threatened them to send them back to Changbei mountains.
You mean British India?

Well that was a later creation. Before that, there was no such thing as India.

China is an English approximation of "Qin/Chin" with the "a" at the end as is common in all Latin-based languages.
no i mean ancient india which was called something else, before the word "british" even started
we named you then
You can spit on whatever you want son. The fact of the matter is, no credible university will agree with you
They'll laugh right at your **** face :lol:

Exactly, there is no credible university histrionics to suggest any resemblance of India, Bharat or Hindustan Kingdom or Empire existence, or any credible map...and there is no resemblance of Pakistani to Arabs or Indian.

And you prove there no resemblance urselves with the hate you are trying to put me by calling a ****... I like it, the truth.
No the word "Chin" comes from Persian which ultimately comes from "Cina" from Sanskrit. You should be happy that we named you people :)

Read it properly. It originally came from the Chinese word "Qin/Chin", which later passed into Iran and then what later became British India. Thus the English word "China".


no i mean ancient india which was called something else, before the word "british" even started
we named you then

No such thing as ancient India. :no:

The British created India, then named you after a river in British India.

But now that river is no longer in India, it's in Pakistan.
Read it properly. It originally came from the Chinese word "Qin/Chin", which later passed into Iran and then what later became British India.


No such thing as ancient India. :no:

The British created India, then named you after a river in British India.

But now that river is no longer in India, it's in Pakistan.

No such thing as ancient India. :lol:
chinese IQ

like i said we named you cheen which stuck
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