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“Here in China, Hardly Anyone Still Believes in Karl Marx’s Ideas.”

Unlikely. Why so pessimistic?
You think we simply have to "outlive Xi?" No, that's not gonna work this time.

What Xi has done in the last 5 years is to superglue institutes of the state to the party, and thus its internal troubles.

Even if Xi is out of the picture, whomever will come after will have to deal not with state organs, but with internal party institutes like endless layers of committees upon committees to do anything. Will the brainless doctrinalists let the person coming to power after Xi to reverse Xi's "innovations" and fix the system, if it means for them to loose their power?

Both Deng, and Jiang were very correct at keeping party's internal politics away from the business of the state, and were justly afraid of the "boiling soup" of gang of four leftovers, ultraorthodox marxists, stalinists, linists-gaoists, maoists, huaists, and 20 other -ists which dominated party's internal politics.
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Doi Moi mean we use Lenin new economy policy, and Deng copied it from Lenin.

In CN, no one teach u abt Lenin new economy policy ?? Thats pathetic, stop copying from the others and say it yours:lol:

Cnese is short sighted ppl and love living in delusion. They learned Nothing from 2003 Sars, so now, they pay very high price for corona virus.

CN is collapsing like Soviet, not bcs Marx was wrong, but bcs both Soviet-CN r not smart enough to defeat US .

They have been transforming from poor to become economic and technology superpower challenging US with unprecedented speed in human history.

You are so delusional.

U r not in CN, so u dont know is so Pathetic in CN now.

There r abt 500 Cnese paying high money, trying to sneak into VN after nCov outbreak now ( of course thousands to million rich Cnese also trying to flee to other nations). They have money, and they dont want to die in CN while those Cnese on this forum r just too poor to get out of CN, so they can do Nothing but barking louder on internet to ease their fear.
Use google trans if u care

Gần 500 người từ vùng dịch Covid-19 đến TP.HCM qua nước thứ 3
491 người Trung Quốc đã đi qua nước thứ 3 như Campuchia, Singapore, Thái Lan, Malaysia trước khi nhập cảnh vào Việt Nam qua sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất.


Only 500 out of 1.5 billions? are you joking?

Thief and perverted in your street could be much more than that that figure. LOL.
You think we simply have to "outlive Xi?" No, that's not gonna work this time.

What Xi has done in the last 5 years is to superglue institutes of the state to the party, and thus its internal troubles.

Even if Xi is out of the picture, whomever will come after will have to deal not with state organs, but with internal party institutes like endless layers of committees upon committees to do anything. Will the brainless doctrinalists let the person coming to power after Xi to reverse Xi's "innovations" and fix the system, if it means for them to loose their power?

Both Deng, and Jiang were very correct at keeping party's internal politics away from the business of the state, and were justly afraid of the "boiling soup" of gang of four leftovers, ultraorthodox marxists, stalinists, linists-gaoists, maoists, huaists, and 20 other -ists which dominated party's internal politics.

So in your opinion why do you think Xi is doing what he's doing?
So in your opinion why do you think Xi is doing what he's doing?
Xi is a stereotypical party official of his generation. I underline him being a party official, not a government official.

I think Xi doesn't know what he is doing himself.

He mostly acts on the "muscle memory" he got in 40 something years of the party politics, and big slogan driven policies without much of thought. In other words an ultimate paternalist.

Take a look at his career in Fujian. One thing you can tell is that he was super quiet there despite the serious amount of time spent in the province. He did that pretty much with an idea that if he sits still and does nothing special while only doing politically bulletproof diatribes on marxism-jediism, he will eventually get promoted.

Wang Qishan is said to be responsible for most of Xi's political mentoring. Without him, Xi's political career would've probably flown no better than a brick.
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Wang Qishan is said to be responsible for most of Xi's political mentoring. Without him, Xi's political career would've probably flown no better than a brick.

Well, back in 2011 Lee Kuan Yew said that he find that Wang Qishan is the most capable in the CCP, and if he were them he will keep him on beyond the retirement age.
Xi is a stereotypical party official of his generation. I underline him being a party official, not a government official.

I think Xi doesn't know what he is doing himself.

He mostly acts on the "muscle memory" he got in 40 something years of the party politics, and big slogan driven policies without much of thought. In other words an ultimate paternalist.

Take a look at his career in Fujian. One thing you can tell is that he was super quiet there despite the serious amount of time spent in the province. He did that pretty much with an idea that if he sits still and does nothing special while only doing politically bulletproof diatribes on marxism-jediism, he will eventually get promoted.

Wang Qishan is said to be responsible for most of Xi's political mentoring. Without him, Xi's political career would've probably flown no better than a brick.
Never underestimate a silent dog, they can bite people do death.

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