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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

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True, the Persians called it, Just as the Holy Prophet called the region in east as Khorasan including parts of Pakistan. And you prove my point, a land being inhabited by Hindus does not mean it has a HINDUSTAN EMPIRE OR BHARAT KINGDOM, that is exactly the point u have proven.

India as a word as no historical basis, certainly not, and Pakistan would have never existed had for over 1000 years, Muslims had not arrived in the region around 722 near Multan, Modern day Pakistan.

And the same way, the leader Ahmed Shah Durrani born in Multan, Pakistan also called the Sadozai Kingdom and the Last Afghan Empire different from Persians, called it The Durrani Empire around Indus river, never mentioned anything HINDUSTAN.

The Durrani Empire at its maximum extent encompassed present-day Afghanistan, northeastern Iran, eastern Turkmenistan (including the Panjdeh oasis), almost, most of Pakistan, and a tiny portion northwestern India, including the Kashmir region.

The names Indos, Bharat, Tianzhu and Tenjiku were all coined, even before Islam came to being.
That all belongs to concept of Historical India(Bharatavarsha), the land from Gandhara to Dravida in South India and until river(now in mid of Pakistan) was our historical India. Honestly, the ancient people of Sindh and Punjab never saw people West of Indus(Pashtun and Baloch) as one of them, they were made to live together by British. ;)

Bhāratas or Bharatavarsha were Aryan rulers mentioned in the Rigveda, especially in Mandala 3 attributed to the Bharata sage Vishvamitra. In the "river hymn" RV 3.33, the entire Bharata rulers are described as crossing a river Yamuna in Ganga.

Bharatas has no relevance to Indus, or IVC, while Bharata an official name for republic of India has its roots in Gandara Civilization, Indians true Civilization heritage.

You Indians have so much confusion.
Sorry to your bust ur bubble again, India was the term only coined by British and Pakistan was the term coined by Chaudry Rehmat Ali.

I laugh at u at ur insecurity, true form of inferior complex and totally baseless comments by attempting to join yourself with me (Pakistanis) and have some fascination, about how good are Indians.

Y donot u Indians do the same for Bangladeshis?

Wrong again little ****, we have no fascination to "join you". We are in fact better off without you, from seeing your country today :lol:
Today both India & Bharat are the official names, pakistan takes the suffix from Sanskrit and was coined by a British Indian.

As for Bangladesh, it literally means "Land of the Banglas", which they called themselves after slicing your country in half. Which they proved the two nation theory wrong
The names Indos, Bharat, Tianzhu and Tenjiku were all coined, even before Islam came to being.

That is what I totally agree, the term u have mentioned were coined before Islam, which is truth, I ain't no hypocrite , while the term India by British, but all these terms, 'Indos, Bharat, Tianzhu and Tenjiku ' have NEVER been Kingdoms or Empires.
That is what I totally agree, the term u have mentioned were coined before Islam, which is truth, I ain't no hypocrite , while the term India by British, but all these terms, 'Indos, Bharat, Tianzhu and Tenjiku ' have NEVER been Kingdoms or Empires.

Son, we're talking about the region. Which includes parts of modern day Afghanistan, pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
Bhāratas or Bharatavarsha were Aryan rulers mentioned in the Rigveda, especially in Mandala 3 attributed to the Bharata sage Vishvamitra. In the "river hymn" RV 3.33, the entire Bharata rulers are described as crossing a river Yamuna in Ganga.

Bharatas has no relevance to Indus, or IVC, while Bharata an official name for republic of India has its roots in Gandara Civilization, Indians true Civilization heritage.

You Indians have so much confusion.

Its not Bhāratas but Bharatas who were a rigvedic clan. Bhārata/Bhāratam/Bhārat was the land of Indian people where they trace a common civilization of the common homeland. now, don't distribute taleem here when you know nothing and stop feeling jealous if you don't have a historical identity unlike the Indians. :laugh:
Our culture is different from the people West of divine Radcliffe line even between East and West Punjab. ;)

Pakistani culture is essentially bhaiyya culture like a great percentage of Pakistani women eat and spit paan like Bhaiyaas.. but the difference is that while bhaiyyas spit paan on ground, Pakistani women collect it in thuk-daan (a bowl). Pakistani women even chew paan and collect spit in bowls while watching movies in theaters. The most famous joke about this is made by that hilarious Pakistani comedian Shana Shakeel who is very famous in India on Comedy circus show of Sony TV. The same practice is followed by their husbands and sons but I do not know if they collect spit in bowls or not.

Pakistan also borrowed the word Jawaan from Yuvaan, a Sanskrit word which in colloquial bihari language became Jawaan just like yogi becomes jogi, sanyog becomes sanjog in bihaari hindi. There will be too much of bhaiyyas in Pakistan every time no matter if they accept it or not.

On topic, there are some brilliant Pakistani and Indian members here but the same cannot be said about some other nationalities. There are also some scholarly trolls known as think tanks who can ban anyone and will happily encourage low life trolls who have no life. Also some Indian members here are escapists who are called secularists.in India. They are at best described as escapists.

I do not know how anyone could miss the names of brilliant pakistani members here like W11, wishlivepak and JUNGIBAAZ. who provide very good insights into things.

PS: Never ask anyone how long he has been on this site. Thousands have been reading this site for years but few care to join and comment.
Its not Bhāratas but Bharatas who were a rigvedic clan. Bhārata/Bhāratam/Bhārat was the land of Indian people where they trace a common civilization of the common homeland. now, don't distribute taleem here when you know nothing and stop feeling jealous if you don't have a historical identity unlike the Indians. :laugh:

Never knew pakis had a serious inferior identity crisis lol, I hope the next generation of pakis aren't all inbred
Last I heard, Prime Minister of India cannot have a family or babies, and has been declared by an Indian SP leader as ''impotent''.

Why did Indians lowered themselves to this level to elect Modi? Any links to Ashoka, or some other reawakening ?:cheesy:
Last I heard, Prime Minister of India cannot have a family or babies, and has been declared by an Indian SP leader as ''impotent''.

Why did Indians lowered themselves to this level to elect Modi? Any links to Ashoka, or some other reawakening ?:cheesy:

Muslims in UK USA and West can say BOW TO ISLAM and what not in public speeches, bud does that make their respective Muslim countries any less vulnerable to attacks from West????

UK has millions of Muslims marching every year chanting extremist rants but in the end the West just bombs Arab countries with impunity to flush out extremists.
Never knew pakis had a serious inferior identity crisis lol, I hope the next generation of pakis aren't all inbred

To prove their Pakistan identity, they have to negate Indian identity, so pathetic. They only need to stick to their two nation theory, I can't understand why they keep on poking that historical India never existed until Indus river. :laugh:
I guess you're not familiar with the term "Chindian", there are many Chinese girls married to Indian guys. Especially in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong etc.
Good man match good ladies.
Most overseas Chinese guys tend to marry Chinese,Japanese or Korean women,they are beautiful and virtuous with good education in average.
Indian girls are hard to access because of your traditional culture,they usually are shy to contact with other genders or nations.
Good man match good ladies.
Most overseas Chinese guys tend to marry Chinese,Japanese or Korean women,they are beautiful and virtuous with good education in average.
Indian girls are hard to access because of your traditional culture,they usually are shy to contact with other genders or nations.

Chinese girls are beautiful no doubt :tup:
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