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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Nah dude, you're actually way cleverer than him. Atleast when I'm arguing with you, you always come back with something new and make it fun. Give him some pointers. He's boring me to death here.

Most guys on this forum enjoy this show of Islamists egging some Chinese posters and their usual outburst of rantings. You cannot talk about real respect, tolerance or intention here because who knows what expression lies on the face of the poster behind he screen.
That's exactly what @Joeblow has realized.

That he cannot respond to any of the arguments or the sources that we put up. So he just cries instead. :P

There are many things which are exposed about China by me and many others on the net by different nationalities. you have not replied satisfactorily to any one.
Why do you hate cheen when most of your country loves it?
Due to their mal-treatment of uyghurs, religious and cultural oppression......India is a normal country for muslims and islam, thats not the case in china. For example even though the insurgency was very violent in kashmir, atrocities were committed, but india never meddled in the culture , ways of life and religion of kashmiris. Same is case with rest of Indian muslims. Muslims are even allowed to do tabligh in india.

On the other hand, in response to some knife-stabbing incidents or mere suspicions, ching-chongs have hanged thousands of muslims. Muslims are continuously watched and monitored and arrested. Han majority is freely using word 'terrorist" for each and every uyghurs, hate is spread against them by state. Quran study is banned in china which is not the case in india. Cultural and heritage sites of muslims and others were demolished in china, fasting is banned and they are not even allowed to bury their deads in graves. And few moths ago , i read a fcked up news that chinese government has announced cash rewards for marriages between muslim uyghur women and non-muslim ching-chong males.............fcked up racial engineering as well as attempt to dilute their culture and religion
That's exactly what @Joeblow has realized.

That he cannot respond to any of the arguments or the sources that we put up. So he just cries instead. :P

I wouldn't call it crying. I'd describe it more as boring me to death. Look through @AsianUnion 's posts. They are always different and he brings in new material. Look at his range of arguments. I mean, that's good stuff. You, on the other hand, don't have any material, you're not even a little bit clever. You just keep repeating yourself. It's extremely boring. Your s**ts played out, bro.
I wouldn't call it crying. I'd describe it more as boring me to death. Look through @AsianUnion 's posts. They are always different and he brings in new material. Look at his range of arguments. I mean, that's good stuff. You, on the other hand, don't have any material, you're not even a little bit clever. You just keep repeating yourself. It's extremely boring. Your s**ts played out, bro.

If you're crying again, that must mean I've done something right. :partay:
If you're crying again, that must mean I've done something right. :partay:

Boring someone to tears and bringing someone to tears are two diametrically opposite concepts, my friend. Bringing someone to tears requires a rapier wit, ruthlessness and the ability to come at them from different angles. Boring someone to tears, on the other hand... Well, there's no need to get into that. I think you've already mastered that.
Due to their mal-treatment of uyghurs, religious and cultural oppression......India is a normal country for muslims and islam, thats not the case in china. For example even though the insurgency was very violent in kashmir, atrocities were committed, but india never meddled in the culture , ways of life and religion of kashmiris. Same is case with rest of Indian muslims. Muslims are even allowed to do tabligh in india.

On the other hand, in response to some knife-stabbing incidents or mere suspicions, ching-chongs have hanged thousands of muslims. Muslims are continuously watched and monitored and arrested. Han majority is freely using word 'terrorist" for each and every uyghurs, hate is spread against them by state. Quran study is banned in china which is not the case in india. Cultural and heritage sites of muslims and others were demolished in china, fasting is banned and they are not even allowed to bury their deads in graves. And few moths ago , i read a fcked up news that chinese government has announced cash rewards for marriages between muslim uyghur women and non-muslim ching-chong males.............fcked up racial engineering as well as attempt to dilute their culture and religion

That's what your countrymen don't see. cheen is the enemy of Islam. They tried to ban Ramadan! That's insane, yet instead of denouncing such an Islamophobic act they harp them on. All this while cheen is weak, what happens once it gets stronger? Who's not to say they won't start destroying the great mosques of Central Asia? Or, god forbid, attack Mecca as some sort of "revenge" for supposed Uighur "terrorist" attacks.
Boring someone to tears and bringing someone to tears are two diametrically opposite concepts, my friend. Bringing someone to tears requires a rapier wit, ruthlessness and the ability to come at them from different angles. Boring someone to tears, on the other hand... Well, there's no need to get into that. I think you've already mastered that.

And you're crying again. Thanks for confirming that I'm on the right track. :P
And you're crying again. Thanks for confirming that I'm on the right track. :P

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Those pakistani posters would have 4 comebacks for me. You? You're just repeating yourself. You've got to be quick and You've got to be clever. Lemme ask you something. Do you have any friends?
That's what your countrymen don't see. cheen is the enemy of Islam. They tried to ban Ramadan! That's insane, yet instead of denouncing such an Islamophobic act they harp them on. All this while cheen is weak, what happens once it gets stronger? Who's not to say they won't start destroying the great mosques of Central Asia? Or, god forbid, attack Mecca as some sort of "revenge" for supposed Uighur "terrorist" attacks.

That Malaysian airliner where a Muslim pilot took a plane mostly with Chinese passengers into sea???? was he running short of fuel to do a 9-11 on some Chinese city????

Chinese media itself is abuzz with these theories.
There are actually not very many Chinese members on this site like there used to be, but it seems they are an effective force. They have the Indians collectively crying. :lol:
There was a continual line of succession from one state to the next, and yes all other Chinese Empires took the authority from the preceding Empire, the Qin Empire being one of the first.

Different dynasties, same country. China.

India is a completely different story, before the British colonialists arrived, they were a bunch of independent kingdoms. They never had a chance to form a state on their own before the British did it for them.

you telling us China was continuously united since 221BC, will you please stop faking the Chinese history. :omghaha:
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