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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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There are actually not very many Chinese members on this site like there used to be, but it seems they are an effective force. They have the Indians collectively crying. :lol:

Same with the PLA.

We only need to send a few soldiers with some tents, and the entire nation of India is crying. :P

Of course, they could do what every other nation does, and throw out foreign soldiers who are making an incursion, but they never do. They can only cry.
Same with the PLA.

We only need to send a few soldiers with some tents, and the entire nation of India is crying. :P

Of course, they could do what every other nation does, and throw out foreign soldiers, but they never do. They can only cry.

Serving Chinese delicious curry while crying. :lol:
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Those pakistani posters would have 4 comebacks for me. You? You're just repeating yourself. You've got to be quick and You've got to be clever. Lemme ask you something. Do you have any friends?

He keeps coming back and back for accusations and uncomfortable facts he cannot reply to or on threads where he cannot reply without guilt and that exposes how he feels about himself and his conscience.

The last one month is a clear example of that.

PS::: Never ever ask a NEW MEMBER HERE how long he has been on this forum as he might have read much more posts as a guest here than most members here but did not feel the need to participate in this world of lies and deceit. Most people just read the views and do not feel like posting their opinions.
Serving Chinese delicious curry while crying. :lol:

Indians can't stand against us brother, you saw that Polandball cartoon thread I posted, where we were both poking India and India was crying. :rofl:
There are actually not very many Chinese members on this site like there used to be, but it seems they are an effective force. They have the Indians collectively crying. :lol:

Nah, it's just this one dude who keeps on and on like a broken record! Give him pointers, dude. Get him some new material. He's putting everyone to sleep here. He says forward policy one more time, I'm gonna shoot myself:suicide:
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Those pakistani posters would have 4 comebacks for me. You? You're just repeating yourself. You've got to be quick and You've got to be clever. Lemme ask you something. Do you have any friends?
NO will be the answer.
you want to say Pakistan curries aren't delicious, then serve them your daal. :lol:

I guess our food is not as good, seeing as how they come on down your border every other month for that real taste of India. :smitten:
I guess our food is not as good, seeing as how they come on down your border every other month for that real taste of India. :smitten:

Bangladeshis especially those from Sylhet makes the best curries.
Boring someone to tears and bringing someone to tears are two diametrically opposite concepts, my friend. Bringing someone to tears requires a rapier wit, ruthlessness and the ability to come at them from different angles. Boring someone to tears, on the other hand... Well, there's no need to get into that. I think you've already mastered that.

Indians can't stand against us brother, you saw that Polandball cartoon thread I posted, where we were both poking India and India was crying. :rofl:

again you prove yourself you are a scholar internet warrior by replying on such threads like poking ball.

you were calling some American that he was a supporter of genocide and an internet warrior just two days back on that thread about South Korea accepting American command in times of war where he said that USA should have nuked China during Korean war for the benefit of all Chinese and its neighbors. Also your rants about how you wish to see killing pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong with their bodies chopped in several pieces???

Could anybody post those links of this scholarly think tank?????
That's what your countrymen don't see. cheen is the enemy of Islam. They tried to ban Ramadan! That's insane, yet instead of denouncing such an Islamophobic act they harp them on. All this while cheen is weak, what happens once it gets stronger? Who's not to say they won't start destroying the great mosques of Central Asia? Or, god forbid, attack Mecca as some sort of "revenge" for supposed Uighur "terrorist" attacks.
Dude, what are you trying to do here, i am not stupid. Attacking Mecca, muslim world when she gets stronger?.......the thing is, they simply dont understand muslims neither they want to understand islam, what they are dong in east turkestan , is crushing down the another race with different religion which they conquered two centuries ago......they dont interfere in affairs of other muslim countries but consider it their right to oppress their muslim subjects in any cruel way....they are godless communists.
Dude, what are you trying to do here, i am not stupid. Attacking Mecca, muslim world when she gets stronger?.......the thing is, they simply dont understand muslims neither they want to understand islam, what they are dong in east turkestan , is crushing down the another race with different religion which they conquered two centuries ago......they dont interfere in affairs of other muslim countries but consider it their right to oppress their muslim subjects in any cruel way....they are godless communists.

Hui Muslims have no problem in China, the thing is that Han have always hated Turks. It has more to do with race than religion.
I love Indian members. They remind me everyday, why i should be happy that i was born in Pakistan. You know, if i ended up like them, things would be a lot worse.

That's what we're here for. To help you appreciate the little things in life. You're welcome :enjoy:
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