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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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No, the country called China came into being over 2000 years ago. From then on (apart from the civil wars and divisions every few hundred years) we have been a country ruled by one central authority, very similar to a modern nation state.

India on the other hand was created by the British, by uniting various independent kingdoms in the subcontinent.

Lol, no it didn't. It belonged to various emperors, the last being the Qing empire. So unless you're gonna pretend to be the descendent of the Qings, the nation state of People's Republic of China roughly the same age as the Republic of India
Lol, no it didn't. It belonged to various emperors, the last being the Qing empire. So unless you're gonna pretend to be the descendent of the Qings, the nation state of People's Republic of China roughly the same age as the Republic of India

There was a continual line of succession from one state to the next, and yes all other Chinese Empires took the authority from the preceding Empire, the Qin Empire being one of the first.

Different dynasties, same country. China.

India is a completely different story, before the British colonialists arrived, they were a bunch of independent kingdoms. They never had a chance to form a state on their own before the British did it for them.
What a butthurt thread. If you have a problem with a Chinese member, then report their posts. But if they're not breaking the rules, then your complaint is invalid.

We don't have a problem with the Chinese per say. It's just one particular poster. He doesn't break the rules of the forum, he just bores us to death by repeating the same drivel over and over and over. I mean, how many times read the same, stupid thing on every thread till you feel like killing yourself?
No, the country called China came into being over 2000 years ago. From then on (apart from the civil wars and divisions every few hundred years) we have been a country ruled by one central authority, very similar to a modern nation state.

India on the other hand was created by the British, by uniting various independent kingdoms in the subcontinent.

When people are..... they put up smileys. Very common practice.

by the way, what was the social position of the great Chinese Hans under the Mongols????? What opinion do you have about USA and Islamic countries????

and you said,there was natural famine during 1960s in China. If so, why did the Chinese army was so well fed and had long range bombers like Tu-4 and and the latest Soviet Tu-16 in 1962 and why did Mao live so lavishly during the Great Leap Forward???? After all, every one with conscience knew that Chairman Mao was so much pampered with different exotic foods during those years of hardship.
There was a continual line of succession from one state to the next, and yes all other Chinese Empires took the authority from the preceding Empire, the Qin Empire being one of the first.

Different dynasties, same country. China.

India is a completely different story, before the British colonialists arrived, they were a bunch of independent kingdoms. They never had a chance to form a state on their own before the British did it for them.

Unless you belonged to one of those royal families, you got nothing. This is the first time the China has existed. Before that, it was the kingdoms of the dynasties. It had absolutely nothing to do with the nation state that is China today.
We don't have a problem with the Chinese per say. It's just one particular poster. He doesn't break the rules of the forum, he just bores us to death by repeating the same drivel over and over and over. I mean, how many times read the same, stupid thing on every thread till you feel like killing yourself?

So I'm on the right track then? :P

Unless you belonged to one of those royal families, you got nothing. This is the first time the China has existed. Before that, it was the kingdoms of the dynasties. It had absolutely nothing to do with the nation state that is China today.

You Indians know it is true, you guys were created by the British. With a British parlimentary system, English as the de facto national language, and borders all named after British people (like McMahon).

You guys already believe it yourself. You just don't like to admit it to foreigners, and that's understandable. :D

But the "West Indians" don't put up such a fuss, even though the Indus river isn't in their country either. It's just a name given by the British to several of the colonies they created.
So I'm on the right track then? :P

You Indians know it is true, you guys were created by the British. With a British parlimentary system, English as the de facto national language, and borders all named after British people (like McMahon).

You guys already believe it yourself. You just don't like to admit it to foreigners, and that's understandable. :D

You are a one man wrecking ball.

Respect. :tup:
Pakistanis. Absolutely No question about that. After all they are our brothers.
What a butthurt thread. If you have a problem with a Chinese member, then report their posts. But if they're not breaking the rules, then your complaint is invalid.

Dude, not all Chinese members are bad here. Just some people can post anything and if you reply without hurting or insulting any one religion or anybody, you know how they behave. But who can control the internet. there are millions of sites.. much more popular and objective than the other.

We know how most Chinese would love to visit India before visiting some other countries.
You are a one man wrecking ball.

Respect. :tup:

Nah dude, you're actually way cleverer than him. Atleast when I'm arguing with you, you always come back with something new and make it fun. Give him some pointers. He's boring me to death here.
Bro there is a difference between self respect and arrogance, the Chinese fall here under the later category, pak members here are much better, I will take a RazPaK over Chinese-Dragon anyday.
I agree with you.If you don't like him,let him go alone.
Wish he understand respecting others will make others respect himself.
Nah dude, you're actually way cleverer than him. Atleast when I'm arguing with you, you always come back with something new and make it fun. Give him some pointers. He's boring me to death here.

Come on admit it, you cannot take on Pakistanis and Chinese with hallow claims and superstitious stories.
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