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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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And he gives a 5 week ban. He banned me when I was already banned too. That's why I try not to comment on the East Asia subforum of World Affair.

He is much more intolerant than a Pakistani mod.
You guys really need a different name. We Pakistani rajputs are not the same as you bhaiyya people claiming to be "rajputs". You guys have tarnished our name too by offering your women to Mughal harems.

PS: You guys should call yourselves "bhaiyyapoot" rather.

Lower your gaze when speaking to your master. After all, you pakistanis learned that after your great grandmothers opened their legs.

And wtf? A pakistani wanting to be a Rajput? You'd be sliced in half if you ever said that in Rajasthan :lol:
My vote is for pakistani...
List of good pakistani member as per my observation
Imran Khan
Peaceful Civilian
JF thunder
Green Arrow (New member)
Thoda thoda Spring onion
Sorry not able to tag above ones ...
Its also true that many Indians behave arrogantly here ...
Sorry to edit the post but few Pakistani members missed
I would like to add chak Bamu to that list :)
Dude, what are you trying to do here, i am not stupid. Attacking Mecca, muslim world when she gets stronger?.......the thing is, they simply dont understand muslims neither they want to understand islam, what they are dong in east turkestan , is crushing down the another race with different religion which they conquered two centuries ago......they dont interfere in affairs of other muslim countries but consider it their right to oppress their muslim subjects in any cruel way....they are godless communists.

I am not trying anything. All I am trying to say is: 1) they are expansionist; 2) they will do anything to keep themselves "han". They have slowly expanded and expanded, soon they will claim Central Asia. When they do claim them, they will not let them remain muslim.
It's kind of ironic that the Turks-Mongols you Chinese hate are also hated by Hindus in India(Mughals). :lol:

We don't really hate anyone specifically.

Only the small number of extremists. The vast majority of Uyghurs are good Chinese citizens.
He is much more intolerant than a Pakistani mod.

You should read his comments on chinadefence. I accidentally went to that site looking for an Indian defence and saw his comments. Wow those hans are intolerant.
Lower your gaze when speaking to your master. After all, you pakistanis learned that after your great grandmothers opened their legs.

And wtf? A pakistani wanting to be a Rajput? You'd be sliced it half if you ever said that in Rajasthan :lol:

And you'd be mistaken for a mussali(dalit) if you ever visited Pakistan, but we Pakistanis respect even dalits as we don't follow your caste system, so you won't get beaten up.

And lol, I would rather get raped than give away my daughter to the invader.
You should read his comments on chinadefence. I accidentally went to that site looking for an Indian defence and saw his comments. Wow those hans are intolerant.

Thank you, I will have a visit there but won't join it.
And you'd be mistaken for a mussali(dalit) if you ever visited Pakistan, but we Pakistanis respect even dalits as we don't follow your caste system, so you won't get beaten up.

And lol, I would rather get raped than give away my daughter to the invader.

At least mussalis are Muslim. Dalits accept being the bottom of the barrel in society.
I would like to add chak Bamu to that list :)
i never had good exp. with him, but many has given me good feedbacks about him . You are more than welcome to edit the list again dear....
And you'd be mistaken for a mussali(dalit) if you ever visited Pakistan, but we Pakistanis respect even dalits as we don't follow your caste system, so you won't get beaten up.

And lol, I would rather get raped then give away my daughter to the invader.

Son, just don't even make me laugh. We all know you pakistanis have an identity crisis. No need to take it out on me.
And I'm sure you'd rather get raped, that's what you people have been getting for centuries :eek:

(Btw I never said anything about rape, you just implied on your own :lol:)
I can't blame the Chinese on here for their arrogance. they have much in common with the average American.

Little Emperor Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dont know about the average Americans but Americans are very mature on net and very knowledgeable also unlike the Chinese who dont understand jackshit yet give opinions as experts.
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