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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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It's kind of ironic that the Turks-Mongols you Chinese hate are also hated by Hindus in India(Mughals). :lol:
They are not merely racist, their definition of terrorism is quite fcked up, basically religiosity is terrorism in china........i began to love America when i started discovering facts about china. Two months ago they announced a life sentence to Uighur author/intellectual who opposed uyghur separatism but advised the government to avoid harsh methods in dealing with them, so that uyghurs can be reconciled and assimilated into china...... if they are so harsh against pro-china uyghurs , imagine the situation there, the author was punished for going against the spirit of communism , that he was questioning the policies of government.
Lower your gaze when speaking to your master. After all, you pakistanis learned that after your great grandmothers opened their legs.

And wtf? A pakistani wanting to be a Rajput? You'd be sliced in half if you ever said that in Rajasthan :lol:

The only real rajput tribes are in Pakistan.
Due to their mal-treatment of uyghurs, religious and cultural oppression......India is a normal country for muslims and islam, thats not the case in china. For example even though the insurgency was very violent in kashmir, atrocities were committed, but india never meddled in the culture , ways of life and religion of kashmiris. Same is case with rest of Indian muslims. Muslims are even allowed to do tabligh in india.

On the other hand, in response to some knife-stabbing incidents or mere suspicions, ching-chongs have hanged thousands of muslims. Muslims are continuously watched and monitored and arrested. Han majority is freely using word 'terrorist" for each and every uyghurs, hate is spread against them by state. Quran study is banned in china which is not the case in india. Cultural and heritage sites of muslims and others were demolished in china, fasting is banned and they are not even allowed to bury their deads in graves. And few moths ago , i read a fcked up news that chinese government has announced cash rewards for marriages between muslim uyghur women and non-muslim ching-chong males.............fcked up racial engineering as well as attempt to dilute their culture and religion

If you read their history, you will understand it why they do it. Their centuries old policy has been conquer the new land and flood the Hans and forcefully assimilate the natives as Hans to sinticize the land. There is no place for multiculturalism in Chinese society.
They are not merely racist, their definition of terrorism is quite fcked up, basically religiosity is terrorism in china........i began to love America when i started discovering facts about china. Two months ago they announced a life sentence to Uighur author/intellectual who opposed uyghur separatism but advised the government to avoid harsh methods in dealing with them, so that uyghurs can be reconciled and assimilated into china...... if they are so harsh against pro-china uyghurs , imagine the situation there, the author was punished for going against the spirit of communism , that he was questioning the policies of government.

Provide the link.
They are not merely racist, their definition of terrorism is quite fcked up, basically religiosity is terrorism in china........i began to love America when i started discovering facts about china. Two months ago they announced a life sentence to Uighur author/intellectual who opposed uyghur separatism but advised the government to avoid harsh methods in dealing with them, so that uyghurs can be reconciled and assimilated into china...... if they are so harsh against pro-china uyghurs , imagine the situation there, the author was punished for going against the spirit of communism and questioning the policies of governament.

@RazPaK is this guy "Samandri" a false flag Indian? Never seen his name before and suddenly he is jumping in to an argument on the side of Indians.

Doesn't really matter, but that's what I thought. :lol:

Alright I checked his other posts and he seems very anti-Pakistan, so definitely an Indian.
And you'd be mistaken for a mussali(dalit) if you ever visited Pakistan, but we Pakistanis respect even dalits as we don't follow your caste system, so you won't get beaten up.

And lol, I would rather get raped than give away my daughter to the invader.

the last Hindu temple in pakistan which was desecrated was a dalit HIndu temple as it had the idol of Rama Pir shown in pictures. Surprised why did not anyone point to that. You do not even have a single statue of any dalit religious leader installed while India has millions of monuments to dalits all over India.

You do not have caste system. You have system of who is pure and who is impure. The impures get murdered after being ghastly tortured.

and also among the pures, there is much greater distinction than in the caste system in India. otherwise why would there be oppressed poor and oppressor rich among the pures???

now alas, you cannot play one Non-muslim against the other by hiding facts. Non-Muslims have a 1000 reasons to hate each other but they have a million reasons to hate Islamists.
i never had good exp. with him, but many has given me good feedbacks about him . You are more than welcome to edit the list again dear....
Yep i know, you had said that before aswell. He had responded well to some of the post that i had reported,haven't had any problem from him yet :)
@RazPaK is this guy "Samandri" a false flag Indian? Never seen his name before and suddenly he is jumping in to an argument on the side of Indians.

Doesn't really matter, but that's what I thought. :lol:

He is an Afghan muhajer/emigrant. He is hated by all Pakistanis on the forum. He gets upset with communism in China, but when the Russians were trying to install a communist government in Afghanistan, people like him were criticizing Pakistan's aid to Afghanistan against communism. Go figure.
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