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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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there's a few members here who I get the feeling are genuine ISIS supporters, not the turks, I get their stance on PKK but some other extremely fundamentalist religious extremists who are fans of the caliphate, gave "baa'ya" or whatever to IS :sick: .. fock those guys :tdown:

some Pakistani members exhibit extreme hatred to India, but I don't mind them, they're funny and bring out the troll in me too :butcher:

but a lot of good normal folk, who happen to be pakistani here too, good to know their views even if they're anti India, that's cool, I don't care as long as you're a rational person with an opposing pov :cheers:

the Chinese are the worst of the lot, 99% trolls/idiots.. 'Chinese-Dragon' guy is cool, good info even if he is anti India

I'd say the Americans are the best, a few professionals with some seriously good content and the rest of the "normal" users are cool as well, never seen any kiddy bs like you see from the rest.

a few good people from sri lanka as well, not many of them around though :undecided:

also, sorry to say but the Bangladeshis are very poorly represented here, 100% troll, bs content, which is not to say they're all idiots, but only the idiots seem to be online on this forum.

Iranians are cool for the most part but some of the arabs are insane frothing at the mouth hateful racists :taz: (but maybe it's to do with the situation in the region, everyone's itching to kill everyone else 24/7 :hang3:

the Israelis and Russians are cool, only a handful of members though and just a 1 full time troll/propagandist.. Israeli trolls appear every now and then but are dealt with quickly, it's quite entertaining:pop:

so that's my reading in my brief time here so far :coffee:

forum seems to be 70% indian anyway, online akhand bharat.. glorious victory for bharat mata, jai hind !

edit: oh, and voted we need more choices, this place is an excellent marketplace of ideas, good forum, I got my first -ve rating not that long ago and I have no idea what for :tup:
i put that option myself, C-man :lol: its called humour which your lot wont understand
and the ones who clicked on that were mostly chinese scum :(

There aren't enough Chinese members here to influence the end result of a poll.

It was your fellow Indians and the Pakistanis who voted for that. :lol:
DITTO, i have the same feelings about the Chinese members here, they always seem to be on standby with pitchforks. I hope we are getting the worst of the lot on PDF, if that is not the case i feel sad for the general Chinese people. Often the Chinese members love to talk about their superior economy and gdp, however they seems to forget that these two country's economy risen and fallen together for centuries. May be now India is 10-15 years behind China but in overall long term they both will be on par with each other so cut this arrogant crap.
Before i was a member here i loved to read chinese dragons comments,no idea what made him go all out against india

ninja edit: i prefer pakistani members over chinese any day, however i love singaporean chinese they are awesome and nothing like PRC's!

India is actually 50-60 years behind China

China launched its first space probe to Mars in the 60s and it had a 2 trillion economy then too ... Hahahha lolz
You have been judged by your peers, and the answer to your question is clear.

In fact the highest rated answer is ahead by miles. :rofl:
not so fast Cman. the option was meant for indian members. your lot crept in like vermin and abused it
West Punjabi is Bhaiyaied speaking either Urdu or mix of Punjab-Urdu :ph34r: Indian Punjab is still authentic Punjab. ;)

Doab is not the real Punjab. Keep your Bhaiyyas to your side and stop stealing our culture you doabis
India is actually 50-60 years behind China

China launched its first space probe to Mars in the 60s and it had a 2 trillion economy then too ... Hahahha lolz
brown brown noser ...urrgh

none of your statements are true
Doab is not the real Punjab. Keep your Bhaiyyas to your side and stop stealing our culture you doabis

How does a Muhajir know, you even don't speak Urdu. :laugh:
BTW previously I used to think Pakistanis as nomadic people of desert land, later I realized most of them share a similar culture to North Indians and Pakistan has fertile region.

A long time ago without PDF I also used to think that Indians were poor skinny dark people living in cities where disease and crime is rampant.
Then I came on PDF and it validated my preconception
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