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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Our culture is different from the people West of divine Radcliffe line even between East and West Punjab. ;)

Ok, i know you guys are very similar to Indian sikhs. :lol:
I agree with that, Pakistanis here seems more mannered compared to Chinese.

you should meet chinese in real life to see how much **** they gave about india or pak. The clowns you meet online have multiple identities. So you may think you are talking to Chinese..but high chances you are not.
here is the 2nd idiot out of 15 pakistanis in this thread

To all those pea-sized brain rats trying to create a wedge between Chinese and PAKISTANIs....

Imagine your map and now think of it as a slightly bent over dame facing the East, with China in the north giving her a Bukkake and Pakistan giving her a ______ from the rear.

Now, Tell me, who do you like more? Or should I ask WHAT do you like more?

Indian immigrants on PDF: go back to that hole where you came from.
Ok, i know you guys are very similar to Indian sikhs. :lol:

I am talking about people East and West of divine Radcliffe line. You don't share a common culture even with Indian side of Punjab. :lol::lol::lol:
i personally dislike the chinese members here. they seem to be unbelievably arrogant, stupid as well as racist. in short incapable of a civilized discussion
pakistanis here are a lot more intelligent and rational, not to mention empathatic. i believe if they get their act together can make good citizens of the world, unlike their other "drunk on power" counterparts

just my opinion. what do you think? i would like to know

PS: there are 2 sane chinese members active on this forum, forgot their names. would appreciate anyone telling me their names. one i think is called waunglag or something

I can't blame the Chinese on here for their arrogance. they have much in common with the average American.

Little Emperor Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am talking about people East and West of divine Radcliffe line. You don't share a common culture even with Indian side of Punjab. :lol::lol::lol:

This is true. Indian punjab is bhaiya land now :eek:
comparatively...i like chinese more, but not pdf 'chinese'..most of them are fake accounts
I think my thought is not based on nationalistic basis....My intention of in PDF is to understand more about Pakistan and China....Because at present media is not always neutral...

In general, apart from few people like Chinies Dragon, I do not have any good impression about rest of the china posters...In this comparison, Pakistan posters are better positioned than Chines...And i should also admit that there many Pakistan posters who are saner than even number of Indian sane posters...
Actually this Chinese Dragon guy is the worst among them, because he is not stupid like the rest.
He takes sides based on his fancies, cherry picks information to promote a false idea and keeps posting that crap again and again and again until its drilled in the skulls of everyone.

i am guessing he has a word document/notepad in which he has his standard answers written so he just needs to copy and paste
West Punjabi is Bhaiyaied speaking either Urdu or mix of Punjab-Urdu :ph34r: Indian Punjab is still authentic Punjab. ;)

37% of Indian punjabis are biharis now. Soon it will be bhaiya land. Urdu fortunatly is muslim language, invented by glorious muslim invaders.
I voted for this option:-

which moron started this thread?
37% of Indian punjabis are biharis now. Soon it will be bhaiya land. Urdu fortunatly is muslim language, invented by glorious muslim invaders.

How many in West Punjab speak Punjabi now a days, I heard all of you have switched to speaking Urdu to get Mughalia feeling inside. :lol::lol:
Actually this Chinese Dragon guy is the worst among them, because he is not stupid like the rest.
He takes sides based on his fancies, cherry picks information to promote a false idea and keeps posting that crap again and again and again until its drilled in the skulls of everyone.

i am guessing he has a word document/notepad in which he has his standard answers written so he just needs to copy and paste
dont mind him....hezz just another poor chinese trying to earn some money(50 cents).......
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