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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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BTW previously I used to think Pakistanis as nomadic people of desert land, later I realized most of them share a similar culture to North Indians and Pakistan has fertile region.

By North India you mean Punjab and Kashmir? Because technically bhaiyas culture is very different.

We should not take pdf or internet world seriously as there are many who try to be oversmart in here. Every country has good or bad people. Goodness vary from indivdiual to individual not from country to country.

PDF is good place to troll, no one should take it seriously ever.
Chinese members don't go to members' section, they don't chit chat, they don't make friends, they don't show any interest in other countries' culture, festivals, etc. Strange bunch of people they are, feel like robots. :(
I am sorry for your feeling.Mostly because Chinese here have strong self-respect so they can't chat with others friendly if finding something smearing words to China.

In real world,most Chinese are friendly and enlightened like common Indians.

I am very interested in Indian culture and festivals and read many books.watch many videos.India is a fantastic place with lots of people who have devout faith to your great gods.The hearts of many Chinese are full filled by money and money nowadays.I really envy Indian' peace heart whenever they live.If not,I will not come here.

Generally speaking,Chinese and Indian has great misunderstanding in many areas because of language and history.For instance,some Chinese think India is dirty and poor though India is not.And some Indian think China is a place without any freedom and democracy.

We are neighbors for thousands of years,but we still don't know and trust each other even we are both country with an vivid ancient civilization in the past and great potential in the future.

Say sorry to you again.If you have chance,plz come to China to has a visit and make some friends.Maybe the journey will change your thought a lot for China.:-)
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which moron started this thread??
btw Nly Pakistani member I like is @Imran Khan and one tta I forgot his name!
I went ahead with Pakistani members because that is how I get opinion from other side.

I didn't know Chinaman as slur but as a spin bowler in cricket.
I like the Martian Isro222 dude
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