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Time to take Revenge for APS

Firstly, AQ never claimed to do 9/11. All its targets were not civilian targets. OBL directly said he didn't do 9/11. Strangely third tower, Tower 7 collapsed without a plane hitting it.

Secondly, given.how US bombed innumerable Muslim cities and towns to the stone age, Muslims have a legitimate right to do the same to them, if we ever chose to.

Thirdly, had it been the US attacking a Muslim New York, they would have bombed the twin towers claiming it as a communication center - which it was - the tower tops had significant comm equipment on them.

Muslims need to stop being colonized Uncle Toms, busy defending the very people that are their ultimate enemies and spreading their false narratives.

there os no justification for hatred towards Indian nation
regardless if their state has alleged hand in terrorism in Pakistan. we shouldn't use the logic and justification of Al Qaeda that said it targetted civilians because they voted in governments that invade Muslim countries.

our effective response is to foil such future attacks and uncover more plots and kill pr capture more spymasters like Jadev.

generally hating on Indians is morally unjustified and wrong. build a sell a better narrative and stop blaming foes for mismanaged and half arsed efforts in this regard so far. indian people are our best ally not all of them are RSS goons.
we need toconvince them that indian state subversion is bad for region and affects them too giving ruse to domestic terrorism
they will take their governments to task and trigger a debate
dont worry about BBC Al jazira and CNN they will change their narrative according to their financial interests t
It's official !!!! That India was behind APS attack. India was directly involved. Therefore those martyrs those innocent souls are asking us what are we going to do. Our children were butchered and killed in most ruthless manner time to hunt those who killed them, time to take out out those who destroyed more than 140 families.

Yes we are Muslims and we should not target children and civilians. India has close two to three million Armed Forces and Para Military Forces plus Police and specially RAW needs to be hit in India, and in its main cities like Delhi and Mumbai needs to be hit. Their offices needs to be obliterated and annihilated. In short time to unleash hell by help of ALLAH.

@Horus @SQ8 @Areesh @Arsalan @Path-Finder @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @Arsalan
Wanna take revenge ? Hurt them where it hurts most target businesses of Surat city... not people but businesses..
By official, you mean a unsubstantiated claim made by Moeed Yousuf to an Indian TV anchor?

Or is there any evidence that Pakistan can present to support this claim?

Where are the transcripts of these supposed calls between APS attackers and their handlers in Indian embassy? Where are the audio tapes ? Where is this evidence been for last 6 years ?

Or will this evidence be also presented at the "right time"/ soon ?

A familiar quote from when Rehman Malik vocabulary after Mariott Bombings. More than a decade passed since then. We are still waiting for the right time to arrive.

This not called Official.

This is called Official propaganda or re -writing the history, 6 years after the incident, without any supporting evidence, whatsoever.
Apke liye idr Internet pe sab kich dal dete hain ? 🤣 as usual indians and their denial 🤣

Rehman is history and he was a feku... and 6 years to investigate is enough time to get proof...
It's official !!!! That India was behind APS attack. India was directly involved. Therefore those martyrs those innocent souls are asking us what are we going to do. Our children were butchered and killed in most ruthless manner time to hunt those who killed them, time to take out out those who destroyed more than 140 families.

Yes we are Muslims and we should not target children and civilians. India has close two to three million Armed Forces and Para Military Forces plus Police and specially RAW needs to be hit in India, and in its main cities like Delhi and Mumbai needs to be hit. Their offices needs to be obliterated and annihilated. In short time to unleash hell by help of ALLAH.

@Horus @SQ8 @Areesh @Arsalan @Path-Finder @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @Arsalan

Time to hit back yes, it doesn't mean we go all in. Because, the world has double standards.

Pakistan has started hitting back and showing our capacity like never before. India is not used to the new Pakistan.

It's good to keep them guessing and hit openly with words, But, quietly by other means.
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Any proof or just Kulbhushan Jadhav this time?
I remember we all were crying when that unfortunate incident happened, India condemned the attack and gave its support to Pakistan against terrorism.
Pakistan just needs to blame India for terrorism just because pakistan is officially harbouring UN Designated terr0rists and it is getting addressed as a terr0rist nation.

Weshowed and shared hard evidence against pakistani involvement in 26/11 attacks, Interpol, NIA, IB, CIA all were involved in the investigation and found pakistan guilty for the attach that butchered 170 innocent people.

Means you accept that you do such attacks, shameless.
You showed and shared evidence ? That's why india didn't let even a single witness of 26/11 travel to Pakistan to give their statement ? Neither did india allow Pakistan to investigate the case in India? Yeah sure India did everything it could to drag its case and balme Pakistan for it...

As for Pakistan took its time and after having proof blamed india not like 5 minutes into the attack and "Pakistan Pakistan" goes on...
And got pounded in Balakot in return.
Then what they told to international medias is that theywill show the site next day .
But it took a one and half month and a lots of effort :D
Lolx Al Jazeeras reporter were there that morning... and Other media in evening or next day...

And except few trees and a crow india didn't do sh*t but when Swift Retort happened indian gen was shitting his pants
Lol Mumbai used to suffer blasts Everyday done by Daw00d Ibr@him whom pakistan harbours in karachi.
You speak as if we don’t suffer, it was pakistan who went against taliban under US pressure now when they counter attacking, you are blaming it on India.
Dawood Ibrahim is in Dubai as per your own intelligence agencies has raw failed at finding him too ?

And Pakistan went against TTP and won even tho india was backing them and even now india is funding them and reorganising them through merger with others to use them against Pakistan... but indians will show their hypocrisy and say they are counter attacking and we are blaming india for nothing 🙄 typical pajeets
Seriously, if you had proof, why are you sitting on it for this long? Why no retaliation till now. Are your Children life so cheap? Sometimes it pays to use your mind for once. If you had the transcripts of the call, why not out it and malign India? Seems like Moeed Yusuf specializes in propaganda. It seems he is the one guiding Imran on this. But leaders and civil society is not stupid to fall for such diatribes.
Lolx we took our time and this was the teaser film abhi baki he
India directly involved in three terrorist's attack and Pak govt provide un-deniable prove to Indian govt and US.
1. APS attack.
2. Gawadar Hotel attack.
3. Chinese embassy Karachi attack.
Pakistan stock exchange attack aswell
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Yet india denied Pakistan to do its obligations... denied witnesses to give statement.. denied almost 80% of stuff asked and they want Pakistan to punish the culprits more like dragging the case so they can potray Pakistan as not doing anything...
The entire Indian nation grieved when this attack happened. Personally it brought back memories of Beslan siege by Chechen terrorists in which 186 kids died. Very sad.

Pak should stop playing politics with this issue. This is an extremely serious allegation. If they have proof they must share it. Otherwise should keep their mouths shut.

If I remember correctly this terrorist attack was what that forced Pak to take action on all militants in its territory.
Nope this attack was what forced Pakistan to do the last bit of cleaning operations had started in 2003 and slowly gained momentum...
JeM is butchering hundreds in mumbai, regular terr0r attacks on Indian soil. You did what America wanted and now you are suffering because of them, why blame India? The dossiers we submit to pak diplomats don’t conatain bio data of pinky pirni, it contains proof, no dossier submitted by pakistan to India till date.
And we are suffering because of india sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan not just by money but also by training them in Afghanistan... but as I said baniye ho na mano ge nai... same TTP that Pakistan almost finished 3 times recieved 1 mill dollars from India to reorganise but nai andhbhakts will blame US and Pakistan 😑

And cases are not fought on basis of dossiers alone... evidence were to be taken Pakistani officials examined and witnesses were to present their statements... that how law works...unlike India where likes of Davendar Singh get a clean chit even after helping terrorists...
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Whatever you did that for, there is no point in lamenting about it now. It's your karma. You think multilateral agency is trying to simply undermine Pakistan because you're some powerful M country with Nuke? Think again.

Don't try to obfuscate. Being a state sponsor of it to further your political agenda is different from a bunch of citizens going to fight for some terror groups. India does not follow its citizens around and where they travel to or what they think.
What political agenda were India following in the 80s and 90s and 00s by supporting northern alliance drug dealing despots In Afghanistan? Do you think Pakistan will not retaliate when India orders its proxies - both regular and irregular - in Kabul to attack us?

Instead of cutting and pasting part of a historical timeline, why not educate us all with the complete history? So that we may establish cause and effect correctly.

How many times have we had to beat back the Afghan Air Force and Afghan artillery strikes? When Hindustan realised it couldn't use conventional means to overpower our western border, Hindustan turned to supporting brigands and terrorists to bring about the same. Hindustan continues to fail and has slowly lost all relevance in Afghanistan. This is a nightmare for India, as our forces will be able to concentrate on Kashmir.


we blame india because it is conducts terrorism in Pakistan, and UN ?..lol they are a joke.
India needs to pay..

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The men who did it.. indian backed bastards

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Faces of these children should be displayed in every city along with names of those monsters who killed them. Along with pictures of these martyrs the monster Indians and their names should be written, and that should remind this nation that we still have to make those monsters pay. TTP was one who did it but India is a bigger monster who helped them and trained them and equipped them. Unless RAW and Ajit Doval pays the price we haven't done justice to these martyrs. It was children for GOD sake 4 to 16 year old children which were butchered in most horrific manner. Their parents devastated for life. This was bigger tragedy for us than 1971. Pulwama and Uri are no price. India needs to pay much more.
What political agenda were India following in the 80s and 90s and 00s by supporting northern alliance drug dealing despots In Afghanistan? Do you think Pakistan will not retaliate when India orders its proxies - both regular and irregular - in Kabul to attack us?

Instead of cutting and pasting part of a historical timeline, why not educate us all with the complete history? So that we may establish cause and effect correctly.

How many times have we had to beat back the Afghan Air Force and Afghan artillery strikes? When Hindustan realised it couldn't use conventional means to overpower our western border, Hindustan turned to supporting brigands and terrorists to bring about the same. Hindustan continues to fail and has slowly lost all relevance in Afghanistan. This is a nightmare for India, as our forces will be able to concentrate on Kashmir.

NA is better than a regressive nth century ugly clowns called Taliban. Just compare the state of affairs of the two, an elected government or a bunch of gun-wielding yahoos would democratic country support. Only the former.

Your affairs with Afghanistan are purely your own making, it's not us who went to Afghanistan to fight Soviets, neither it was us who allowed US to bomb the shit out of our own country. Where is India in all these, you think if India was supporting some terror groups, that would evade the US eyes? Whom did the US accuse of funding Haqqani network, where was Mulla omar found, where was Osama f'ing Bin Laden was found, UP or Bihar or Pakistan? Who air lifted terrorists from Kunduz? After messing in Afghanistan, your country went shit. It's not India's making boi, we were watching from the sidelines you making and breaking terror groups.

Your imran Khan admitted to news papers that you trained militants in Pakistan in your own madaris. Was India involved in that? You trained terrorists to fight terrorists, now you have a situation where there are tribals joining terrorism and fighting amongst each other and then fighting you.

As far as India is concerned there was only two instances when India had their time supporting militants, one was Mukti Bahini, quite successful the other was LTTE an absolute failure. One was disbanded the other was exterminated. India learned it's lessons and took a strong stance against sponsoring terrorists and we are consistent, unlike Pakistanis or even Americans.
It's official !!!! That India was behind APS attack. India was directly involved. Therefore those martyrs those innocent souls are asking us what are we going to do. Our children were butchered and killed in most ruthless manner time to hunt those who killed them, time to take out out those who destroyed more than 140 families.

Yes we are Muslims and we should not target children and civilians. India has close two to three million Armed Forces and Para Military Forces plus Police and specially RAW needs to be hit in India, and in its main cities like Delhi and Mumbai needs to be hit. Their offices needs to be obliterated and annihilated. In short time to unleash hell by help of ALLAH.

@Horus @SQ8 @Areesh @Arsalan @Path-Finder @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @Arsalan
Any news source?
Wait for Taliban to take over Afghanistan, then the party will fully start in Kashmir and khalistan
Yeah? Then how do you explain Pakistanis arrested in US in connection with the Mumbai terror attack, or how do you explain their confessions. You can believe such BS like RSS sponsored Mumbai attack, but your own actions proved otherwise, be it news media in Pakistan findingKasabs family, Pakistan arresting people in connection with Mumbai attacks. Is that Indian RAW?

bogus trials...

have they ever shared any evidence?

confessions?.. really?.. like Yadav's?... heck we got it on camera.. where is yours?
Faces of these children should be displayed in every city along with names of those monsters who killed them. Along with pictures of these martyrs the monster Indians and their names should be written, and that should remind this nation that we still have to make those monsters pay. TTP was one who did it but India is a bigger monster who helped them and trained them and equipped them. Unless RAW and Ajit Doval pays the price we haven't done justice to these martyrs. It was children for GOD sake 4 to 16 year old children which were butchered in most horrific manner. Their parents devastated for life. This was bigger tragedy for us than 1971. Pulwama and Uri are no price. India needs to pay much more.

It will pay..

this one thing Pakistanis are good at 8-)
There are multiude of problems in "responding" to India's terror campaingn in Pakistan all these decades specially since 9/11.

First and foremost, pardon my French, but Musharraf and post establishment can be classed as morons who utterly failed to create the deterrence at sub conventional level against India. Tit for tat, almost immediate responses to any non sense within Pakistani borders. Having seen the establishment of 80s during Zia regime, with zero tolerance in this matter, it infuriating as to how we come to this situation.

Secondly, India is not in Afghanistan on its own. Its using American/NATO cover, their protection, sponsorship at every level to launch its terror campaign against Pakistan. Just recently, Indian terrorists, specially the one involved in the APS attack, his name was blocked in UN by non other then America, UK, and France. Wonder why? Despite all the evidence, these western countries know that if it all comes out in open, fingers will start pointing to them as well as to their role alongside with India, as facilitators. Some of these Indian state terrorists were working directly for American security contractors in Afghanistan, should leave no doubt in anyone mind as to how CIA/RAW nexus is played out on Afghan soil against Pakistan. In nutshell, good luck in dragging India at UN or FATF.

Thirdly, we have failed to make a joint strategy, up till now, with China on how to tackle and punish India for its terrorism. We still haven't been able to tell China that look, India is hitting your consulate in our land, its hitting the CPEC, where is Chinese vocal support against India and calling out its terrorism? I mean look at how India and its allies, in particular America, try their best to corner Pakistan on the issue of terrorism. UN, FATF, you name it. Why Pakistan and China are not going the same route with same energy in hitting India on the issue of terrorism? We need strong diplomatic support in literally every international political and economic forum to start our revenge campaign against India. We need to nullify western, in particular American support to India. China can play huge role in all this but we got too many American arse lickers, still within establishment who are not getting the bigger picture.
Only to get your HQ bombed in return, losing two jets and shooting down ones own chopper. Indeed quite the pounding.

Oh come on.
I still remember that thread where the Pak members didnt have any answer for various question.
One and half month and that too restricted .

Don't know about Balakot, heard a crow was killed and some trees were uprooted...

But what matters is we treat our guests well, even if they were from our enemy countries.
The reason they praise Pakistan hospitality.

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Oh such a generosity .
Your PM himself told that noone attended his call in India and for that one day it was US NSA and GCC royals worked for us .

Of Course it was only crows .And that is why I exactly said , the offering international media was next day but took one and half month .
May be crows and dead trees spoiled the entire area .
At least Aljazeera and other international medias had manners .They didnt insult you.
About the subject .
India dont need this cowardice to make her point .
Pakistan better ask herself why they destroyed the families of militants for crimes did by the one or two members in a family as TTP.
Eventually they came back
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