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Time to take Revenge for APS

Wanna take revenge ? Hurt them where it hurts most target businesses of Surat city... not people but businesses..

Apke liye idr Internet pe sab kich dal dete hain ? šŸ¤£ as usual indians and their denial šŸ¤£

Rehman is history and he was a feku... and 6 years to investigate is enough time to get proof...

So where is the proof ? Please do share it in this lifetime.. don't end up like Rehman Malik.
Oh come on.
I still remember that thread where the Pak members didnt have any answer for various question.
One and half month and that too restricted .

You mean answers like this

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

As they say pictures speak a thousand words. Unlike India which showed Pakistan's own Amraam as some sort of evidence of shooting down an F-16 only to get embarrassed, thus publicly removing any doubts about SU-30 loss, Pakistan on the other hand had documented evidence of India's humiliation which was witnessed and verified by various authentic sources including Indian allies.
bogus trials...

have they ever shared any evidence?

confessions?.. really?.. like Yadav's?... heck we got it on camera.. where is yours?
Bogus trials are the ones Yadav had. Have they presented any evidence for his involvement to terror attacks, what are his charges specifically. What is the level of his involvement and evidence for the same? Has Yadav ever confessed under the presence of his lawyers, do you have any evidence that the confession is of free will? All I saw was a guy on cam confessing to things. What prompted his confession? That's why nobody took two hoots about these confessions. And was forced to grant consular access. Which was denied illegally.

Compared to that, trials in the US are fair, clearly, there is no comparison in the justice department of the US and Pakistan. They have shared quite a lot of evidence, we have shared evidence with you and why do you have a case about Mumbai attacks in Pakistan courts if you had no involvement? Are those bogus trials too?
I would stone every culprit to death if we have captured any, or find anyone who support and facilitate the attacks of APS, or maybe put them in large drum on Acid ..
Seriously, if you had proof, why are you sitting on it for this long? Why no retaliation till now. Are your Children life so cheap? Sometimes it pays to use your mind for once. If you had the transcripts of the call, why not out it and malign India? Seems like Moeed Yusuf specializes in propaganda. It seems he is the one guiding Imran on this. But leaders and civil society is not stupid to fall for such diatribes.

Funny... we are still waiting for your proofs.?
Nothing new - India is responsible for the death of one of my family in Balochistan by IeD but at the end the only thing I can do is watch while in my own country they are busy supporting these fake ā€œvote ko izzat doā€ or supporting honor killings in the name of religion.

We should only seek ā€œrevengeā€ once we are sure we can succeed. Right now the entire country is on life support with our version of cancer with PML(N), PPP, MQM,ANP,JUI,sections of PTI, corrupt bureaucrats and military personnel still running rampant so any ā€œrevengeā€ is hollow.

When water and beggar mafia are rampant in Karachi, no justice has been awarded to the folks whose land was stolen to make places like Bahria town where many politicians, military brass and bureaucrats have filled their coffers by moving land files illicitly - when rot is rampant and all Pakistanis care for is asking me if I can sponsor their kids into America while they bribe their way into contracts and want PML(N) back in charge - honestly, the kids in APS are better off where they are now.

They are in heaven compared to the hell that awaited them today.
NA is better than a regressive nth century ugly clowns called Taliban. Just compare the state of affairs of the two, an elected government or a bunch of gun-wielding yahoos would democratic country support. Only the former.

Your affairs with Afghanistan are purely your own making, it's not us who went to Afghanistan to fight Soviets, neither it was us who allowed US to bomb the shit out of our own country. Where is India in all these, you think if India was supporting some terror groups, that would evade the US eyes? Whom did the US accuse of funding Haqqani network, where was Mulla omar found, where was Osama f'ing Bin Laden was found, UP or Bihar or Pakistan? Who air lifted terrorists from Kunduz? After messing in Afghanistan, your country went shit. It's not India's making boi, we were watching from the sidelines you making and breaking terror groups.

Your imran Khan admitted to news papers that you trained militants in Pakistan in your own madaris. Was India involved in that? You trained terrorists to fight terrorists, now you have a situation where there are tribals joining terrorism and fighting amongst each other and then fighting you.

As far as India is concerned there was only two instances when India had their time supporting militants, one was Mukti Bahini, quite successful the other was LTTE an absolute failure. One was disbanded the other was exterminated. India learned it's lessons and took a strong stance against sponsoring terrorists and we are consistent, unlike Pakistanis or even Americans.
Your own government laughs at emotional types like you. Pakistan was India's enemy. Therefore, you chose one group of brigands that opposed another one, not for their moral superiority but for their opposition to Pakistan.

Ahmed Massoud:

"He put it simply: ā€œI need Indiaā€™s support.ā€ He then set out a list of items he needed.

What is in it for us? Delhi queried. Mr. Muthu Kumar explained, ā€œHe is battling someone we should be battling. When Massoud fights the Taliban, he fights Pakistan.ā€"

The gaping void of morality among NA commanders was irrelevant to Delhi. All that mattered was their opposition to Pakistan. For decades, Kabulites with Soviet and Indian allies had tried conventional means. Having failed, warlords for hire were the next option available to your "democratic" nation.

This is common knowledge. Nothing to get emotional about.

You terrorise us with mukhthi bahini, we will respond. You use Massoud against us. We will respond.
"you think if India was supporting some terror groups, that would evade the US eyes? "

You elected a genocider as PM who has pardoned terrorists and even has terrorists in his government. USA doesn't care as long as you keep Pakistan and China down. USA themselves hire terrorists as and when needed. Indians are no different.

We in Pakistan don't distinguish between terrorist bombers and those who finance them.
Meanwhile Ehsanullah Ehsan to Imran Khan: Well Played my boy !!



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ENDIANS shut the **** up we will pay you back in same currency and you should fell the pain as we did.
first step should be to do proper housekeeping no mercy no "Maslihat" then only we can take on india! sahulatkar are still protected so all this talk of takin lg revenge is bs!

We are better then indians ... Why do we habe to respond with violence. We should peacefully protest. Taking human life is evil . We are better then them. We should turn the other cheek. Islam means peace. We are peaceful peiple.
India directly involved in three terrorist's attack and Pak govt provide un-deniable prove to Indian govt and US.
1. APS attack.
2. Gawadar Hotel attack.
3. Chinese embassy Karachi attack.

Undeniable to whom? Itā€™s obvious nobody has taken Pakistanā€™s evidence seriously, otherwise words would have been said and action taken.

Why is that?

Because Pakistan is the shepard who cried wolf too many times...

I know Pakistan is keen on linking terrorism in Pakistan anyway possible but every time they manage to catch these terrorists red-handed, they only manage to catch fellow Muslims, not Indian Hindus. Jadhav does not count.
Undeniable to whom? Itā€™s obvious nobody has taken Pakistanā€™s evidence seriously, otherwise words would have been said and action taken.

Why is that?

Because Pakistan is the shepard who cried wolf too many times...

I know Pakistan is keen on linking terrorism in Pakistan anyway possible but every time they manage to catch these terrorists red-handed, they only manage to catch fellow Muslims, not Indian Hindus. Jadhav does not count.
Submitting evidence doesn't mean Indian govt will stop supporting terrorism inside Pakistan. It is basically informing Indian govt , that India get ready similar response in near future. Justification for future action/response.
The Indian public will tear the govt. to shreds if this is true.
I don't think a democratically elected govt. indulges in cross-border terrorism.
I have two questions here:
Is there any tangible proof linking this attack to GoI?
How's it in India's interest to support Islamist terror groups in Pakistan?
@Zarvan when your country is being led by traitors in the very top most positions, forget about any revenge. While someone instigated you with dreams of revenge, your leaders are waiting to embrace Modi to please their masters:

ā€¢ In an interview with Karan Thapar, PMā€™s aide says prime minister and army chief desire peace with India
ā€¢ Islamabad wants dialogue on both Kashmir and terrorism

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