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Time to take Revenge for APS

The entire Indian nation grieved when this attack happened. Personally it brought back memories of Beslan siege by Chechen terrorists in which 186 kids died. Very sad.

Pak should stop playing politics with this issue. This is an extremely serious allegation. If they have proof they must share it. Otherwise should keep their mouths shut.

If I remember correctly this terrorist attack was what that forced Pak to take action on all militants in its territory.

Wrong again...

Pakistan launched a all out attack on North Wazeristan post attack on Karachi Airport. This was their response after we cleaned their clocks.

the problem with you indians is you dont like to admit your true and very ugly side... ie full of hate for muslims

I don’t want my child to inherit an India built on hate, says Rajiv Bajaj
Rajiv Bajaj pulled ads from three televisions because they promoted toxic content

JeM is butchering hundreds in mumbai, regular terr0r attacks on Indian soil. You did what America wanted and now you are suffering because of them, why blame India? The dossiers we submit to pak diplomats don’t conatain bio data of pinky pirni, it contains proof, no dossier submitted by pakistan to India till date.

pack of lies.

all false flag operation just like Samjota Express.

Pakistan proudly supports freedom fighters in Kashmir we care little for the rest of india
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That guy was normally living in dubai, he confessed in front of court that he was persuaded by a pakistani citizen to take revenge of gujrat riots, jih@d is every muslim’s duty etc etc...

Jihad is against the oppression and tyranny and to help hapless and innocent people, this is called as mandatory.

And since long Pakistan is waiting and watching...realized that Mumbai attacks has been used by India to demonize and blame Pakistan 'the epicenter of terror' and is helping India actually. All the signs of a 'Falseflag' by Indian RAW helping the VHP/RSS goons so that the divide is clear between Muslims and Hindus.

And woken up to the fact that such attacks unite the Indian nation, a constant bogeyman 'Pakistan' was needed by India deep state to unite the divided nation India.

Now with VHP/RSS and the Senas and Sanghis taking the center stage, and with India divided as never before between Hindus and Muslims, and between liberals and Andhbhakts, between Sanghis and seculars and between educated leftists and Hindutwadis...there is no need for Pakistan to create any mayhem in India, it is now all internal rifts and divide...thanks to Modi??

The rise of Hindutva was not possible without all the incidents which Bharat witnessed be it Ayodhya and Gujarat...that was all needed to create the Muslim-Hindu divide. The renaissance and revival of Hindutva was all planned and executed with perfection...over a period of years.
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And since long Pakistan is waiting and watching...realized that Mumbai attacks has been used by India to demonize and blame Pakistan 'the epicenter of terror' and is helping India actually. All the signs of a 'Falseflag' by Indian RAW helping the VHP/RSS goons so that the divide is clear between Muslims and Hindus.
Yeah? Then how do you explain Pakistanis arrested in US in connection with the Mumbai terror attack, or how do you explain their confessions. You can believe such BS like RSS sponsored Mumbai attack, but your own actions proved otherwise, be it news media in Pakistan findingKasabs family, Pakistan arresting people in connection with Mumbai attacks. Is that Indian RAW?
JeM is butchering hundreds in mumbai, regular terr0r attacks on Indian soil. You did what America wanted and now you are suffering because of them, why blame India? The dossiers we submit to pak diplomats don’t conatain bio data of pinky pirni, it contains proof, no dossier submitted by pakistan to India till date.
Oh dont cry like your foreign office does, dossiers and fake witnesses you still didnt submit any evidence in UNO that Pakistan is behind indian terror but we have done it many times india terrorist kulboshan and abhinandan was clear example.
Mumbai is your internal matter if you cant control your underworld not our fault but we catch indians in Pakistan who were on indian Gov payroll and everyone knows.
any one in world really elect terrorist as PM well india did. You guys wants to act like a bully but you dont have in you come on front and attack, everything india is doing is thru operatives just like cowardly act in 71.
India supporting terrorism in region whos PM is Terrorist.
india is a terrorist state.

It is important to mention source in the opening post. Even if you know something.
Lol Mumbai used to suffer blasts Everyday done by Daw00d Ibr@him whom pakistan harbours in karachi.
You speak as if we don’t suffer, it was pakistan who went against taliban under US pressure now when they counter attacking, you are blaming it on India.
You Indians don't know what you are talking about. One minute you are saying Pakistan supports the Taliban terrorists and at another time saying Pakistan went against the Taliban. Problem is Indians lie so much they forget the lies they excrete.
Yeah? Then how do you explain Pakistanis arrested in US in connection with the Mumbai terror attack, or how do you explain their confessions. You can believe such BS like RSS sponsored Mumbai attack, but your own actions proved otherwise, be it news media in Pakistan findingKasabs family, Pakistan arresting people in connection with Mumbai attacks. Is that Indian RAW?

Yes Pakistan did it to get the tag of 'epicenter of terror' tag...

Indians and Central Asians Are the New Face of the Islamic State
Terrorists from India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan were never at the forefront of global jihad before—now they are.

India’s history of jihadism goes back even further. The country was the birthplace of the Deobandi movement, a sect that was a source of ideas for the Taliban among others. And the conflict in Kashmir has long been held up by extremist groups as one of the world’s most long-standing unresolved jihadi conflicts. While most Kashmiris are nationalists furious at New Delhi, their conflict is one that is regularly adopted as a rallying cry by extremists who point to it as one of the many places where Muslims are being abused.

Yet notwithstanding this heritage, neither India nor Central Asia has historically produced many figures in the international jihadist movement, launching attacks far from their borders. Indians have stayed involved in networks in India, or occasionally Pakistan. Central Asians have shown up in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but rarely farther afield. That is changing.

Mumbai was an inside job. india cudnt prove anything so blame your security who can catch tiny boats of fishermen but cant catch a boat who travel 500 miles.
what is indian prof they had Pakistan tooth paste razor blade shampoo or soap simply pathetic.
Yes Pakistan did it to get the tag of 'epicenter of terror' tag...
Whatever you did that for, there is no point in lamenting about it now. It's your karma. You think multilateral agency is trying to simply undermine Pakistan because you're some powerful M country with Nuke? Think again.
Indians and Central Asians Are the New Face of the Islamic State
Don't try to obfuscate. Being a state sponsor of it to further your political agenda is different from a bunch of citizens going to fight for some terror groups. India does not follow its citizens around and where they travel to or what they think.

Karma is taking place in India....
different from a bunch of citizens going to fight for some terror groups.

Serving Indian Navy commander turned a spy and a terrorist is not amused....

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there os no justification for hatred towards Indian nation
regardless if their state has alleged hand in terrorism in Pakistan. we shouldn't use the logic and justification of Al Qaeda that said it targetted civilians because they voted in governments that invade Muslim countries.

our effective response is to foil such future attacks and uncover more plots and kill pr capture more spymasters like Jadev.

generally hating on Indians is morally unjustified and wrong. build a sell a better narrative and stop blaming foes for mismanaged and half arsed efforts in this regard so far. indian people are our best ally not all of them are RSS goons.
we need toconvince them that indian state subversion is bad for region and affects them too giving ruse to domestic terrorism
they will take their governments to task and trigger a debate
dont worry about BBC Al jazira and CNN they will change their narrative according to their financial interests t
It's official !!!! That India was behind APS attack. India was directly involved. Therefore those martyrs those innocent souls are asking us what are we going to do. Our children were butchered and killed in most ruthless manner time to hunt those who killed them, time to take out out those who destroyed more than 140 families.

Yes we are Muslims and we should not target children and civilians. India has close two to three million Armed Forces and Para Military Forces plus Police and specially RAW needs to be hit in India, and in its main cities like Delhi and Mumbai needs to be hit. Their offices needs to be obliterated and annihilated. In short time to unleash hell by help of ALLAH.

@Horus @SQ8 @Areesh @Arsalan @Path-Finder @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @Arsalan
Take revenge by killing some random Indians who may have nothing to do with what happened in those so called incidents in Pakistan? we have to be better than that. Try to kill the Head of RSS or VHP and i will have some respect for your revenge.

By the way if i have to believe that these incidents were supported by India, even then these were executed by Pakistanis. So what India did at best is to exploit fault lines in Pakistan society to hi her. same was done by Pakistan to India. As long as these cheap executors are available in each of the countries, both the countries can continue with their game..

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