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Time to abandon Ummah / brotherhood for greater good of the nation?

Ok here for non muslim if they say muslims should not become an ummah is understandable but muslims????
for non muslims i have no need to argue because our priorities are different we follow different religions and our beliefs are not the same.
But for muslims who are arguing here i have just 2 questions
1. it is mention in Quran if you believe that Quran is ALLAH pak's word then how could a muslim argue against???
or are you more knowledgeable??
2. if right now dajjal arrives what would you people do?? if it arrives in Iran then you people say leave it to iranians it is there problem???
if it reaches KSA you people will say leave it to them ???
if Pakistan then other muslims will say leave it is pakistan's problem to deal with it???
it is part of our eman to support a brotherhood between muslims.
you are going on same ways like bani isreal??
few people on other thread said Mecca and Madina are protected by ALLAH and he will protect them. but is it not our responsibility to defend it??

Flying horses are also mentioned, believe in them?
if you dont have points to argue then please give rest to your keyboard.
if i start posting from bible then??? please keep thing aside which your little brain can't digest.
oh fake pakistani and muslim wat is ur opinion about the west ??? who starts every Terrorism

brother somebozo is not pakistani ..he continously changes the trolls .flag
He slaughtered the whole populations of baghdad.lol at corrupt defenders.You are such a stockholm syndrome troll.
And as for hindu argument i'm personally agnostic but it shows that ur base ur logic entirely on religion,and thus u have no logic because ur logic itself is dictated by religion and not reason.

Oh and not from canada it won't.
not all muslims think of ganghis khan as a hero i hate him just like many in egypt we see him as a butcher just like we studed in primary school and i am glad that our army stoped him at the time or we could have faced the same fate like iraq did
Man, you committed a huge mistake here, no matter how much our national leaders are great but they are no Sahbah, I rank Sahabah (R) equally.

I know...! That would probably be some sort of blasphemy but for me Jinnah who managed to pull off 'Pakistan' in the face of overwhelming odd whilst suffering from TB that eventually resulted in his death just one year after Pakistan's formation, the same Jinnah who had the strength of character, charisma and integrity to command the loyalty of millions of Indian Muslims and fought for their rights when he could have very easily settled down with his family and live a very good life till the end of his days instead compromised and sacrificed for 'His People', is no less than some of the best Leaders the Muslims have ever produced ! Let me relate to you a instance that my Grandfather (who was around 30 at the time of Pakistan's independence) experienced : My Grandfather (GP) went to a public gathering in a city (I've forgotten its name) in the Punjab where Jinnah was to address the People. People - many of the Peasants and Farmers - had come from as far away as a hundred Km away to listen to Jinnah and when his speech started he went on explaining his point of view in immaculate English (as he couldn't speak Urdu very well) whilst everyone listened in pin-drop silence. So my Grandfather turns to his right and asks a guys : 'Aap ko samajh aa rahii hai keh yeh kiya keh rahai hain - Do understand what hes saying ?' and the guys (a farmer) replies : 'Nahin paar jo bhi kuch keh rahai hain saahii keh rahai hain - No, but whatever he is saying is correct !'. Mate, that was (and still is) our reverence to Jinnah...he was, in the words of one of his critics, 'the Saladin of Muslim India' and so I don't care if its blasphemous or not but for me, Jinnah, is up there with the best Leaders the Muslim World has ever produced including Umar bin Khattab !
It is an occupied land that rightfully belongs to Pakistan. Anyway, I have no desire diverting this thread this way. All I am saying is that Indians are peaceful and friendly people.

This means that you don't know the ABCs of the Kashmir issue. You have to first stop looking at this as a Muslim / Non-Muslim issue and look at it as a political issue.

If you want to get the real facts I would be willing to provide you but at the basic level, Indian Kashmir held their first elections in 1951 (Pakistani Kashmir didn't have them until the 1970s)
The elected members of the first election passed a resolution approving the acession to India.

No such thing ever happened in Pakistan

PM me and I can discuss this with you further.

not all muslims think of ganghis khan as a hero i hate him just like many in egypt we see him as a butcher just like we studed in primary school and i am glad that our army stoped him at the time or we could have faced the same fate like iraq did

I think there are only a few select crazies in the world like SC who would consider Gengish Khan a hero or call him a Muslim when the records are very clear that he followed Buddhism and Shamanism.

Ofcourse Mongolians today still rever him as a great hero but I can't fault them for that. He afterall established an empire from Korea to Germany and the Russian Steppes to Present Pakistan, Iran, Iraq
Some people have corrupted the meaning of the word Ummah so much that they have destroyed the meaning beyond recognition.

Ummah is to refer to a community of people. It is a term similar to humankind. It can refer to the Muslim Ummah if you want to refer only to Muslims. The United Nations is called Ummah Muttahida in Arabic. And in Islam, it refers to the entire community of nations Muslims and Non-Muslims that are living peacefully. When Prophet Muhammed (SAW) wrote the constitution of Medina, the Jews and other non-Muslims of Median were included in the definition of Ummah

The Ummah or community of people should show their genous nature or Ummahness by helping out the people in Somalia, Afghanistan and Yemen. It is the people donating and volunteering for the causes for helping the poor in their community regardless of his religion because he belongs to their Ummah or community. It was about feeding, clothing. sheltering the needy. Has that been done? Is anyone considering THIS aspect of Ummah? What is being done on this regard?
The Ummah is about these social values, it was about the universal values of Islam at a personal and social level.

Unfortunately we have bunch of people who have corrupted Ummah into meaning some sort of political / military bloc and that Ummah should be used as a tool to further their political interests of Pakistan. The former PM Bhutto had this in mind when he held his OIC summit and it is a shameful use of Islam and "Ummah".

India has no problem with any other Muslim country in the world, but for its own selfish interests which Pakistani leaders put above the "Ummah", Yahya Khan refused to join OIC even though India had been invited as a founding member. What it seems is that Ummah should sacrifice everything to help Pakistan's political ambition vis a vis India. This use of Islam as a political tool is very wrong and has to end. The leadership of all other countries who were skeptical about India during the Cold war have now seen through this facade and Pakistan can no longer fool other countries.

The title should say
Time to abandon using Islam as a political tool to use it against India and fool the Pakistani public for the greater good of the nation

because that is what the thread is really referring in the name of Ummah when in reality it has nothing to do with it.

First there was the US lap where Pakistani elite jumped into in hoping to "defeat India", when that didn't work it was the "Ummah" . Now that since the end of cold war and particularly post 9/11 that doesn't work either, it is now the Chinese lap.

Lets just cut the chase, realise that India was, is and will be the most important country/partner/entity that Pakistan will have to deal with for the rest of its "life" and it has to mend its relations with India.
Residents (trainee doctors) are being offered salaries of between 5,000 (Rs121,000) and 8,000 riyals (Rs193,000), while consultants with a fellowship are being offered between 12,000 (Rs290,000) and 16,000 (Rs387,000) riyals. Senior professors and associate professors are being offered up to 30,000 riyals (Rs725,000) per month.

The lowest paid doctors in Saudi market happen to be Egyptians and Indians. Jordanians do not accept low wages due to higher currency parity with Jordan and expensive living cost in Jordan.

I know this is OT but I had to call you on this BS

In the same article that you are referring, this is what it says about Indian doctors
“The Indian government has just increased the salaries of public doctors and no Indian doctors are going to Saudi Arabia. They are focusing more on Pakistani doctors this year.” The Pakistan Medical Association warned that the country was losing its best doctors to Saudi Arabia and urged the government to improve the service structure for health professionals to stop the brain drain.

In other words, because no Indian doctors are willing to come to Saudi Arabia on those salaries they are looking at going to Pakistan because they can get the doctors their instead

Here is an add in Hyderabad for Saudi doctors
basically the packages are around SAR 6500-7k for basic doctors and for a specialist around SAR 19500-20k

If you are an Indian and have a degree/experence from US/UK/Australia e.t.c. then you get double the amount almost
Urgently Required Doctors and Nurses for Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Hyderabad - Healthcare Jobs - Road No. 12 Banjara Hills - doctors australia salaries
A typical Hindu argument, arguing for the sake of it, without any basic scientific knowledge, and lying to win an argument.

Frustrated Talib.......................


Please do not bother to answer, since it is derailing the trade.

Why not???????

So that you could spread seed of your ignorance everywhere.

(A caniche and a rottwailer are the same specy of dogs!!!)and(Tigris-tigris and Leo-tigris are not from he same Tigris specy)according to your scientific knowledge.
Those are all signs of retardness and bad taste in language and mainly Trolling.
Good luck with your logic and scientific ignorance in facing facts.

Do you Know the difference between Breed and Species??????

Difference Between Breed and Species | Difference Between

By it's very definition,Organism which could interbreed and give birth to fertile offspring are regarded as part of same species.


Species | Define Species at Dictionary.com
Biology . the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, regarded as the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species.
There is no brotherhood with China whatsoever,
But there is a brotherhood with a people who worship millions of hand made idols:rofl:!

Man, you snobby Arabs are something else. You justify relations with animal worshipers when it fits your agenda.

Pakistanis want to tell them self that to justify kissing up to them, and they even handed China their own territory so they will protect them from the big bad Indians.

Wow, are you serious?

Are you accusing us of things you Arabs yourselves are famous for doing?

Tell me, are you going to call in indian hindu females to protect you from Iran just as you called in American female soldiers to defend you from Saddam??
But there is a brotherhood with a people who worship millions of hand made idols:rofl:!

Man, you snobby Arabs are something else. You justify relations with animal worshipers when it fits your agenda.

Wow, are you serious?

Are you accusing us of things you Arabs yourselves are famous for doing?

Tell me, are you going to call in indian hindu females to protect you from Iran just as you called in American female soldiers to defend you from Saddam??

It is idiots like you cause Islam and Muslims to be treated the way it is. You cause all those qurans to be burnt and all Muslims to be considered hate filled zombies.

The Islamic world needs to get rid of idiots like you. Fast!

Guess what, you are causing abuses to heaped on whom? Whose sketches to be made? How will that sketch be used then? ;)

I have some very decent stuff about the person you claim to love most (more than your parents) and I could stoop to your level.

But then what will be the difference between mindless zombies and civilized human beings?
This means that you don't know the ABCs of the Kashmir issue. You have to first stop looking at this as a Muslim / Non-Muslim issue and look at it as a political issue.

If you want to get the real facts I would be willing to provide you but at the basic level, Indian Kashmir held their first elections in 1951 (Pakistani Kashmir didn't have them until the 1970s)
The elected members of the first election passed a resolution approving the acession to India.

No such thing ever happened in Pakistan

PM me and I can discuss this with you further.

So WTF is that supposed to mean? Just because you supposedly allowed them "elections" in the 50's therefore your occupation of Kashmir and claim on it is justified?

Is that what you are implying?

Anyways, i posted this in another thread and i'll post it again here:

indian army rape and brutalities against Kashmiri people:

Watch from 1:08

Indian Army Terrorism in Indian Occupied Kashmir - YouTube

hum pakistani hai pakistan hamara hei (we are Pakistanis and Pakistan is ours-Kashmiri people):

hum pakistani hai pakistan hamara hei - YouTube

Kashmiris hoisting Pakistani Flag:

Brave Kashmiri Muslim Brothers hoisting Pakistani flag at Lal Chowk SriNagar - YouTube

"We are Pakistanis, not indians"- Kashmiris

Kashmiris in Srinagar: We're Pakistanis - YouTube

Kashmiris carrying Pakistani Flag showing unity with Pakistan - YouTube



It is idiots like you cause Islam and Muslims to be treated the way it is. You cause all those qurans to be burnt and all Muslims to be considered hate filled zombies.

The Islamic world needs to get rid of idiots like you. Fast!

Guess what, you are causing abuses to heaped on whom? Whose sketches to be made? How will that sketch be used then? ;)

I have some very decent stuff about the person you claim to love most (more than your parents) and I could stoop to your level.

But then what will be the difference between mindless zombies and civilized human beings?

STFU, i could give a **** what you have to say:blah:, bharati idiot. You probably do already insult Islam on your indian forums like all of your compatriots on bharat rag shag forum.

BTW, if you hate us so much why are you on our forum? Maybe if you weren't here you wouldn't be reading my comments now would you bharati?

Low life bharatis obsessed with Pakistan. :lol:
STFU, i could give a **** what you have to say:blah:, bharati idiot. You probably do already insult Islam on your indian forums like all of your compatriots on bharat rag shag forum.

BTW, if you hate us so much why are you on our forum? Maybe if you weren't here you wouldn't be reading my comments now would you bharati?

Low life bharatis obsessed with Pakistan. :lol:

I don't care for idiots like you.

Just be warned. Every time you troll about Hinduism, what happens to the one you claim to love more than your parents. ;)

Be very warned! ;)
I don't care for idiots like you.
Than why would a idiot like you be replying to my post if you don't care? :lol:Or are you confused? :woot:

Just be warned. Every time you troll about Hinduism, what happens to the one you claim to love more than your parents. ;)

Be very warned! ;)

As i said, i wouldn't be surprised if you already do insult Islam and the Prophets, because i have seen your compatriots do that on indian forums, and to top it off hindu indian moderators of those forums don't do anything to stop the Islam bashing.

So, yeah, take a hike bharati. If you don't like us then feel free to leave our forum. :wave:
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