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Three Femen women held in Arab world's first topless protest

dear chairman, they are not asking for equal right to bare breast. They are using shock tactics to attract attension. Now you might argue they want to draw attention to themselves not to the cause(gender equality).
Such tactics have been used by ***** riots (to talk about russian regime). 'Vagina monologues' is another one which forces you to sit up and take notice.

Slut walk is another such effort. Many of us are used to gay pride parades now, but seems it does carry shock value in some countries still.

Well then they are getting attention, but not the attention they want. I have just a few of their agendas and my comment was based on it. One of the lines I came across was 'Why is it publicly acceptable for men to be shirtless and not women?' This is what I based my post upon.
dear chairman, they are not asking for equal right to bare breast. They are using shock tactics to attract attension. Now you might argue they want to draw attention to themselves not to the cause(gender equality).
Such tactics have been used by ***** riots (to talk about russian regime). 'Vagina monologues' is another one which forces you to sit up and take notice.

Slut walk is another such effort. Many of us are used to gay pride parades now, but seems it does carry shock value in some countries still.

They are attention ******,despised in their countries and generally laughed upon in the west:"There's injustice in the world! Wait!We have a solution,let's show our breasts,that will solve things!"...i find it retarded.

If those were the ukrainian ones who assaulted Putin,there's nothing to see in the pictures gents...severe case of flat :D
Just because you have a european passport dont mean that you just go around the world break all the laws in the book, and then expect the countries to just let you go free. Cant these people respect others cultures at all.

Just because you have a middle eastern passport does not mean that you will start wearing burkas and demanding sharia zones in Europe.

Can't these people respect other cultures at all?
Femen is only fueling misogynists, the more they commit such acts, the more material they give women haters to work with.

Unfortunately, us men can't do anything about it. It's up to women to stop this irrational group, only women can go against Femen without being called misogynists.
Just because you have a middle eastern passport does not mean that you will start wearing burkas and demanding sharia zones in Europe.

Can't these people respect other cultures at all?

All I could say here is how ignorant.
All I could say here is how ignorant.

If I am ignorant please tell me where am I wrong

Isnt it true that Middle eastern women wear Burqa in Europe?

Isnt it true that some mid eastern fundoos try to impose sharia zones in cities like London?

Isnt it true that both these acts are against the basic tenets and culture of majority of the inhabitants of Europe.

If any of these things are false I will stop posting on these forums
If I am ignorant please tell me where am I wrong

Isnt it true that Middle eastern women wear Burqa in Europe?

Isnt it true that some mid eastern fundoos try to impose sharia zones in cities like London?

Isnt it true that both these acts are against the basic tenets and culture of majority of the inhabitants of Europe.

If any of these things are false I will stop posting on these forums

Now you are wrong that you are trying to justify one wrong with another. The wrong that these women committed cant be excused because some Muslims want Sharia imposed on the ones who dont want it. IE European countries.

I didnt know wearing a Burqa was a crime, I mean yeah french have a rule. But you make it sound like when the Muslim women cover themselves up is somehow the same as these protesters who were so willingly flashing it around. And nor does the Europeans have a universal dress code of what and who should wear. So yes you are mixing it all up just to make an argument.

Now tell me something what was the point of going bare breasted, I mean u really think that it will achieve something. With all due respect to you women, would you allow something like that. No right, we are not animals, so we shouldnt act like that either.
a while ago they protested in front of Iran's embassy to show their support for 'sakineh mohammadi ashtiani'.
this woman had an affair with another man, and to solve her problem, she murdered her husband and already confessed about that, in our case not only these crazy femen group but the whole west suddenly decided to defend her, and made her a symbol of injustice in Iran, without mentioning that this woman is actually a murder.
:bounce: Nothing more than talking the west can do about it.

a while ago they protested in front of Iran's embassy to show their support for 'sakineh mohammadi ashtiani'.
this woman had an affair with another man, and to solve her problem, she murdered her husband and already confessed about that, in our case not only these crazy femen group but the whole west suddenly decided to defend her, and made her a symbol of injustice in Iran, without mentioning that this woman is actually a murder.
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