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Three Chinese engineers arrested in India

Dont worry they wont be punished eventually they will come out when their company pays a penalty :cheers:

Indian justice system is not that harsh:toast_sign: lets not flame :flame: it has nothing to do with them being Chinese or china. Its more about wrong engineering which has led to an accident.& now ppl who built it are being held responsible that's all.

frankly speaking, i know nothing about the justice system in india. what i care about is if the india court can remain being justice when majority of india people got dazzled by thier baseless hatred on china.

just thinkabout this. these three chinese are engineers, then thier jobs are most likely paper works. how hard can the paper job about a chimney be?

we are not asking for privilege here. the only thing we need is justice.otherwise, we are no different than those stupid britishmen who support the drug smuggler.

It was the bone-headed Indians who forced to "hire local companies" for the construction. Same thing with Hyundai Engineering, they partnered up with a local Indian company and tons of bridge collapses, building collapses, etc.

Here's PTI-Press Trust of India

NGOs voice concern over workers death at CWG sites

# Anurag Sharma
New Delhi, Sept 30, 2009 <===== Note the date, how many more have perished since that time???

# With the national capital furiously gearing up to meet the deadlines of the Commonwealth Games, the alarming number of deaths of construction workers in absence of proper safety norms and adequate compensation is a cause of concern, say social activists.

The actual number of accidents and casualties are much more but many such cases never get reported, they add.

Fifty nine construction workers were killed and 115 suffered serious injuries in the city during the year 2008-2009, according to Commonwealth Games Citizens for Workers, Women and Children (CWG-CWC), an independent agency, which documents fatalities amongst construction workers in the capital.

"Workers on CWG are being made to work 12 hours at stretch to meet the deadlines, which is a complete violation of the Construction workers act of 1996 which recommends a 48 hour working cycle per week," says Subhash Bhatanagar, who heads Nirman Mazdoor Panchayat Sangam (NMPS), a NGO.

"Unlike metro rail construction sites, deaths at other CWG sites are in isolated place and mostly unreported. According to our survey, most of the contractors don't follow the safety norms," he adds.

As per Building and Construction Workers Act, the employers are supposed to ensure checking and testing of equipment and machinery deployed at the sites, occupational health hazards and stress among workers at construction sites.

The activists also wonder whether the kin of deceased labourers have been compensated as per workers act. "Delhi Construction Workers Welfare Board was constituted in 2002, but none of the construction workers, not even a single one, has got any death compensation from the Rs 300 crore plus cess collected by the Board for such emergency relief because none of their workers is registered with the Board," says Bhatanagar.

Industry insiders say the normal practice in the construction industry is that after an accident all the relatives of the victims are immediately made to disappear from the accident site. Thus making it impossible to ascertain if the compensation has been paid. In these circumstances there is absolutely no question of the compensation being paid in accordance with the construction workers Act," they say.

The Delhi Human Development Report of 2006 suggested that there were around two to three lakh construction workers in Delhi but CWG-CWC estimates that there are about 8-10 lakh workers presently in the capital, largely migrants brought in from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand by contractors and sub-contractors.

"There are supposed to be safety committees with worker representation and qualified safety officers for every establishment employing 500 or more workers. But none of the provisions of the Act has ever been followed in any of the construction sites," says Kanarindhana, Research and Campaign Officer, CWG-CWC.

During 2002 to 2008, 290 deaths and 481 injuries were reported from construction sites, reveals NMPS data. According to a report by the People's Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR), an Indian civil rights group, thousands of workers are not being paid the minimum wages due to them and have been working in extremely unsafe and inhuman conditions, especially at the construction site near Yamuna river bed.

"None of the workers employed by the contractors is paid the legally stipulated minimum wages or overtime. Unskilled workers are paid Rs. 85 to 100 per day as against the stipulated minimum wages of Rs. 142 for eight hours of work. Workers are made to work all seven days a week on normal wages and are not given any leave," says Moushumi Basu, Secretary, PUDR.

The PUDR report claimed labourers had to share 10ft by10ft brick huts between six to eight people. The rooms, which have tin roofs, have no fans.

There were unreported deaths of more than 100 construction workers at the CWG Village due to outbreak of Meningitis last year due to unhygienic living conditions, says Kanarindhana. "Workers on Commonwealth Games project are being made to work 12 hours at a stretch. This is in complete violation of the Construction Workers Act of 1996 which recommends a 48-hour working cycle per week," she says.

A study by Building and Woodworkers International (BWI), a global union with members in construction industry, estimated that 300,000 workers will be needed for this level (CWG) of activity, over 3 years. Among them will be 100,000 unskilled construction workers, at least 5,000 of whom will be women, and their 10,000 migrant children. In all, 5 lakh jobs are likely to be created in Games related activities (airlines, airports,tourism, transport, etc).

"Children and families of the migrant construction workers are not at all taken care of at most of the sites. Infact having children or women deprives work availability at few sites. Medical facilities, Schooling, Maternity homes and other basic equipments are not available at most of the sites. There are one or two 'show piece sites' but generally no such facilities are available," says Bhatanagar.

The high profile Delhi Metro construction sites are also no stranger to accidents. According to Urban Development ministry report, more than 100 people, including 93 labourers, have died in accidents at sites of the Delhi Metro since October 1998 when the construction started.

The report also said that the Delhi Metro has no policy to provide employment to the dependents of the person who die in accidents at the construction sites. :police::police::police::police:
Trollboy, Indian BSing all the time. India executes and murders far more than nearly every country in the world. Corruption in India's judicial and "law enforcement" system is world reknown! Your police rapes and watches rapes of FOREIGN VISITORS to your country!!!

Over a hundred thousand Chinese in Calcutta have gone "missing", un-accounted for ----> how to you respond to these charges???? Hundreds of thousands of NE and Kashmirs are RUTHLESSLY MURDERED by your own ARMY!!!! Dalit murders are so commonplace it is sickening!

Read the previous article, and there's much more about the disgraceful utter lack of quality and safety norms in India. Hyundai construction and engineering was partnered up with an Indian company for bridge constructions and such, which in the last few months ALONE so many have collapsed causing fatalities. Upon more careful inspection it was DISCOVERED that the work was carried out by the LOCAL company, and this same company had such a DISMAL TRACK RECORD of FATALITIES AND ACCIDENTS! :sniper:

OFFTOPIC RANT :toast_sign: cant you Chinese people with high IQ and superior INtelligence cant stick to the topic for a change??is is that claims of HIGH IQ and superior Inteeligence is just a boasting..I urge members to stick to the topic..if you guys ran out of arguments then we can understand :)
Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi

AHRC based in Hong Kong :)

More maoist propoganda...

So, AHRC based in HongKong ? control by China for propaganda sake ?

AHRC also one of the most active criticizer of China's human rights,

May be its fund by India to bash China ?

Better do some simple reseach before shooting out your conspiracy


The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is an independent, non-governmental body, which seeks to promote greater awareness and realisation of human rights in the Asian region, and to mobilise Asian and international public opinion to obtain relief and redress for the victims of human rights violations. It was founded in 1986 by a prominent group of jurists and human rights activists in Asia and serves to promote civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights. Its sister organization, the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) holds General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The AHRC and ALRC are both based in Hong Kong.
Asian Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :smitten::pakistan::china:
So, AHRC based in HongKong ? control by China for propaganda sake ?

AHRC also one of the most active criticizer of China's human rights,

May be its fund by India to bash China ?

Better do some simple reseach before shooting out your conspiracy


The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is an independent, non-governmental body, which seeks to promote greater awareness and realisation of human rights in the Asian region, and to mobilise Asian and international public opinion to obtain relief and redress for the victims of human rights violations. It was founded in 1986 by a prominent group of jurists and human rights activists in Asia and serves to promote civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights. Its sister organization, the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) holds General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The AHRC and ALRC are both based in Hong Kong.
Asian Human Rights Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :smitten::pakistan::china:

I thought you dont belive in Wiki :P..
The thing is if the engineer was guilty or there was any fault from his side Indians wouldn't be able to find him in india. Think about it. And How many indian arrested in this sad incident?
The thing is if the engineer was guilty or there was any fault from his side Indians wouldn't be able to find him in india. Think about it. And How many indian arrested in this sad incident?

Balco vice president arrested for power plant tragedy
India eNews - Balco vice president arrested for power plant tragedy

After evading arrest for more than a month, Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd (Balco) vice president Viral Mehta and two others have been nabbed in connection with the Sep 23 tragedy in which at least 41 workers were killed when an under-construction chimney caved in.

As many as 41 disfigured bodies of contracted workers were retrieved from the mishap site at Korba town, some 250 km from here where the Balco plant is located, while dozens of people engaged in the construction work were still missing.

'Mehta, who was also project manager of the power plant, and two other officials Deepak Narang, associate general manager, and Anup Mahapatra, graduate engineer (trainee), attached with the project were arrested Monday night at Korba town,' Ratanlal Dangi, district superintendent of police, Korba, told IANS.

Vedanta Resources Plc-controlled Balco, in which the Indian government holds a 49 percent stake, had awarded a Chinese firm Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation (SEPCO) the task of constructing two thermal power plants of 600 MW each at Korba.

Later, SEPCO outsourced the work of the construction of a 257-metre chimney to Gannon Dunkerley and Company Ltd (GDCL).

Korba police had registered a case against Balco soon after the accident that created wide resentment in Chhattisgarh against the aluminium major. GDCL project manager Manoj Sharma had been arrested Oct 7 on charges of several lapses, including using sub-standard construction material for the chimney.

Police had also interrogated about 20 Chinese engineers employed by SEPCO at Korba but have not yet arrested any SEPCO staff.

The Chhattisgarh government had accused Balco of 'doing little' for the families of the workers killed in the accident and ordered a judicial probe.

A single-member judicial commission of Sandeep Bakhshi, the district and sessions court judge here, has begun investigating the tragedy.

And stop making this Human tragedy into India China Bias discussion...

People have died...so the perpetrators of the crime will have to be punished...irrespective of their nationality.
Please stick to topic. The deaths and arrests of people involved in the incident. If you wish to discuss the merits of the AHRC, please open a new thread.

And stop making this Human tragedy into India China Bias discussion...

People have died...so the perpetrators of the crime will have to be punished...irrespective of their nationality.


The problem is India's KANGAROO COURT SYSTEM

The Indian court system is a Kangaroo court system? :lol: Says the supporter of the PRC? and what pray is the Chinese court system? fair and balanced? :rolleyes:

that will use these innocent engineers as SCAPEGOATS. You understand the terminology "scapegoating" don't you?! It means the guilty blaming the innocent for their mistakes.

I understand the term perfectly. The police have arrested all involved. Including Indians and Chinese. So where is the question of scapegoating?

Please see the previous articles I posted to understand this was a LOCAL INDIAN company that was SUB-CONTRACTED (which was forced upon by GOI).

Sub Contracted means forced upon?

Imagine how Indians are so racist against DIGNIFIED foreign visitors, especially Mongoloids from Japan, Korea, China/TW/HK, Viet nam, Malaysia, etc.

Please stop posting nonsense. This is the kind of crap that led to you being banned from the forum. Obviously you haven't learned from your mistakes.

I experienced this myself, so don't bullsh1t me!

The only person BS-ing here is you.

PS - one more post about ""bull headed Indians" and you will be reported.

It was the bone-headed Indians who forced to "hire local companies" for the construction. Same thing with Hyundai Engineering, they partnered up with a local Indian company and tons of bridge collapses, building collapses, etc.

The report also said that the Delhi Metro has no policy to provide employment to the dependents of the person who die in accidents at the construction sites. :police::police::police::police:

Did the ' bone headed' construction companies not know of this requirement when the work was given to them ?

As regards providing employment to the kin of deceased - that too is a policy of the Company. Whats the prob with this?

All my brothers and sisters of China, as our brother Sino said, those three poor brothers of ours, have been victimized by some hostile elements in a hostile land. They have become scapegoats.

But we must learn the lesson. We must understand the degree of hostility of our enemies. Hope this incident helps Beijing open its eyes.

All my brothers and sisters of China, as our brother Sino said, those three poor brothers of ours, have been victimized by some hostile elements in a hostile land. They have become scapegoats.

But we must learn the lesson. We must understand the degree of hostility of our enemies. Hope this incident helps Beijing open its eyes.

Avoid flamming

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