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Thousands remember Tiananmen Square crackdown in Hong Kong

I recall the Economist ran a photo of a dead Chinese slumped against the wall wearing a spotlessly clean soldier's jacket and cap. Thus the deception began almost at the moment of the massacre.

Well, I got most of my info from Chinese students in the U.S. when the massacre happened; they kept up with info from home as events unfolded.

For some months afterward no new Chinese students arrived to study in the U.S. When arrivals resumed the visas were very restrictive, the new students had a very different ideological bent, they kept in close contact with their embassy, and they all claimed (usually with a smile) that nothing had happened in the Square - one of these even claimed he had been there.
One of the leaders of that movement in 1989, whose name is Hou Dejian, a taiwanese,
he stayed with the students in the square(the other leaders had already fled to HongKong),persuaded and organized the students to leave the square,he has always been saying “No massacre in the Square”,while the other leaders who were not present said massacre happened and the tanks ran over the crowd
I have often wondered, for the past decade, where were the sources of their funding came from. Remember in 1989 Chinese people, even now for some, were relative poor and traveling from distances to Beijing to protest weren't inexpensive endeavors.
The "old" crowd explained to me that they were people from Beijing or cities within bicycle range, even as far away as Hangzhou! As for their funding, I haven't the faintest idea - it never occurred to me to ask.
None of the CHinese are able to counter Korean and now you deflect to India. All you guys responding are not able to defend against a single Korean pointing out one topic nut try to deflect pointing out to India. Hats off to you Korean. Lets see these chaps defending :whistle:

wow you call him/her "korean" I can him/her frustrated hk indian right wing!
deflection of Korea to india!? seems like another dose of grass you are smoking in the wide open narcotic trades in india!

it wasn't an option for china, that was a condition china was forced to agree to.

ps: the off-topic tantrums are rather adorable.

who can force us when Deng said (to Thatcher) we can take back HK within hours!
The "old" crowd explained to me that they were people from Beijing or cities within bicycle range, even as far away as Hangzhou! As for their funding, I haven't the faintest idea - it never occurred to me to ask.

Maybe you should think about it. That period was the first time China allowed foreign citizens and media to visit the country en mass, and low and behold some incident in this magnitude happened. Was it merely coincident or someone instigated it is anybody's guess.

Because there no precedents the Chinese leaderships had hard time dealing with it. Now China is well prepare to deal with such incidents with minimal side effects, as one can witness cases across the country.

Every country has demonstrations and protests and China is no different.
I have often wondered, for the past decade, where were the sources of their funding came from. Remember in 1989 Chinese people, even now for some, were relative poor and traveling from distances to Beijing to protest weren't inexpensive endeavors.
这个我可有亲身经历啊, 那时我还在上小学呢,学校也正常上课。 然后游行的来了, 喊的口号大部分也听不懂, 唯一听懂的就是"我们要旅游 我们要旅游" 我是真听成 旅游了,当时心里那个激动啊就过去凑热闹。 还被学生们抱起来一起游行。 结果回家挨了顿胖揍。

后来在国外留学工作, 见过不少当时逃过去的和 以受迫害为名留在那边的中国人甚至还见过达赖。我也相信那些游行的学生绝大部分都是爱国的。 那些所谓的民主人士(谋私利的假民主人士也不少)部分也爱国(比轮子强多了), 但大都不是能人,成不了气候。中国确实需要民主, 但绝非西方人想让我们实现的那种民主。
Maybe you should think about it. That period was the first time China allowed foreign citizens and media to visit the country en mass, and low and behold some incident in this magnitude happened. Was it merely coincident or someone instigated it is anybody's guess.
Not so; many foreigners have come in the past to pay their respects to the Middle Kingdom. It's merely a speculation that foreigners were behind everything and that's very difficult to believe since at the time any foreigners visiting were closely monitored by Chinese security. This period was, however, the first time large numbers of Chinese had departed from their country and returned to their homeland with new ideas.

Now China is well prepare to deal with such incidents with minimal side effects, as one can witness cases across the country.
For good or ill?
这个我可有亲身经历啊, 那时我还在上小学呢,学校也正常上课。 然后游行的来了, 喊的口号大部分也听不懂, 唯一听懂的就是"我们要旅游 我们要旅游" 我是真听成 旅游了,当时心里那个激动啊就过去凑热闹。 还被学生们抱起来一起游行。 结果回家挨了顿胖揍。

后来在国外留学工作, 见过不少当时逃过去的和 以受迫害为名留在那边的中国人甚至还见过达赖。我也相信那些游行的学生绝大部分都是爱国的。 那些所谓的民主人士(谋私利的假民主人士也不少)部分也爱国(比轮子强多了), 但大都不是能人,成不了气候。中国确实需要民主, 但绝非西方人想让我们实现的那种民主。

I totally agree with you especial the last part and in time will be there. That's the trench no one can stop and because of the Internet there are many signs our leaders conform to the public opinions the best way they can. Leaders come and go and so do the policies.

It's not that hard to incite demonstrations large or small depends on the funds available. All one needs is to hire enough loud mouths to coerce the gullible mass with reasons other than the intended purposes. As Fly2012 pointed out that he always saw the same guys in Tibetan demonstrations across the globe.
I've seen larger rallies and in fact I was one of the participants in the anti-war rallies in your adopted country on the West Coast more than a decade ago. Those rallies across the US were huge, loud and sometimes violent however Bush just smirked and went back to his golf game.
And that is exactly how it should be -- that the government do nothing to silence the protests. Any violent responses by the police were and usually are from local law enforcement, not military troops. Your argument is an epic fail.
6/4 event is a conflict between two groups, both wanting a prosperous and strong China, but resorting to different means. Unfortunately China lacked the mechanism of negotiation and compromising, ended up in a tragedy that neither side would like to see, except those “Korean”s and other persons with evil intentions to subvert China.

In fact I am glad that 6/4 event will be memorized every year. This is a dear lesson that China and the Chinese should never forget but always remember.

Whereas evil guys, domestic or international, attempt to geelfully utilized it to serve their dark intention will surely be in vain.

Let's hail One Country Two systems of China. In contrast, in a democratic country where 2,000,000 children died of starvation every year, nobody goes on street for that. any where in that country. :tdown: That's pretty sh!tty.
I totally agree with you especial the last part and in time will be there. That's the trench no one can stop and because of the Internet there are many signs our leaders conform to the public opinions the best way they can. Leaders come and go and so do the policies.

It's not that hard to incite demonstrations large or small depends on the funds available. All one needs is to hire enough loud mouths to coerce the gullible mass with reasons other than the intended purposes. As Fly2012 pointed out that he always saw the same guys in Tibetan demonstrations across the globe.

I think the world is not afraid of democracy or practising it.
the only thing that makes democracy evil is when it is used as as tools for enslavement by outsiders!
Let's hail One Country Two systems of China.
more like china was made to swallow that system in order to get HK. otherwise HK will continue to be british and avoid the locusts
Not so; many foreigners have come in the past to pay their respects to the Middle Kingdom. It's merely a speculation that foreigners were behind everything and that's very difficult to believe since at the time any foreigners visiting were closely monitored by Chinese security. This period was, however, the first time large numbers of Chinese had departed from their country and returned to their homeland with new ideas.

For good or ill?

However hid among those benign foreign citizens there existed many CIA NGOs, as Colin Powell coined them as "Force Extenders' that had ample money to promote their 'democracy' across the globe as witnessed in Cairo, Moscow and many other place. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't believe me, however many do, in fact your Mr Powell had the same though.

And that is exactly how it should be -- that the government do nothing to silence the protests. Any violent responses by the police were and usually are from local law enforcement, not military troops. Your argument is an epic fail.

Don't pretend you don't know what I meant.
Don't pretend you don't know what I meant.
I do not need to pretend. The contrast between US and China is obvious when it comes to these ideologically and politically motivated mass protests. Yours is the default response of violence by the military. Ours is to keep silent.

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