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Thousands remember Tiananmen Square crackdown in Hong Kong

I've seen larger rallies and in fact I was one of the participants in the anti-war rallies in your adopted country on the West Coast more than a decade ago. Those rallies across the US were huge, loud and sometimes violent however Bush just smirked and went back to his golf game.
Surely it had an effect. The GOP lost the control of the Senate in 2006 election, the control of House and the White House in 2008. This enabled the democrats to streamroll their 60-year old cause; the universal healthcare.

The western propaganda have never stop slandering of China since the day she was established in 1949. In the recent SCS disputes, I have yet read a single western paper questions the legitimacy of the other 5 claimants' claims besides China's.
Because there is nothing to question. Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia are right, China is wrong.
Surely it had an effect. The GOP lost the control of the Senate in 2006 election, the control of House and the White House in 2008. This enabled the democrats to streamroll their 60-year old cause; the universal healthcare.

Because there is nothing to question. Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia are right, China is wrong.

1) I didn't say those rallies had no effects in American political scenes. I just mentioned your dim dumb former president cared less altitudes.

2) If you say so.
1) I didn't say those rallies had no effects in American political scenes.
But protests in China has no effect in Chinese political scenes.

I just mentioned your dim dumb former president cared less altitudes.
And his party lost power as the result. Democracy at work, and politicians fear voters.
But protests in China has no effect in Chinese political scenes.

And his party lost power as the result. Democracy at work, and politicians fear voters.

You simply ignore the fact that China changed so much in political area in the past decade because of public opinions. I'm an observer from outside rather than a participant in Chinese politic and am a strong believer that China will soon evolve to a different kind of democracy the west could only envy.

You live in the US so you should know her form of democracy is changing for the worst. The government doesn't run by the people and for the people where it once was.
In 2009, James Miles, who was the BBC correspondent in Beijing at the time, admitted that he had "conveyed the wrong impression" and that "there was no massacre on Tiananmen Square. Protesters who were still in the square when the army reached it were allowed to leave after negotiations with martial law troops
I recall the Economist ran a photo of a dead Chinese slumped against the wall wearing a spotlessly clean soldier's jacket and cap. Thus the deception began almost at the moment of the massacre.

The western propaganda have never stop slandering of China since the day she was established in 1949.
Well, I got most of my info from Chinese students in the U.S. when the massacre happened; they kept up with info from home as events unfolded.

For some months afterward no new Chinese students arrived to study in the U.S. When arrivals resumed the visas were very restrictive, the new students had a very different ideological bent, they kept in close contact with their embassy, and they all claimed (usually with a smile) that nothing had happened in the Square - one of these even claimed he had been there.
I recall the Economist ran a photo of a dead Chinese slumped against the wall wearing a spotlessly clean soldier's jacket and cap. Thus the deception began almost at the moment of the massacre.

Well, I got most of my info from Chinese students in the U.S. when the massacre happened; they kept up with info from home as events unfolded.

For some months afterward no new Chinese students arrived to study in the U.S. When arrivals resumed the visas were very restrictive, the new students had a very different ideological bent, they kept in close contact with their embassy, and they all claimed (usually with a smile) that nothing had happened in the Square - one of these even claimed he had been there.

I'm sure something must have happened but not in a scale the western media made it to be.

you wont find the candle vigilance in these crackdowns! poor indians! fake democracy!

1. Operation Blue Star


2. Massacre in Gujarat
and many of these:
List of massacres in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's why you cant lift your head anywhere! pitiful indians!
Do you have any vigilance for any of these?
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I'm sure something must have happened but not in a scale the western media made it to be.
You are correct that Western media often does a poor job of conveying scale. However, before the tanks it was clear thousands of students were in the Square gathered around the Goddess of Democracy they built:


you wont find the candle vigilance in these crackdowns! poor indians! fake democracy!

1. Operation Blue Star


2. Massacre in Gujarat
and many of these:
List of massacres in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That why you cant lift your head anywhere! pitiful indians!
Do you have any vigilance for any of these?

Because their pitiful country has only one system: a corrupted feudal system.

No other voice against the system is allowed. They are forced to follow a system called democrazy.
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you wont find the candle vigilance in these crackdowns! poor indians! fake democracy!

1. Operation Blue Star


2. Massacre in Gujarat
and many of these:
List of massacres in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That why you cant lift your head anywhere! pitiful indians!
Do you have any vigilance for any of these?

Its in the media and available. At-least certain atrocities are documented. Unlike China, where everything is under the carpet.

1. Continuous persecution of Uighurs
2. Continuos persecution of Tibetans
3. Massacre of your own citizens , peacefully demonstrating, students.....killed by soldiers. Ya right. The great Chinese culture.

Go figure out how brilliant and open you are about atrocities you are committing. State sponsored. You don't even let your people access media outside without having The Great Firewall. Stick to the topic mentioned in the thread.

Because their pitiful country has only one system: a corrupted feudal system.

No other voice against the system is allowed. They are forced to follow a system called democrazy.

This coming from a Chinese :rofl:
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You are correct that Western media often does a poor job of conveying scale. However, before the tanks it was clear thousands of students were in the Square gathered around the Goddess of Democracy they built:



I have often wondered, for the past decade, where were the sources of their funding came from. Remember in 1989 Chinese people, even now for some, were relative poor and traveling from distances to Beijing to protest weren't inexpensive endeavors.
But protests in China has no effect in Chinese political scenes.

And his party lost power as the result. Democracy at work, and politicians fear voters.
democracy at work in india:

I have often wondered, for the past decade, where were the sources of their funding came from. Remember in 1989 Chinese people, even now for some, were relative poor and traveling from distances to Beijing to protest weren't inexpensive endeavors.

Those were some darkest days in our history. a lot of these funding are from sources which you may trace route to usa, or japan if india has the money they would have done it regardless of their own rivers of sh!t overflowing everywhere back home!

No doubt, Hong kong is a different country within china. Can we imagine such type of Candle light protest in mainland China.

what different "country"! check your dictionary to look for its meaning!
we allow HK to happen "under one country two systems"!
democracy at work in india:

Those were some darkest days in our history. a lot of these funding are from sources which you may trace route to usa, or japan if india has the money they would have done it regardless of their own rivers of sh!t overflowing everywhere back home!

None of the CHinese are able to counter Korean and now you deflect to India. All you guys responding are not able to defend against a single Korean pointing out one topic nut try to deflect pointing out to India. Hats off to you Korean. Lets see these chaps defending :whistle:

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