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In Hong Kong, memories of China's Tiananmen Square massacre are being erased

This thread isn't about India. Don't derail the topic.
Without some parallel comparison, how people know how China fared during those years and whether it's a good decision made in 1989 or not and what impact the decision had in the coming decades for the Chinese nation. We also compare with Russia, where pro west government overthrew the Soviet Union in 1990.
Eyewitness account

To be continued...

Without some parallel comparison, how people know how China fared during those years and whether it's a good decision made in 1989 or not. We also compare with Russia, where pro west government overthrew the Soviet Union in 1990.
It is extremely optimistic of Chinese posters to compare themselves to India. So starts an economic comparison thread. No one has stopped you. But this thread is about the Tianamen Square massacre by the Communist Party of China and its soldiers.
Nice smokescreen to lie your intention which is to support hindu indian and american. I see thru your past posting. Stop lying, you traitor. Your past posting has zero post on attacking the american atrocities on american killing Muslim or Israel brutality. All you know is attacking China which serves your master well. The very fact u claim China is worst off than american more or less comfirm my verdict on you.

How many Muslim countries has China invades and destroy for past 20 years? And u got the cheek to even claim China worst than american? LOL.

Pakistan is crumbling becos of people like you who has no dignity but love serving the white supremacists.
If your blind I can’t do anything about it.
Cope mushrik !
East Turkistan will be free !
The reason I firmly support the CCP is not because I'm Chinese. It is because, after decades observation, I realized CCP is the one that stands on the moral high ground. I used to be pro west and hate CCP when I was in college. Now I know I was brainwashed by west propaganda and lies. Which is one of reasons that converted me from CCP hater to a CCP supporter. I found CCP never used lies to defame other countries, including US. But US and other western countries are used to lying all the time.

The more you know CCP, the more you will love it. The more you know US, the more you will hate it.
This is exactly the language one would expect from a hostage video.
I disagree with most of your views but you are 100% correct here, any Muslim here that supports China yet hates Israel/India for oppression of Muslims is a complete hypocrite
Any Muslims who believe western propaganda are totally fools, they forgot how the western media had been smearing them for the past several decades, luckily not a single Muslim government believes western anti China propoganda.
I disagree with most of your views but you are 100% correct here, any Muslim here that supports China yet hates Israel/India for oppression of Muslims is a complete hypocrite
100% agreed
If you remain silent on the plight of Uyghurs, you have no right to speak for Kashmir or Palestine
Any Muslims who believe western propaganda are totally fools, they forgot how the western media had been smearing them for the past several decades, luckily not a single Muslim government believes western anti China propoganda.
Y’all see the world so narrowly. 2 sides only. West vs supa powa mega China.
What I see is Haqq vs Batil.
We Muslims are Ahle Haqq, everyone else is Ahle Batil.
Chinese mushriks are doing worse than what Israel, india, usa and the rest of the world did to Muslims. Uyghur Muslims are in the most need right now.
Both west and China for me are on the same side and are Ahle Batil. Just like China was onboard for American invasion of Afghanistan or how they both have back door cooperation against “terrorism”. Y’all two sides of the same coin when it comes to Muslims and your governments always been cooperating against us.
Ahle Haqq will win this war because Allah is on our side.
Muslims who side with mushriks against their own Muslim brothers, you are the worst kind of people and traitors.

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