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Thousands remember Tiananmen Square crackdown in Hong Kong

lol..USA can take over hundreds of countries with these logic..but explain why China should take over HK???or is it China's mania to take over neighbours???looks like your educated logic failed..

USA takes hundreds of countries only in your hallucinations.

Now let me educate you a little bit of history – I know your India has broken history, but not here, it is a continuum. Please see the following...

hostile takeover wasn't an option in HK case. just like it isn't an option in Taiwan's case. the "wise" CPC knows that

It won’t hurt to educate yourself a little bit more:


Hong Kong's territory was acquired from three separate treaties: the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, the Treaty of Beijing in 1860, and The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory in 1898, which gave the UK the control of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon (area south of Boundary Street), and the New Territories (area north of Boundary Street and south of the Shenzhen River, and outlying islands), respectively. Although Hong Kong Island and Kowloon had been ceded to the United Kingdom in perpetuity, the control on the New Territories was a 99-year lease. The finite nature of the 99-year lease did not hinder Hong Kong's development as the New Territories were combined as a part of Hong Kong. By 1997, it was impractical to separate the three territories and only return the New Territories. In addition, with the scarcity of land and natural resources in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, the New Territories were being developed with large-scale infrastructures and other developments, with the break-even day lying well past 30 June 1997. Thus, the status of the New Territories after the expiry of the 99-year lease became important


Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thus, if Brits did not transfer HK, Kowloon that were looted from China in Opium War when Indian slaves helped Brits master greatly in their atrocity, HK and Kowloon won't survive.

The Wiki depicts it in an economical sense. Military wise, British can't hold HK as they did in Falkland Islands as the Brits know well that China is not Argentina, PLA not Argentina sh!tty soldiers, thanks to the bitter lessons learnt by Brits in Korea War. LOL!

Pretty sure China would take over whatever Brits grabbed from it, including South Tibet, sooner or later... :lol:

Dude, don't think greedy Brits would give up things easily.
Solidarity with the Tiananmen Square protestor who were massacred :tup:

RIP to the innocent and may god give the people strength to build a coup to the dictator regime.
Pretty sure China would take over whatever Brits grabbed from it, including South Tibet, sooner or later... :lol:

Dude, don't think greedy Brits would give up things easily.
odd isn't it, HK still follows the british system and calls out the locusts. apparently CPC communism with "chinese characteristics" isn't good enough.
odd isn't it, HK still follows the british system and calls out the locusts. apparently CPC communism with "chinese characteristics" isn't good enough.

The biggest difference is now the Chinese rule HK.

That's why I call CPC wise, your democracy stupid.

With Chinese characters are only in mainland, where in HK you can "keep betting on your horse, and dance your dances".

In contrast, it is truly pitiful that Indians think their democracy is enough because it is copy/pasted from the mighty West. :tdown:
RIP to the brave young Chinese who died fighting the evil regime. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten, and democracy will come to China one day, whether these 50 cent trolls want it or not.

Solidarity with the Tiananmen Square protestor who were massacred :tup:

RIP to the innocent and may god give the people strength to build a coup to the dictator regime.

RIP to all people who died brutally without even the tiniest candle light remembrance in faked-up demonic india!

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That's why I call CPC wise, your democracy stupid.

With Chinese characters are only in mainland, where in HK you can "keep betting on your horse, and dance your dances".

In contrast, it is truly pitiful that Indians think their democracy is enough because it is copy/pasted from the mighty West. :tdown:

no wonder locusts get called out.
RIP to the brave young Chinese who died fighting the evil regime. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten, and democracy will come to China one day, whether these 50 cent trolls want it or not.

Tiananmen Square Massacre - YouTube

same here mate rip to many starving and early infant death in india.. gosh i m so sad is it still continuing in india today and so happy the tinianmen incident is in the past. tears in my eyes when i saw pics of indians dieing of hunger so sickening now aday people still starving to death in so called shinning incredible india
I know what you mean, but I ignore those and don't even read their posts.

You are probably right. good response to trolls! and you have already given some respects to the infamous chronic China basher!

same here mate rip to many starving and early infant death in india.. gosh i m so sad is it still continuing in india today and so happy the tinianmen incident is in the past. tears in my eyes when i saw pics of indians dieing of hunger so sickening now aday people still starving to death in so called shinning incredible india

you have to rip every day!
You are probably right. good response to trolls! and you have already given some respects to the infamous chronic China basher!

you have to rip every day!

I usually ignore him when he throws personal insults at me because I know there's no way that I or anyone can change his his altitudes. However I do get mad sometimes when he insults China and Chinese people.
USA takes hundreds of countries only in your hallucinations.

Now let me educate you a little bit of history – I know your India has broken history, but not here, it is a continuum. Please see the following...

It won’t hurt to educate yourself a little bit more:

Thus, if Brits did not transfer HK, Kowloon that were looted from China in Opium War when Indian slaves helped Brits master greatly in their atrocity, HK and Kowloon won't survive.

The Wiki depicts it in an economical sense. Military wise, British can't hold HK as they did in Falkland Islands as the Brits know well that China is not Argentina, PLA not Argentina sh!tty soldiers, thanks to the bitter lessons learnt by Brits in Korea War. LOL!

Pretty sure China would take over whatever Brits grabbed from it, including South Tibet, sooner or later... :lol:

Dude, don't think greedy Brits would give up things easily.

your hallucination started..anyway..you failed to give me the reply...why China needs to capture HK??and why can't HK survive without China???now China can take SCS or South Tibet(only in your dreams though :lol:) or USA..we don't need to know..right???
same here mate rip to many starving and early infant death in india.. gosh i m so sad is it still continuing in india today and so happy the tinianmen incident is in the past. tears in my eyes when i saw pics of indians dieing of hunger so sickening now aday people still starving to death in so called shinning incredible india

then give some donation than flowing croc's tears here..by the way,topic is on Tienanmen,not infant death..typical chinese troller..RIP... :lol:

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