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This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons

Great retort!
Kid learn to control your shity emotions, this is not how youre supposed to behave in a civilised world.
Actually do you even know what civilised world is ?
allow me to explain its where people care unlike you and your bighead who couldnt care less
Kid learn to control your shity emotions, this is not how youre supposed to behave in a civilised world.
Actually do you even know what civilised world is ?
allow me to explain its where people care unlike you and your bighead who couldnt care less

More blather from an immature and ignorant bigot with an inflated idea of himself. But you keep trying, son!
More blather from an immature and ignorant bigot with an inflated idea of himself. But you keep trying, son!
Says the one who only knows how to say i couldnt care less and resorts to personal attack !
Says the one who only knows how to say i couldnt care less and resorts to personal attack !
You're the one who started getting personal. Grow up! And I really couldn't care less for the opinions of a lot of ignorant Moslem bigots.
Nope I never showed a bit of ignorance, its you who is bloody cheap,racist, and obsessed with us beautiful Muslims.
Nope I never showed a bit of ignorance, its you who is bloody cheap,racist, and obsessed with us beautiful Muslims.
Your responses, son, are getting weaker and sillier. I'd quit now if I were you before you make a real fool out of yourself.
This examples really fits in your situation.

Never argue with a fool he will drag you down to his low cheap level.

Now I realize why they say that, Thanks for exhibiting it in real life :enjoy:
There's a difference between calling you an idiot for considering Hitler a messiah and killing you. That is the point everyone's trying to make. You can be offended. You can call for a boycott of the paper and all its sponsors. You can ask for the cartoonist to be fired. You just cannot kill someone because your feelings are hurt. Make sense?
who said anything about killing them for such acts,i never said hitler was a messiah,it was an expression.
Back to the topic on hand

The irony of the entire situation is that these terrorists who killed those French journalists failed dismally in their quest.. What was previously restricted to a low number circulation of a magazine called Charlie Hebdo in France has now become a worldwide viral publication. In publications of magazines and newspapers in Zimbabwe and South Africa I am seeing reproductions of cartoons mocking the Muslim Prophet which are reprinted from the Charlie magazine. I am told that the same is being done in the USA and UK. On Facebook, people are posting previous cartoons from the Charlie magazine mocking Muhammad. I am therefore inclined to question, had a concerned group of Muslims taken Charlie to court or protested against these publications, would the world's sympathy not have been in their favor ? Would these cartoons then have been reproduced globally as they are being done now? Unlikely. Thanks to Jihad though, Muhammad is now being mocked on a global scale.
whats islamic in this?


  1. Principle of giving respect to others' beliefs even if I seriously disagree with them. Refrain from any act that will hurt others on their religious grounds even if I have the power to mock them, bully them.
  2. I have options for my course of action without hurting others
  3. There is no compulsion I have choices.
  4. Rights of my neighbors even he is non-Muslim
You asked what is not anti Islam, and I just quoted one example.
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