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This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons

Majid Nawaz(foudner of Quilliam) is routinely bashed as being an apostate. :(
There is a similar movement in India - New Age Islam. They are denounced and threatened for becoming apostates. :(

You must be so saddened hindutva, you are not fooling anyone give it a rest.

The last time the Christians went on a killing spree was in Libya---just recently---then Iraq before that and then afghanistan before that---.

The picture was just for information----no one is a saint----.

You have been only here on this board for close to 75 days----please don't jump ahead of yourself---.

Guy---india has forgotten nothing----because you never had the chance to do anything----. Kiddo india's time will come pretty soon----get a little stronger militarily---and I tell you what----some of your leaders would be digging old graves and pulling out the bones of the dead like they did in Serbia----oh excuse me----you burn your dead---so difficult to pull the bones out of the graves.

Most disgusting human beings are those who make fun of the beliefs of others---make fun of their gods---deities---prophets or their teaching----be it Pakistanis degrading hindu gods---Christians degrading the muslim God---vice versa or anyone making fun of anyone else's religious beliefs just to make fun and degrade---these people are worthless.

Charlie was a disgusting human being----I would have said the same thing if he had made fun of the Christ or any hindu God---. Did he deserve to die---I don't give a sh-it about it---.

Here---enjoy a picture from Australia---it is from the 1960's


Australia, until 1960s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings.
‪#‎whitesupremacy‬ ‪#‎racism‬ ‪#‎Australia‬ ‪#‎zkblast‬

The 1960s? I don't think so. The 1860s, maybe.

It doesnt say this read those verses and their translation yourself in a little depth.

We don't have this problem with Buddhists, Hindus, animists, or any other religion or religious belief. It is only with the followers of Islam that we have a problem with and the problem is that Moslems reject everyone else who is not a Moslem and are hostile to any religious or spiritual belief other than their own. Fair enough!

But Moslems ought not to complain about getting their feelings hurt when others reject them in turn and are hostile to their beliefs and religious practices and conventions. That's fair enough, too!

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Befriending Christians and Jews

If Moslems cannot associate with even Christians and Jews, then by extension they are clearly forbidden by their holy book to associate with nonbelievers that are atheists and agnostics. Atheists and agnostics ought to be even more hated and despised than Christians and Jews.
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The post below, from poster doppelganger from another thread, expresses the non-Moslem viewpoint succinctly and with the requisite vehemence; indeed, doppelganger expresses the prevalent view among non-Moslems very well in this post.

To quote his last two sentences which are the most pertinent to the non-Moslem perspective of Islam:

"It is your prophet, your book, your faith. IT MEANS NOTHING TO OTHERS."

@Horus @Irfan Baloch

By trying to pin the Zionist angle on to Solomon, you are both classically deflecting and projecting.

Fact is, today, there is only one faith whose followers are creating mayhem all over the world. The typical defence of those like you (the so called liberals, moderates, whatever other label fits) is that these people do not represent Islam.

Well, that is for YOU guys to sort out AMONGST YOURSELVES. Who represents what. They (the lunatic fringe) believe even more strongly than you (the liberals, moderates) that YOU do not represent Islam.

Frankly, we (non-muslims) are really not interested. Just please do not keep killing people. Because you are turning every faith away from you.

You know what is most alarming, disappointing, depressing, and at the same time, illuminating. EVERY Muslim I have spoken to in the past few days (educated all) has first condemned the killing. BUT there is always a BUT that follows .....

There is NO BUT guys. Period. If they abuse you or your prophet or your holy book or whatever, even so, THERE IS NO BUT for taking a gun and shooting people, or strapping explosives to your chest and blowing yourself up in a marketplace.

That is what is lost on the entire Muslim community. It is your prophet, your book, your faith. IT MEANS NOTHING TO OTHERS.

Muslims must save Islam from Islamists | Page 3
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The 1960s? I don't think so. The 1860s, maybe.

We don't have this problem with Buddhists, Hindus, animists, or any other religion or religious belief. It is only with the followers of Islam that we have a problem with and the problem is that Moslems reject everyone else who is not a Moslem and are hostile to any religious or spiritual belief other than their own. Fair enough!

But Moslems ought not to complain about getting their feelings hurt when others reject them in turn and are hostile to their beliefs and religious practices and conventions. That's fair enough, too!

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Befriending Christians and Jews

If Moslems cannot associate with even Christians and Jews, then by extension they are clearly are forbidden by their holy book to associate with nonbelievers that are atheists and agnostics. Atheists and agnostics ought to be even more hated and despised than Christians and Jews.
wrong moke up sites wont serve yr purpose here. Go to utube and watch the videos of Dr Zakir Naik. He is the authentic scholar of Islam not some xyz religionofpeace website. Which is not even accessible.

BTW u do have problems with buddhists, hindus etc etc...Dont lie.
wrong moke up sites wont serve yr purpose here. Go to utube and watch the videos of Dr Zakir Naik. He is the authentic scholar of Islam not some xyz religionofpeace website. Which is not even accessible.

BTW u do have problems with buddhists, hindus etc etc...Dont lie.

They are legitimate translations of the Koran. And your ignorance of Australia is obvious. No, we don't have problems with other non-Western religions. Buddhist charitable organisations, for example, help feed and clothe homeless people and Buddhist monks talk to Australian high-school students on the value and benefits of compassion and other principles from Buddhism. Practising Buddhists in Australia are liked by many people here even if those people are not themselves Buddhists, such as myself. Buddhism is a constructive religion and a force for good.
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They are legitimate translations of the Koran. And no, we don't have problems with other non-Western religions. Buddhist charitable organisations, for example, help feed and clothe homeless people and Buddhist monks talk to Australian high-school students on the value and benefits of compassion and other principles from Buddhism. Buddhists in Australia are liked in by many people here even if those people are not themselves Buddhists, such as myself. Buddhism is a constructive religion.
LOL how do u know? Im a Muslim myself and a practicing Muslim i know better then u who is an athiest and who lives in a corner of the world, australia. Just do what i asked u to do then u will know how much yr making yrself a fool by defending this random website.

Here is an advice If u wish to learn about something go to the authentic sources about its original translation and in depth explanation. Not to learn from some xyz propaganda website. Otherwise u will never know the truth nor will u ever find the root cause of a problem.
LOL how do u know? Im a Muslim myself and a practicing Muslim i know better then u who is an athiest and who lives in a corner of the world, australia. Just do what i asked u to do then u will know how much yr making yrself a fool by defending this random website.

Here is an advice If u wish to learn about something go to the authentic sources about its original translation and in depth explanation. Not to learn from some xyz propaganda website. Otherwise u will never know the truth nor will u ever find the root cause of a problem.

They are from Marmaduke Pickthall's translation of the Koran, which is considered one of the best renderings in English of the book.

And I would rather be an atheist living in this corner of the world, than a Moslem living in Pakistan, which is rated the 10th failed state in the world out of the top 20 for 2014. What an achievement! Pakistan is a failed, terrorist-infested place. As Christopher Hitchens once said, Pakistan is not a country, it's barely a state, it's a construct. Pakistan cannot even stand on its own two feet and is supported by U.S. foreign aid.

Yes, Pakistanis have done wonders developing their "country" since 1947: they've managed to get rated 10th out the top 20 failed states in the world and the place is on foreign-aid life support. Mohammed Ali Jinnah would be bursting with pride to see how the "country" he helped create has been doing since his death in 1948.

And I'm not making a fool of myself just because some Moslem bigot says so.

Is the Quran Hate Propaganda?

If you follow the links on the page you will that the translations of the various Koranic verses are by Pickthall, Yusuf Ali, and Shakir.
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The 1960s? I don't think so. The 1860s, maybe.

Quality of photograph shows it is from 1960s. You think they had cameras of this quality in 1860?

Europeans have a shameful history. They don't have moral high ground. Just to give you an idea, Dutch would cut hand of every 100th African slaves they captured, just to make counting and grouping easy! There is too much blood on their hands. Work with them? Yes. Take them as my ideals? Hell No!
Quality of photograph shows it is from 1960s. You think they had cameras of this quality in 1860?

Europeans have a shameful history. They don't have moral high ground. Just to give you an idea, Dutch would cut hand of every 100th African slaves they captured, just to make counting and grouping easy! There is too much blood on their hands. Work with them? Yes. Take them as my ideals? Hell No!

Complete and utter bullshit. The photo isn't from the 1960s. You're a complete idiot.
Well then, Time to make cartoons of french surrendering every minute....
The source of the shitty article??

This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons - World - DAWN.COM

Anti Islam....yeah i guess one needs such articles to stay as the thekedaar of islam....

When will common sense dawn on such folks...media plays a pivotal role in not only representing a society,bur also at the same time it forms the society and nurtures the young minds . If such inflammatory articles are presented to young minds, dont be astonished if pakistan stays right at the front as the extremist haven.
Complete and utter bullshit. The photo isn't from the 1960s. You're a complete idiot.

An idiot would be a person who fights over the date of this picture and not see what is in that picture!
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