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This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons

Charlie Hebdo's lawyer, Richard Malka, told French radio the staff will “cede nothing” to extremists seeking to silence them.

Bravo! Excellent! The fanatics have only ensured that more and more anti-Islam cartoons will be drawn and published across the Western world. It is great the Charlie Hebdo won't let the terrorists win by being intimidated into silence!

Here's a link to the article in the OP:

This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons - World - DAWN.COM
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Extremists VS extremists result no matters but audience( Indians ) keep enjoy the show:p:

You have every right to stop the show by educating the Muslim people about the importance of tolerance...Then INDIAN can not simply enjoy the show....:yahoo:
the west has to curb extremists from its societies.......its as simple as that

Bravo! Excellent! The fanatics have only ensured that more and more anti-Islam cartoons will be drawn and published across the Western world. It is great the Charlie Hebdo won't let the terrorists win by being intimidated into silence!
more like u have verified to us Muslims that no matter what we do for u.......u will never even be happy with us.......Something that our Quran has said 14 hundred years ago.
the west has to curb extremists from its societies.......its as simple as that

more like u have verified to us Muslims that no matter what we do for u.......u will never even be happy with us.......Something that our Quran has said 14 hundred years ago.

Exactly what have we done? Muslims were on their scientific during the Abbasid era (ironically the era modern Islamic "scholars" declare to be most un-"Islamic"), when even in the crumbling stone halls of Europe, tales were told of majestic cities and exotic palaces built in the heat of the Middle East, where glorious kings and their wazirs enjoyed the highest of luxuries, and the world's finest hospitals and laboratories were built year around. And now, none from any of the modern world's most prominent inventions is made by a Muslim. So right now, we contribute nothing to world, nothing at all, light years behind the Chinese, Japanese and Westerners, except angry death threats over stupid cartoons. So Muslims, and Pakistanis in particular, need to shut up about these bloody cartoons and hang some politicians, French Revolution-style!
We should ignore them and shun their chdish obsession of cartoons from our sights and minds.
FB or google Pk is not showing the cartoons in Pakistan, french can jump with joy on tje cartoons all they want. They will go to hell anyway.

This is what French soldiers did in Algeria. These inhuman soldiers killed at least 1.5million people in Algeria but no one declared christianity as terrorism. ...This SHOWS that who are training DAESH ISIL Nusra, Qaeda, FSA.. right? Don not you see that the methods are THE SAME?
(IŞİD köpeklerinin eğitmenlerinin kim olduğu ayan beyan ortada değil mi?)

This is what French soldiers did in Algeria. These inhuman soldiers killed at least 1.5million people in Algeria but no one declared christianity as terrorism. ...This SHOWS that who are training DAESH ISIL Nusra, Qaeda, FSA.. right? Don not you see that the methods are THE SAME?
(IŞİD köpeklerinin eğitmenlerinin kim olduğu ayan beyan ortada değil mi?)
Motivation matters even if you feel like disregarding it. Even your religion calls it important - 'niyat'.
When the French killed they did not say 'for Christ'.

The last time Christians went on killing spree for Christianity was in the Crusades.

In any case, the fact that you had to use so old a data to make a point itself shows what is wrong with Muslims including you. The Muslims are still doing it today.

This is what French soldiers did in Algeria. These inhuman soldiers killed at least 1.5million people in Algeria but no one declared christianity as terrorism. ...This SHOWS that who are training DAESH ISIL Nusra, Qaeda, FSA.. right? Don not you see that the methods are THE SAME?
(IŞİD köpeklerinin eğitmenlerinin kim olduğu ayan beyan ortada değil mi?)

So the French killed Moslems in Algeria. The French also killed Buddhists in Vietnam and I don't see Vietnamese Buddhists complaining or hear them whining or see them feeling sorry for themselves about what happened 100 years ago. On the contrary, the Vietnamese have reconciled themselves to the past and are trying to build a modern state.
So the French killed Moslems in Algeria. The French also killed Buddhists in Vietnam and I don't see Vietnamese Buddhists complaining or hear them whining about what happened 100 years ago. On the contrary, the Vietnamese have reconciled themselves to the past and are trying to build a modern state.
The Britishers by their actions killed millions of Indians - of all religions but including Hindus.
We don't wallow in the past either, no Indian goes in UK and murders ethnic Britishers saying "we have avenged a crime''.

We accept what happened, and our trying our best to pull our country up by the bootstraps and make a good country.
there is a thing called freedom of speech and a thing called INSULT,am i using freedom of speech when is say Hitler was a messiah,stupid logic.

There's a difference between calling you an idiot for considering Hitler a messiah and killing you. That is the point everyone's trying to make. You can be offended. You can call for a boycott of the paper and all its sponsors. You can ask for the cartoonist to be fired. You just cannot kill someone because your feelings are hurt. Make sense?
The Britishers by their actions killed millions of Indians - of all religions but including Hindus.
We don't wallow in the past either, no Indian goes in UK and murders ethnic Britishers saying "we have avenged a crime''.

We accept what happened, and our trying our best to pull our country up by the bootstraps and make a good country.

That's the way to do it. The Indians have the right attitude. Trying to build a good country NOW is all that matters. I am sympathetic to what were the subject colonial peoples in the Indian subcontinent under the former British Empire. I am the first to admit that they were often treated abominably by their former colonial masters. But the past is the past and it cannot be undone. And all that ill-treatment can be left in the past. But Moslems don't leave these matters in the past where they belong. The dredge up the past and wallow in it. Moslems are much given to self-pity it seems.
What you do for us? Your co-religionists murdered 12 people for drawing cartoons! Moslems do nothing for us and a great deal against us!

The Quran's Verses of Violence
Hold on Hold on! Do u even know that this rise that u have got in science and tech is only because of Muslims in the first place? This very France got civilized because of us. Yr Eastern Europe got or became what it is today is because of the Turkic rule of greats like Sultan Mehmat and others. But off course yr kind will never accept since it defies yr arrogance which is legendary of yr kind. And lets not forget the wealth u have today how and from where u got that which is never yours.

And dont get fooled by these apologetic muslims who dont even live in muslim countries nor are educated in islamic history to begin with are anywhere close to representing muslims. They just do that because they live in an alien country as a minority, born and brought up in a non muslim environment so its very obvious that they will feel these verses strange when they themselves have little to no clue abt history itself. The little history they study is written by either christians or others abt Muslims.......Just study history without BS if u can (that i have a hunch u are not capable off, still i say prove me wrong......)

Meanwhile in yr west........BBC News - Defiant Charlie Hebdo depicts Prophet Muhammad on cover

This proves u Christians can never be our Friends no matter what we do for u.
What you do for us? Your co-religionists murdered 12 people for drawing cartoons! Moslems do nothing for us and a great deal against us!

And you'll never be happy with us. The Koran advocates the killing of non-Moslems, I believe. Something that has been going on for 1,400 years. People have posted it here on PDF that Islam is a religion of war and is imperialist and expansionist. This is admitted by Moslems on this site. Islam is clearly a religion of violence that encourages fanaticism.

All right, if all this is true, you must expect resistance from non-Moslems which your prophet and holy book advocate killing or the forced conversion to Islam by the threat and use of deadly violence against nonbelievers. Moslems will not convert the Western world to Islam by the sword.

The Quran's Verses of Violence
Excuse me Holy Quran never teach the violence neither Islam religion of war, the reference you post and ayat based on few incidents and you better read that all the subject to understand what it's actually about it.

The Qur’an only permitted force to be used against those who waged war and raised their sword against Islam. Another crucial point is that if a citizen seeks to inflict any form of harm on his country or on his fellow countrymen then clearly he would be acting against the teachings of Islam. The Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa) said that whoso sheds the blood of an innocent person is not a Muslim. The Holy Prophet(sa) has deemed such people as weak in faith and to be sinners.
Another grave allegation raised against the Founder of Islam(sa) and the Qur’an is that they gave teachings of extremism and promoted the use of force to spread the message of Islam. To assess this allegation and to seek the reality let us look to the Qur’an itself. Allah the Almighty says:

‘And if thy Lord had enforced His Will, surely, all who are in the earth would have believed together. Wilt thou, then, force men to become believers?’ (Ch.10:V.100).

This verse clearly states that God, as the Possessor of all Powers, could easily force all people to adopt the same religion; however, He has instead given the people of the world the freedom to choose – to believe or to not believe.

And so if God has given mankind this freedom of choice, then how could the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa) or any of his followers compel or force anyone to become a Muslim? Allah the Almighty also states in the Qur’an:

‘It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will believe, and let him, who will disbelieve.’ (Ch.18:V.30)

This is the reality of Islam. This is its true teaching. If a person’s heart desires then they are free to accept Islam, but if their heart does not, then they are free to reject it. Therefore, Islam is completely against compulsion and extremism; rather, it advocates peace and harmony at all levels of society. It is quite impossible for Islam to teach violence or compulsion because the very meaning of ‘Islam’ is to live in peace and to provide peace to all others.

What you put in reference and what I did is from same Qur'an, so my advise for you that read Qur'an carefully and read all the subject there is a whole different story before and after that ayats you give as reference. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.
Motivation matters even if you feel like disregarding it. Even your religion calls it important - 'niyat'.
When the French killed they did not say 'for Christ'.

The last time Christians went on killing spree for Christianity was in the Crusades.

In any case, the fact that you had to use so old a data to make a point itself shows what is wrong with Muslims including you. The Muslims are still doing it today.


The last time the Christians went on a killing spree was in Libya---just recently---then Iraq before that and then afghanistan before that---.

The picture was just for information----no one is a saint----.

You have been only here on this board for close to 75 days----please don't jump ahead of yourself---.

Guy---india has forgotten nothing----because you never had the chance to do anything----. Kiddo india's time will come pretty soon----get a little stronger militarily---and I tell you what----some of your leaders would be digging old graves and pulling out the bones of the dead like they did in Serbia----oh excuse me----you burn your dead---so difficult to pull the bones out of the graves.

Most disgusting human beings are those who make fun of the beliefs of others---make fun of their gods---deities---prophets or their teaching----be it Pakistanis degrading hindu gods---Christians degrading the muslim God---vice versa or anyone making fun of anyone else's religious beliefs just to make fun and degrade---these people are worthless.

Charlie was a disgusting human being----I would have said the same thing if he had made fun of the Christ or any hindu God---. Did he deserve to die---I don't give a sh-it about it---.

Here---enjoy a picture from Australia---it is from the 1960's


Australia, until 1960s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings.
‪#‎whitesupremacy‬ ‪#‎racism‬ ‪#‎Australia‬ ‪#‎zkblast‬
@Umair Nawaz

Your prophet and holy book rails against nonbelievers and commands their killing or forced conversion by deadly violence. It also commands Moslems not to befriend nonbelievers or associate with them if at all possible. That is why there can be no friendship between Moslems and everyone else.

And I am not a Christian. Don't call me a Christian. I am a convinced atheist and have been since adolescence.
It doesnt say this read those verses and their translation yourself in a little depth.
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