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This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons

the basic instinct of a human, even infant is self-preservation. if a baby left on its own puts his hand to a fire, he will flinch in pain and learn to never do it again. but for some reason when it comes to insulting Islam, basic nature, logic, understanding, respect all gets thrown violently into the trash can. they will cry "why does the fire hurt?? i have freedom to put my hand on fire , and it has no right to burn me!!" muh fweedoms hurr durr. :rolleyes:
Right folks I have already shut one thread down to the rampant stupidity there. I'll keep a careful eye on this.

As for the topic, so what! Let them insult whoever they want, and if that is the Prophet(saws) then Muslims should be smart enough to fight with their intellects and creativity. If you give in to a wild murderous rage, you simply have lost the battle. Also in the aftermath it simply won't make an iota of difference no matter how many signs of "Islam is the religion is peace" you hold up.

The last time the Christians went on a killing spree was in Libya---just recently---then Iraq before that and then afghanistan before that---.

The picture was just for information----no one is a saint----.

You have been only here on this board for close to 75 days----please don't jump ahead of yourself---.

Guy---india has forgotten nothing----because you never had the chance to do anything----. Kiddo india's time will come pretty soon----get a little stronger militarily---and I tell you what----some of your leaders would be digging old graves and pulling out the bones of the dead like they did in Serbia----oh excuse me----you burn your dead---so difficult to pull the bones out of the graves.

Most disgusting human beings are those who make fun of the beliefs of others---make fun of their gods---deities---prophets or their teaching----be it Pakistanis degrading hindu gods---Christians degrading the muslim God---vice versa or anyone making fun of anyone else's religious beliefs just to make fun and degrade---these people are worthless.

Charlie was a disgusting human being----I would have said the same thing if he had made fun of the Christ or any hindu God---. Did he deserve to die---I don't give a sh-it about it---.

Here---enjoy a picture from Australia---it is from the 1960's


Australia, until 1960s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings.
‪#‎whitesupremacy‬ ‪#‎racism‬ ‪#‎Australia‬ ‪#‎zkblast‬
the problem is that this BS happed in past but the action of islamist is happening today !


This is what French soldiers did in Algeria. These inhuman soldiers killed at least 1.5million people in Algeria but no one declared christianity as terrorism. ...This SHOWS that who are training DAESH ISIL Nusra, Qaeda, FSA.. right? Don not you see that the methods are THE SAME?
(IŞİD köpeklerinin eğitmenlerinin kim olduğu ayan beyan ortada değil mi?)
#horus does the rules of this forum apply only at us !
The biggest Clash of the Civilization is on its way ... bad times is ahead of us all ... i dont know why but this War against Extremism is not going to end or even its not getting wear, but stronger by every passing day, thanks to both sides , one is responsible for provoking certain people and religion ,and other side is violent ... Prophet Muhammad pbuh was indeed right , the End war will be between West and Islam , and i think we will witnessed much more bloodshed on the name of " democracy and Islam " every word he spoke turn out to be true , so as this will be ...

lets go a few decades back , where do the Islam stand in the early 1900 ?? there were ww1 and ww2 .. Europeans fighting with each other with million dead , no one actually cared about Islam and Muslim ... back in the time of World war , can any one even think about that the last war will eventually be between Islam and west ? did even Jews think that they will return to their Land after hundreds of years exile ?

we are just moving towards the end , sit back and watch how thing will move towards its end .. no matter what we do , no matter which Islamic , moderate or extremist cleric will come and try to fix thing , it wont ... wait till the next news shocked you ...
Motivation matters even if you feel like disregarding it. Even your religion calls it important - 'niyat'.
When the French killed they did not say 'for Christ'.

The last time Christians went on killing spree for Christianity was in the Crusades.

In any case, the fact that you had to use so old a data to make a point itself shows what is wrong with Muslims including you. The Muslims are still doing it today.
Yea and today they go under the name of liberation....Method too matters when checking out a bomb the squad also checks if the bombs were made of the same"signature"
Freedom of speech doesn't means abusing teachers , neighbours and anyone is legal or ethical act
An excellent write up on the Charlie Hebdot affair:

Khusro Mumtaz
Monday, January 19, 2015
From Print Edition

7 4 1 0

Nothing justifies the actions of Said and Cherif Kouachi. Let’s be clear about that. No matter what the provocation, no matter what the slight, perceived or real, nobody has the right to take the law into his or her own hands and become a self-appointed judge, jury and executioner. The Mumtaz Qadris and Cherif brothers of the world deserve condemnation and not accolades, not even sympathy or even understanding.

Their actions have caused more harm to Islam than the actions of those they brought violence upon by giving even more ammunition to those who seek to disparage or criticise the religion and/or its adherents. Their actions have brought more attention to the offenders than would have been possible in any other way.

Charlie Hebdo normally sells around 50,000 copies. Its latest print run is five million. Without Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa, Salman Rushdie would have remained a relatively unknown writer outside the United Kingdom or the Subcontinent. Nobody would have even looked at that infamous YouTube video if such a fuss had not been made about it.

As the Muslim Council of Britain says on its website, even though the cover of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo is again likely to cause many Muslims to “inevitably be hurt, offended and upset” the response to it “must be a reflection of the teachings of the gentle and merciful character of the prophet (pbuh).”

“Enduring patience, tolerance, gentleness and mercy as was the character of our beloved prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the best and immediate way to respond … With dignified nobility we must be restrained, as the Quran says ‘And when the ignorant speak to them, they say words of peace’… Our aim is to not, inadvertently, give the cartoons more prominence through our attention. Muslims must remain calm and peaceful in their speech and actions … Repel harm with goodness is the Qur’anic imperative and by which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived… If we feel strongly, the only course of action to us is with reasoned debate, civil activism and other legal avenues.”

Having said that, does Charlie Hebdo have the untrammelled right to publish anything it wants? Freedom of expression is not unlimited. Article 4(a) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Religious Discrimination (CERD) makes “all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred” a punishable offence and Article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) outlaws “any advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence.”

The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) grants the right of freedom of expression to all as long as it conforms to the necessary restrictions, including “for the protection of the reputation and rights of others.”

Accordingly, Article 266(b) of the Danish Criminal Code criminalises “expressing and spreading racial hatred”, and makes it illegal to publicly use threatening, vilifying, or insulting language. Section 24 of The 1881 Press Law of France, makes it a criminal act to incite racial discrimination, hatred, or violence on the basis of one’s origin or membership in an ethic, national, racial, or religious group. Articles 137(c) and 137(d) of the Dutch Criminal Code prohibit making public intentional insults, or engaging in verbal, written, or illustrated incitement to hatred, on account of one’s race, religion, sexual orientation, or personal convictions.

In the United Kingdom, Sec. 18(1) of the Public Order Act (POA) of 1986, states that “a person who uses threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive, or insulting, is guilty of an offence if: a) he intends to thereby stir up racial hatred, or; b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.” Further, Section 5 of the POA criminalises using or displaying threatening, abusive, or insulting words “within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm, or distress thereby.” Similar laws exist in the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, amongst many others.

There are laws against Holocaust denial all across Europe. The Austrian National Socialism Prohibition Law prescribes punishment for “whoever denies, grossly plays down, approves or tries to excuse the National Socialist genocide or other National Socialist crimes against humanity.” In France, the Gayssot Act makes it illegal to even question the existence of crimes that can be categorised as crimes against humanity. A challenge to the act was turned down by the Human Rights Committee which declared the act necessary to counter any possible anti-Semitism.

The swastika is banned in Germany where the Public Incitement Act prescribes imprisonment for “whoever publicly or in a meeting approves of, denies or belittles an act committed under the rule of National Socialism” and “assaults the human dignity of the victims by approving of, denying or rendering harmless the violent and arbitrary National Socialist rule.”

The same holds true in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic where the laws also apply to communist atrocities. The French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools prohibits displaying any religious symbols in public schools and the French ban on face covering prohibits any face-covering headgear, including the niqab, in public areas.

Let’s take a specific case from France. In January 2002, Denis Leroy, a French cartoonist, was found guilty by French courts of condoning terrorism and glorifying the violent destruction of American imperialism. His crime was the publication of a cartoon in the Basque weekly newspaper Ekaitza on September 13, 2001 which depicted the attack on the World Trade Centre twin towers with a caption, parodying the advertising slogan of a famous brand, “We have all dreamt of it... Hamas did it”.

Freedom of expression or speech is never unlimited. Rules of society, whether enforced by legislation or not, require us to moderate our behaviours in certain – in fact, many – ways. Take a few very simple examples. You (generally) do not walk around nude in public. The use of the ‘N’ word is condemned when used by non-black people. Prince Harry was roundly criticised for wearing a swastika armband to a fancy dress party. Freedom brings with it certain responsibilities and that freedom must not be abused.

As the Muslim Council of Britain states, Muslims “do believe” in the freedom of speech and “they do respect the right for people to say what they believe to be correct. However, freedom of speech should not be translated into a duty to offend.”

The writer is a freelance columnist.

Email: Kmumtaz1@hotmail.com

Twitter: @KhusroMumtaz
Je ne suis pas Charlie - Khusro Mumtaz
Nothing justifies the actions of Said and Cherif Kouachi. Let’s be clear about that. No matter what the provocation, no matter what the slight, perceived or real, nobody has the right to take the law into his or her own hands and become a self-appointed judge, jury and executioner. The Mumtaz Qadris and Cherif brothers of the world deserve condemnation and not accolades, not even sympathy or even understanding.


As the Muslim Council of Britain states, Muslims “do believe” in the freedom of speech and “they do respect the right for people to say what they believe to be correct. However, freedom of speech should not be translated into a duty to offend.”
The solution for the Muslims is clear: Either you take the laws into your own hands, or you leave that freedom of speech alone.

You want to use the word 'should', which implies persuasion, to discourage people from mocking your prophet ? Then you leave that freedom of speech alone. By that, it mean you use it in the same way as those who offended you. If you feel you are restrained by your own religious beliefs and decency, then take the moral high ground and suffer these fools, but still you leave that freedom of speech alone.

It is either the pen or the gun. Your choice.
the basic instinct of a human, even infant is self-preservation. if a baby left on its own puts his hand to a fire, he will flinch in pain and learn to never do it again. but for some reason when it comes to insulting Islam, basic nature, logic, understanding, respect all gets thrown violently into the trash can. they will cry "why does the fire hurt?? i have freedom to put my hand on fire , and it has no right to burn me!!" muh fweedoms hurr durr. :rolleyes:
islam is not fire.. if it is, we should strive to stop it spreading and extinguish it.
Here's the thing. I keep reading about some people using examples of the Holocaust as parallel's to the recent Charlie Hebdo cartoon which Muslim's are upset about. I'm sorry, but they are NOT the same thing - here's why:

If there were caricatures stereotyping all Muslim's as suicide bombers, or making Muslim's look 'evil', or if there were cartoons mocking black people, Asians, Jews etc.... or maybe finding some warped humour in say, recent massacres where there are still living people or very close relatives of those alive (say Bosnia, the massacre of Hutu's and Tutsis in Africa, the Holocaust, etc) I would be and am, completely against it.

However, drawing a cartoon of Mohammed, Jesus, Moses, God/Allah, etc.....historical figures from a LONG LONG time ago....well to me that is fair game. The magazine did in fact make silly cartoons of other religious figures and has not just drawn cartoons of Mohammed. There is a piece of 'art' (if you can call it that) called 'Piss Christ'. Have you heard of it? Well in case you have not, I'll explain what it was/is: "Piss Christ is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifixsubmerged in a glass of the artist's urine."

How offensive do you think this is to Christians?! Very. However, you did not see Christians that were offended by this, killing people because they were offended, or even having it banned. What's more offensive? A cartoon of Mohammed or this piece of art depicting Jesus on a cross in a glass of urine?

Now, the recent cartoons, so called 'art' like Piss Christ are all potentially offensive to certain people. However, that does not give people the right to kill. Anyone even making the smallest excuse is wrong. You have the right to be offended, you do not have the right to incite or act in a violent manner.

I would also question your inner strength. Really? Getting that angry about a magazine that pokes fun at ALL religions? People should stop being outraged all the time, live their lives, piously if they want to, and just not worry about such minor things.

Lastly, if people are so outraged about this, I would love to to hear your thoughts on some of the many Muslim countries that have some pretty racist cartoons about Jews. And have even created TV shows which have been shown that are very very racist towards Jewish people. Is that okay, but a cartoon of a historical religious figure from over 1,400 years ago is not?

I'll be interested to see if anyone answers. Thanks!
Attack on Prophet is generally act of war unfortunately , it was the case during crusade wars

Christians , were involved in crusade wars over 800-900 years

They just recently stopped practicing their faith so they assume others have developed a sense of , no respect for religion

But in private they view themselves as special freedom this freedom that meanwhile any opposing view is thrown into prison

Or what was the word D_UNGEONS: yep another wonderful gift to society by Christians

Lets say the way it is

World is headed for WW3 ! and Europe is trying to rally up its population to justify war by these small acts because it cannot compete with China or Russia

So they need a WW3

  • Was there any terrorism before Gulf war 1 ? Not really
SELECTIVE FREEDOM is not welcomed that some groups are completely protected while others are called to accept it as is

This is how French Ambassadors dressed during Ottoman Empire days they clearly did not had any problem with Muslims back then as they were given special trade rights (Exclusive) rights


Clearly no problems in sharing picture spot with Muslim by French leader

The world is heading for WW3 and French forces already have bases setup in Gulf and North African states , and when time comes these areas will fall back into French control

(Similar to how East India company took over Indian continent)
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