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This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons

They are from Marmaduke Pickthall's translation of the Koran, which is considered one of the best renderings in English of the book.

U duffer!

Kid i have already told u to go for the authentic sources! The authentic sources are the ones u will find from the Muslim Countries and some xyz westerner 'which is considered to be one of best rendering in English of our Holly Book!!!!!
Dude yr i guess is just accepting him authentic because maybe he shares yr views......REMEMBER this that yr trying to study about Islam here! not about Mr Mambojambo or whatever's personal translation. Back in those days not many people knew English in the muslim world as those british just invaded the muslim world and introduce their own language about the languages spoken prior to the occupation like Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Turkic etc etc. But now u can get from the Muslim Scholars and clerics of highest degree who have time and again rebutted him and many propagandists.

There are many islamic scholars and clerics who are masters of the both English and Arabic Languages who can give u an accurate translation and above all its explaination to you today. Just go to yourube and watch a video named misconceptions about islam by Dr Zakir Naik. He has answered this long standing misconception very well.

Dont those people teach u in Australia that if u wish to research about something then first check the credibility and authenticity of your sources?

The source of the shitty article??

This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons - World - DAWN.COM

Anti Islam....yeah i guess one needs such articles to stay as the thekedaar of islam....

When will common sense dawn on such folks...media plays a pivotal role in not only representing a society,bur also at the same time it forms the society and nurtures the young minds . If such inflammatory articles are presented to young minds, dont be astonished if pakistan stays right at the front as the extremist haven.

BBC News - Defiant Charlie Hebdo depicts Prophet Muhammad on cover
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U duffer!

Kid i have already told u to go for the authentic sources! The authentic sources are the ones u will find from the Muslim Countries and some xyz westerner 'which is considered to be one of best rendering in English of our Holly Book!!!!!
Dude yr i guess is just accepting him authentic because maybe he shares yr views......REMEMBER this that yr trying to study about Islam here! not about Mr Mambojambo or whatever's personal translation. Back in those days not many people knew English in the muslim world as those british just invaded the muslim world and introduce their own language about the languages spoken prior to the occupation like Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Turkic etc etc. But now u can get from the Muslim Scholars and clerics of highest degree who have time and again rebutted him and many propagandists.

There are many islamic scholars and clerics who are masters of the both English and Arabic Languages who can give u an accurate translation and above all its explaination to you today. Just go to yourube and watch a video named misconceptions about islam by Dr Zakir Naik. He has answered this long standing misconception very well.

Dont those people teach u in Australia that if u wish to research about something then first check the credibility and authenticity of your sources?

Once a Hindu is always a Hindu!!!!!!!

BBC News - Defiant Charlie Hebdo depicts Prophet Muhammad on cover

Don't tell me what to do and don't condescend to me, you didactic, condescending cunt! And who's a Hindu? I told you, son, I'm an atheist. Or are we back on the merry-go-round of doubting my identity?
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Who's a Hindu? I told you, son, I'm an atheist. Or are we back on the merry-go-round of doubting my identity?
You do realise when you sprout something,anything south asians don't like they will label you as one from their rival country?Indians do it,Pakistanis do it,so do the rest of south asian members and chinese or EA/SEA members.It's better not to go off on that tangent with them.
My muslim friend called me early morning with this news. My response: It was expected. Be prepared for a lot more institutionalized as wel as spontaneous acts of defiance from the Western world.

His response: Now the French have had it. Now the ISIS is going to be gunning for their buttocks.

My response: The French are not yet pissed off enough. None of the Western world really is. Pray to whatever you hold dear that they do not get really pissed.

But honestly, inward, I have little hope for that. The piss-off barometer is slowly going off the charts. I see a fight coming, where Europe is going to be the prime protagonist, with the US on the sidelines.
You do realise when you sprout something,anything south asians don't like they will label you as one from their rival country?Indians do it,Pakistanis do it,so do the rest of south asian members and chinese or EA/SEA members.It's better not to go off on that tangent with them.

I've noticed it on here, of course, by Pakistanis branding me an Indian and Communist Chinese branding me a Taiwanese/KMT-supporting Chinese. But I have never seen it from Indians, possibly because my views coincide with those of many Indians. All right, your advisory information and suggestion are noted.

My muslim friend called me early morning with this news. My response: It was expected. Be prepared for a lot more institutionalized as wel as spontaneous acts of defiance from the Western world.

His response: Now the French have had it. Now the ISIS is going to be gunning for their buttocks.

My response: The French are not yet pissed off enough. None of the Western world really is. Pray to whatever you hold dear that they do not get really pissed.

But honestly, inward, I have little hope for that. The piss-off barometer is slowly going off the charts. I see a fight coming, where Europe is going to be the prime protagonist, with the US on the sidelines.

France is a nuclear-armed power. They could destroy ISIS. If the Moslem world keeps pressing the West, it is not out of the question that a country like France would let a nuclear weapon go at an Arab country harbouring ISIS or like organisation and destroy it. If the militant, right-wing National Front ever gets into power, look out!

The gun-toting Moslem terrorists with their trifling ideology had better hope the West does not use even a fraction of its power against them. The West has the weapons to wipe out entire countries, all it needs is to be sufficiently provoked to have the will to use them. The U.S. remains the only state to use atomic or nuclear weapons in war and it did so because it was sufficiently provoked.
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Don't tell me what to do and don't condescend to me, you didactic, condescending prick. An who's a Hindu? I told you, son, I'm an atheist. Or are we back on the merry-go-round of doubting my identity?
! then what the **** are u doing in our forum then? Kiddo im trying to educate u because yr just an example of a prime dumb person!

And kid that Hindu term wasnt for u in case u need to go back and check yr source.

Let me repeat my words.........Kid i have already told u to go for the authentic sources! The authentic sources are the ones u will find from the Muslim Countries and some xyz westerner 'which is considered to be one of best rendering in English of our Holly Book!!!!!
Dude yr i guess is just accepting him authentic because maybe he shares yr views......REMEMBER this that yr trying to study about Islam here! not about Mr Mambojambo or whatever's personal translation. Back in those days not many people knew English in the muslim world as those british just invaded the muslim world and introduce their own language about the languages spoken prior to the occupation like Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Turkic etc etc. But now u can get from the Muslim Scholars and clerics of highest degree who have time and again rebutted him and many propagandists.

There are many islamic scholars and clerics who are masters of the both English and Arabic Languages who can give u an accurate translation and above all its explaination to you today. Just go to yourube and watch a video named misconceptions about islam by Dr Zakir Naik. He has answered this long standing misconception very well.

Dont those people teach u in Australia that if u wish to research about something then first check the credibility and authenticity of your sources?

Now go and research first then come back and talk with us. If u dont wish to educate yourself and chose to be ignorant then just vanish!!!!

Hope u got something in yr tin head!.
! then what the **** are u doing in our forum then? Kiddo im trying to educate u because yr just an example of a prime dumb person!

And kid that Hindu term wasnt for u in case u need to go back and check yr source.

Let me repeat my words.........Kid i have already told u to go for the authentic sources! The authentic sources are the ones u will find from the Muslim Countries and some xyz westerner 'which is considered to be one of best rendering in English of our Holly Book!!!!!
Dude yr i guess is just accepting him authentic because maybe he shares yr views......REMEMBER this that yr trying to study about Islam here! not about Mr Mambojambo or whatever's personal translation. Back in those days not many people knew English in the muslim world as those british just invaded the muslim world and introduce their own language about the languages spoken prior to the occupation like Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Turkic etc etc. But now u can get from the Muslim Scholars and clerics of highest degree who have time and again rebutted him and many propagandists.

There are many islamic scholars and clerics who are masters of the both English and Arabic Languages who can give u an accurate translation and above all its explaination to you today. Just go to yourube and watch a video named misconceptions about islam by Dr Zakir Naik. He has answered this long standing misconception very well.

Dont those people teach u in Australia that if u wish to research about something then first check the credibility and authenticity of your sources?

Now go and research first then come back and talk with us. If u dont wish to educate yourself and chose to be ignorant then just vanish!!!!

Hope u got something in yr tin head!.

Blather! And more blather! :blah: :blah: :blah:
If we are so dumb, why isn't any Western country rated the 10th failed state of the top 20 failed states of the world for 2014? That's right! That position goes to Pakistan! Yeah, we're very dumb that is why we live in the developed world and you live in the underdeveloped world and have been since 1947. If you're so smart, fix your goddamned "country", or what's left of it!
LOL because baby! u have looted our wealth and technology over which u have made yr own! and now u have launched yr own sources to defame us on the poverty and failed statehood! now in this 21st century Bwahahaha.......the only reason why we are today in the failed state position is because of yr WOT......If u westerners had the courage to fight your own battles u might not be in a position nor we were. Afterall its all to save yr lust for power and money; capitalism.

Blather! And more blather! :blah: :blah: :blah:

like i said example of dumbness! u basically dont wanna educate yourself about islam and still try to defame Muslims of terrorism, extremism hatred against Christians and jews:lol::lol::lol:

This proves what our Holly Quran says about yr kinds and why it warns us not to be Friends with them.

They can never be ours......
LOL because baby! u have looted our wealth and technology over which u have made yr own! and now u have launched yr own sources to defame us on the poverty and failed statehood! Bwahahaha.......they only reason why we are today in the failed state position is because of yr WOT......If u westerners had the courage to fight your own battles u might not be in a position nor we were. Afterall its all to save yr lust for power and money; capitalism.

Your just making excuses for your own failure by trying to shift the blame on to the "evil" West! :tsk:
Cry me a river, boy! :cry: :blah:
Your just making excuses for your own failure by trying to shift the blame on to the "evil" West! :tsk: Cry me a river, boy! :cry: :blah:
*Are you trying to deny the Spain's 800 years old history under Muslim Rule?

Are u trying to deny the Ottoman Turk Empire's history in Eastern Europe and Central Europe?

Are u trying to deny what u did in yr colonial, neo colonial and this latest period? to Non European World as a whole?

*Are u trying to deny the Feudalism, imperialism era of west?

Are u trying to deny yr own Australian history since that pirate of yrs Cook discovered yr island for west?

Ooo my! deny the obvious:yahoo:

Seriously dude what do they teach u in Australia about history!!:eek:
I don't understand the concept of 'You can't draw Mohammad', I can understand mocking or insulting the prophet will hurt religious sentiments but mere drawing is banned or 'drawing is blasphemous' is pure lame

there is always an argument in favor and or against anything and just because someone raised an argument doesnt make it sane. This is now a tot-for-tat between extremists and Hebdo and all we need to do and sit back and watch who wins in the end. Charlie is willing to hurt 1.6 billions muslim again as a revenge from terrorists then whatever happened was not unfair I guess.
I would rather be an atheist living in this corner of the world [Australia], than a Moslem living in Pakistan, which is rated the 10th failed state in the world out of the top 20 failed states for 2014. What an achievement! Pakistan is a failed, terrorist-infested place. As Christopher Hitchens once said, Pakistan is not a country, it's barely a state, it's a construct. Pakistan cannot even stand on its own two feet and is supported by U.S. foreign aid.

Yes, Pakistanis have done wonders developing their "country" since 1947: they've managed to get rated 10th out the top 20 failed states in the world and the place is on foreign-aid life support. Mohammed Ali Jinnah would be bursting with pride to see how the "country" he helped create has been doing since his death in 1948.

I wonder how Pakistan will be rated for 2015. Will it increase in the ratings to the 9th or 8th failed state of the top 20 failed states? In a few years, will Pakistan have failed enough to reach the coveted position of 1st failed state of the top 20 failed states? Time will tell. :pakistan::lol::lol: :lol::lol:

It is possible that if large sections of Pakistani society continue with their extremist mind-set and the majority succumbs to their intimidation; Pakistan either breaks up or becomes No 1 failed state. But for that to happen, Taliban scum would have to kill off all moderate liberals such as I or Ayaz Amir.

I have seen some posts which indirectly imply that Paris terrorists were justified in their carnage because Charlie Hebdot insulted our holy Prophet (PBUH). As I have posted earlier, anyone who is a Muslim and hence believes that Mohammed (PBUH) is Allah’s Prophet, will be deeply offended by the actions of Charlie Hebdot. My point; beautifully stated by Ayaz Amir; is that this act does not mean that Charlie Hebdot staff is fair game and any Moslem has the licence to go ahead and shoot 12 of its staff.

Benjamin Netanyahu was only one of the dozen or so heads of State who marched along more than 3-million ordinary people in supporting Charles Hebdot. However, his being there in no way tarnishes the solidarity shown by the French against extremism. It was the heinous crime by the two Algerian brothers that gave Benjamin Netanyahu; who is himself a member of the extremist Jews and would like to kill off or deport all Palestinians from the occupied areas; opportunity for this propaganda coup

Charlie Hebdot were wrong, however, one wrong does justify another wrong. I would even support extreme actions such as breaking off diplomatic relations as retribution for the insult to my beloved Prophet (PBUH). However, I wish my fellow Moslems should understand that no one has the right to commit extra judicial murder regardless of how insulting or grievous the injury may be. And that it is incumbent on all those who elect to live in France to respect French Laws no matter how repugnant. Therefore all rational human beings must unequivocally condemn the barbaric attack on Charlie Hebdot offices.
Charlie and those who supported his plan to malign and hurt feelings of Muslims without any reason by abusing authority of freedom of speech were bastards, are bastards and will remain bastards.
They are dirty swamp weasels and worse than animals!
What? I am using my freedom of expression,huh!
Instead if whining and complaining or getting as frustrated as they are,we must:
-Close their embassy
-Ban their products
-France websites must be blocked by Muslim world.
-ME must block their oil companies to trade oil.

If we can't do anything and blabber like the post above then no need to-it is useless. You are not expressing your love like that but showing off how helpless you are.

Instead if whining and complaining or getting as frustrated as they are,we must:
-Close their embassy
-Ban their products
-France websites must be blocked by Muslim world.
-ME must block their oil companies to trade oil.

Such steps would be more effective in expressing outrage, if they were to be taken. Thus far, there is no indication that any of them are likely.
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