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'They' are uniting and 'we' are dividing!

Ahmadees are non-believers just like you n other non- believers.
They were created by UK government as a sect to weaken Muslims in sub continent but in vain...
I am insulting none, hindus however do themselves as well as Hinduism.

After all you don't have a real name of your religion, tell if you do have...
You must know if you don't, name; India is not hindus entity, your leader have stolen it form us.

Bharat is the real name of your country, see your constitution.

  • Hinduism is known by its followers as Sanathan Dharma
  • Bharat is the land which includes Pakistan, Bangladesh, a portion of Afghanistan and a portion of Iran. We may as well stick with India. No point in renaming our land since some may clanker to return to Bharat and that will surely open a can of worms for us.
  • Let's stick with discussing the topic on hand, namely Pakistan's woes. India has no part in that and neither does Hinduism
I mean under which authority u, the Brahmin have declared them as outcaste, they don't have excess to ur temples, religious books; Vedas and u have been treating them much worse than sub humans for centuries till for how long, no other end of the apartheid pipe...
Bharat was much smaller country, it name was jambodevpa.

Much after it was called bharat-varsh n finally bharat....
You're mistaken badly Sir, time to get your head checked.....

He's actually somewhat right, it's the HATE mate...

Sadly visiting most of the threads, I see we're as shitt* as ever, bringing religion into every petty little matter while we know somewhere deep inside that it can't unite us never will.....

duniya ke har pagal ko ..puri duniya pagal lagti hai ....
get well soon :)
Majority of Pakistani are Sunni not Wahhabi, that means practise what you are preach.

We don't make a difference between Sunni and Wahabi or any kind of discrimination based on it , our ideals are same and that is the following Quran, Hadith , Sunnah of prophet muhammad and his distinguished sahaba. For us Wahabis are puritans/reformist somewhat extremist Sunnis. It is quite common for example in punjab to have sunni and wahabi followers in the same families even the same house holds. Wahabis are a puritans/reformist sub-sect of Sunnis not just in pakistan but all over the muslim world.
We don't make a difference between Sunni and Wahabi or any kind of discrimination based on it , our ideals are same and that is the following Quran, Hadith , Sunnah of prophet muhammad and his distinguished sahaba. For us Wahabis are puritans/reformist somewhat extremist Sunnis. It is quite common for example in punjab to have sunni and wahabi followers in the same families even the same house holds. Wahabis are a puritans/reformist sub-sect of Sunnis not just in pakistan but all over the muslim world.

Who is this "WE".

I will leave this one for other Sunnis you just dished to answer that.
'They' fight based on religion and unite when it comes to the country and 'We' unite based on religion and fight when it comes to the country.
Its every dog on their own , brother ....
Its a dog eat dog world out there so appreciate your own country and build up that bunker real good

When the shiat bag will go off , the filth will fly in all direction and want to be in the bunker at that time
I think utalking about your personal experience in your country

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