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The U.S. is Trusting Turkey to Battle Terrorism, But Here's Why That's a Huge Mistake

I think Erdogan is not even crazy enough as you to claim Babylonians were Arabs..hahaha. That is like an Orc saying he is an Elf.

Where did I say Babylonians are Arabs ?

Are all Turks like this ? Turkish nationalists like to hide history and make history up they way they like it, insult others when they show history ?

Till now we have 2 Turks following that path, who else ?

I am not against Turks, the Turkish members know this, but I am against historical lies no matter who says it. We Arab users already had to deal with 5-8 farsi trolls yesterday that made similar absurd claims of Lebanon being Iranian, Iraq being Iranian etc.

Doesn’t matter, neither am I.
Though is it my problem they get angry when showing facts and history ?


Insulting, running away and being a hypocrite.

Atawolf is a nutcase already so I don’t mind him.
Turks are invaders, your hitting yourself in the head.

Arabs invaded the middle east during the Islamic conquest, the rest of the middle east I mean since they are native to the middle east, however, Arabs are Semites, partial Arabization of language and culture ( Islamic ) took place, not a takeover, not different people.
Iraqi Arabs aren’t the same as Egyptian Arabs, Arabs differ by ethnicity though something unites us, we aren’t camels.

What is our business ? We belong here, it’s not my problem that you people can’t argue, T12345 insults me, your even worse you make up things without even knowing what it is.

Our population lives among 2 rivers, fertile land therefor it is called "The fertile crescent".
Kerkuk was built by ancient Semetic tribes as I stated before here, Ottomans did not rebuild that much, The Ottoman empire consisted of Vassal states, People of Mosul Vilayet rebuilt it.
So if Arabization took part, how does that make babylionians, Sumerians, and others Arabic? The word Arab didn't even exist in that time.

With your logic, you say we assimilated them, so we inherent their history and legacy...... ok... Turks also assimilated Arabs.. then we can inherent their desert legacy and desert history too plus the history of Mesopotamia since Turks have blood from there. In southern Turkey we have a lot of Turks from Arab descent. I know a lot of them.

Since Turks have blood from there too. It is equally ours. Can we agree on that? It is not me who is racist but you. You began with this.
Insulting, running away and being a hypocrite.

Atawolf is a nutcase already so I don’t mind him.
I will take that as a compliment since if you liked me, I was doing something wrong. Don't try to show me as the bad guy, you were the first one to say Turks don't belong here they belong in Central-Asia.


Come on. By your logic then all what is now Turkic land is not originally Turkic but Iranic since the Iranic homeland is the Kazakh Steppe/Central Asia.
I agree bro. I'm just talking to your friend doritos. He is saying that Turks don't belong in that region although we are all related since Turks are in mid-east over 1000 years. He is the one who started racism and said Turks don't belong there.
Where did I say Babylonians are Arabs ?

Are all Turks like this ? Turkish nationalists like to hide history and make history up they way they like it, insult others when they show history ?

Till now we have 2 Turks following that path, who else ?

He does no understand that Arabs themselves have Semitic ancestors and that they did not come out of nowhere but are a result of various Semitic peoples and their mixture that lived from Yemen in the South to Syria in the North. Those people mixed with the local Semitic people in those regions of the "Semitic/Arab world".

This is why there were so many language shifts without problem in that region. From Aramaic to Arabic as the most recent examples.

This is because people were very close with each other and even their languages, their beliefs, culture, appearance etc. One can wonder why non- traditional Semitic areas were not Arabized but only those inhabited by fellow Semitic people.

Besides before the appearance of Islam many different Semitic peoples lived on the Arabian Peninsula. With their own language and culture.

They call it "modern Southern Arabian languages" but in reality those languages are impossible for Arabic speakers to understand.

Modern South Arabian languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even to this day you have them. So we were all Arabized at some point.

There is no ethnicity that is "pure" or anything. Genetics have confirmed this fairytale long ago.

I wish people read some historical books before they wrote nonsense. I am a chemical engineering student and we learn not to wrote bullshit on issues we know nothing about. It is better to keep quite then.

What do you say about this?

So if Arabization took part, how does that make babylionians, Sumerians, and others Arabic? The word Arab didn't even exist in that time.

Arabic is a language, your either Arab or Arabian.
Todays Iraqis ( Iraq = Uruk they say ) are close descendants to the ancient people of Iraq just like todays Egyptians are close descendants to the ancient Egyptians. Only the Iraqi dialect already proves that containing many ancient Aramaic words and other words from ancient languages of the land, you want me to name the words as well ? I mean I can but you won’t understand a **** of it so what’s the point, your just bullshitting around with your ultra nationalist hatred.


Dialects of the Arab world, so all that and we are all the same ?

With your logic, you say we assimilated them, so we inherent their history and legacy...... ok... Turks also assimilated Arabs.. then we can inherent their desert legacy and desert history too plus the history of Mesopotamia since Turks have blood from there. In southern Turkey we have a lot of Turks from Arab descent. I know a lot of them.

Ehh no, we are the same people as them while your a complete different people, like Kurds, they are Iranics they simply don’t fit with the other Semite civilization of Iraq neither does their culture, Nowruz proves it.
500 turks fighting in Syria out of a population of 74 million...they don't seem to enthusiastic to fight jihad under the banners of Al Qaeda to me.
Im sure 90% of them are Arabs with Turkish citizenship... :coffee:
Since Turks have blood from there too. It is equally ours. Can we agree on that? It is not me who is racist but you. You began with this.
I began ? T12345 is playing a bullshit game starts insulting, than you come with the same stuff.

I will take that as a compliment since if you liked me, I was doing something wrong. Don't try to show me as the bad guy, you were the first one to say Turks don't belong here they belong in Central-Asia
Yes, is that wrong ?

I agree bro. I'm just talking to your friend doritos. He is saying that Turks don't belong in that region although we are all related since Turks are in mid-east over 1000 years. He is the one who started racism and said Turks don't belong there.

People start bullshitting & insulting me because I show them history let them go cry, you can join them if you want, I’m far from being a racist.
Arabic is a language, your either Arab or Arabian.
Todays Iraqis ( Iraq = Uruk they say ) are close descendants to the ancient people of Iraq just like todays Egyptians are close descendants to the ancient Egyptians. Only the Iraqi dialect already proves that containing many ancient Aramaic words and other words from ancient languages of the land, you want me to name the words as well ? I mean I can but you won’t understand a **** of it so what’s the point, your just bullshitting around with your ultra nationalist hatred.


Dialects of the Arab world, so all that and we are all the same ?

Ehh no, we are the same people as them while your a complete different people, like Kurds, they are Iranics they simply don’t fit with the other Semite civilization of Iraq neither does their culture, Nowruz proves it.
So you admit that Arabs basically invaded all those places. Just like how the Turks invaded those places. So how dare you to say that Turks don't belong in mid-east, while Arabs also came from other places? I don't care if Arabs Arabized locals. We Turkified some locals too.
So you admit that Arabs basically invaded all those places. Just like how the Turks invaded those places. So how dare you to say that Turks don't belong in mid-east, while Arabs also came from other places? I don't care if Arabs Arabized locals. We Turkified some locals too.

Where did Arabs come from ? Middle east
Where did Turkic people come from ? Middle east ? NO.

Are Arabs Semites like Babylonians and Assyrians ? Yes
Are Turkic people Semites ? NO
Read the previous posts, we Iraqi Arabs aren’t Arabs from somewhere else, they didn’t steal, Egyptian Arabs aren’t invaders either they are native. Don’t believe me use google and educate yourself.
Where did Arabs come from ? Middle east
Where did Turkic people come from ? Middle east ? NO.
Depends what you mean with mid-east. You came from desert. The camel and the sword is your history. Mesopotamia is not the desert. That is not your history. The desert is. Not Babylonian civilization or Sumerian culture.

Are Arabs Semites like Babylonians and Assyrians ? Yes
Are Turkic people Semites ? NO
Read the previous posts, we Iraqi Arabs aren’t Arabs from somewhere else, Egyptian Arabs aren’t invaders either they are native. Don’t believe me use google and educate yourself.
You do care a lot about race for a person who says he is not racist. Your first question doesn't make sense since you were not in Mesoptamia but in the desert. Second question... some Turks do have semetic blood. So we are here to stay.Arabs invaded mid-east and arabized the locals as you said. You are like a bird who steals other bird's nest and talk shit about the owner of the house.
Don't you guys have something better to do?
Depends what you mean with mid-east. You came from desert. The camel and the sword is your history. Not Babylonian civilization or Sumerian culture.

You don’t know what middle east is ?

Well, I guess the average human is capable knowing that the USA and China aren’t part of the middle east.
We don’t came from the desert, we are native to the lands we live in, that’s not a desert but fertile land.

You do care a lot about race for a person who says he is not racist. Your first question doesn't make sense since you were not in Mesoptamia but in the desert. Second question... some Turks do have semetic blood. So we are here to stay.Arabs invaded mid-east and arabized the locals as you said. You are like a bird who steals other bird's nest and talk shit about the owner of the house.

Well if you people start talking to me with that attitude don’t expect me to back down, wait wait, are you trying to tell me that your now insulting all Arabs outside the Arabian peninsula ?
You insult all Iraqis, all Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, Libyans ?
There is proof already that we are native, our dialect contains too many words from the ancient folks whom are native, we hold the history in high regard and it’s part of us, same for the Egpyians.

Now where do you belong ? let’s start about you now.
Who cares about who came earlier who came later.

Are there Turkmens in Iraq ??? Yes. Are they under threat by Iraqis ? Yes.

Iraqi Turkmen leader Salihi survives assassination attempt

All this talk reminded me of this song.

My Turkish brothers will understand.. for non Turkish-speakers.

One night we can come unexpectedly, 81 Düzce, 82 Musul, 83 Kerkük. :)
So I show you the facts, you don’t want to look at them ?

Let’s read some history.

Erbil :


Now tell us when Turkic tribes arrived to the region.


What do you think of this bullshit ? You see these are the moments when I think a Pan Arab alliance should be reconsidered to keep things as they should be.

Let's listen to some Turkmen falk song(turku) from Kerkuk. Do you know turku? They can't be composed, they can be distilled as a result of rooted culture.

And you may convince only a man, who has not seen Kerkuk, with these chauvenist statements.

Not every building belongs to cement companies. You have to pay its value to own. Thieves may be drinking in someone's living room. But the police may arrive any time.
Let's listen to some Turkmen falk song(turku) from Kerkuk. Do you know turku? They can't be composed, they can be distilled as a result of rooted culture.

And you may convince a man, who has not seen Kerkuk, with these chauvenist statements.

Not every building belongs to cement companies. You have to pay its value. Thieves may be drinking in the living room. But the police may arrive any time.

Nice joke that is, keep it realistic and based on facts.

Who cares about who came earlier who came later.
Is it a problem for you if I counter a false statement and others run away + insult me ?

Are there Turkmens in Iraq ??? Yes. Are they under threat by Iraqis ? Yes.
Are Kurds in Turkey ?? should I continue ?
Turkey is heavily involved in Syria, it’s funding of groups has impact on Iraq which than has impact on Turkmens.

Either add something to the discussion or don’t at all.

You don’t know what middle east is ?

Well, I guess the average human is capable knowing that the USA and China aren’t part of the middle east.
We don’t came from the desert, we are native to the lands we live in, that’s not a desert but fertile land.
The word middle-east didn't exist in ancient times you dummy. You are not native to Mesopotamia. You say Turks belong in central-asia while Turks have native blood. Then I say you belong in the desert... you know with sand, snakes and tents. Because you invaded a place, like a bird who steals another bird's nest and tells the owner of the house to leave while he owns the house pays the bills and took care of the building for centuries.

Well if you people start talking to me with that attitude don’t expect me to back down, wait wait, are you trying to tell me that your now insulting all Arabs outside the Arabian peninsula ?
You insult all Iraqis, all Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Algerians, Moroccans, Tunisians, Libyans ?
There is proof already that we are native, our dialect contains too many words from the ancient folks whom are native, we hold the history in high regard and it’s part of us, same for the Egpyians.

Now where do you belong ? let’s start about you now.
What is you people? You talk very racist for a person who said he is not racist. I don't care which word you share with whom. You also have English and Turkish words in Arabic language. The only ancient folks you are related to can only be answered if you look how you guys behave collectively.
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