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The U.S. is Trusting Turkey to Battle Terrorism, But Here's Why That's a Huge Mistake

Agreed, i like arguing but when i saw"you got here later, we are semitic people, we did this and that" type of arguments. I joined in the party. :yahoo:

I'm no expert on Iraqi security either but i know Turkmen's of the Iraq is repeatedly targeted in your country. So if people get to suffer in your country, i have every right to talk about it.

:D Greeks were talking like you before we invaded Cyprus, to save our people. You over looking the problem will not change anything.

Sinan the situation in Iraq is pretty complex , many foreign intelligence are playing in it today funding various terror groups to launch suicide attacks against different ethnic groups be it Turkmen , sunnis, shia etc.

The Americans before they left kept behind around 30 thousand contract killers guess what those guys are doing today.

Qatar and Iran are also funding terrorist organizations in Iraq and prior to Syrian civil war Assad supported Al-qauda in Iraq. There is also extremist rich muslims from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait funding such groups.

Iraq is just a mess and the government needs a miracle to fix the security vacuum and stop foreign support for terror in their country.

The best solutions for Turkmen in Iraq is to ally with the Kurds if they want to really save their culture , sadly the Arabs of Iraq have been brainwashed by Iran and Alqauda turning them into sectarian misfits .

The kurds are far more respectable and tolerant than the Arabs of Syria and Iraq , they would make great partners for Turkish interests in both Syria and Iraq , at-least they uphold their cease-fire agreement and are looking for stability unlike the worthless Sunni and Shia Arabs of Syria and Iraq.

So he is not trolling in your section you say?:lol:

Must be a miracle. But nice representative you got yourself there nevertheless.

@Sinan Turkmens are not more targeted than Arabs, Assyrians, Kurds and others are in those cities. So I am not sure where you read such news. I am mainly talking about Kirkuk here.

@Doritos11 should be able to elaborate more since I remember he said he has family from Kirkuk.

We should not be part of this Iraqi-Turkish dispute , after all the Iraqis despise and hate Gulf Arabs and if it was in their hands they would have killed us in cold blood.

I would take any day Turkey over Syria , Lebanon and Iraq combined , who would want to be associated with these failed states.
First debunk me than say, i lack the information.

This was never about Turkey attacking on one of it's neighbors. We are not bullying anyone here. All i said was about protecting our people.

That said be assured. We have Erdogan who didn't replied Israel or Syria. Nothing will happen.

Even if we assume Iraq goes to war with Turkey we would certainly support Turkey.

Iraq itself is not really fully Arab country , Kurds and Turkmen are around 25% of the population while the Shia and Sunni there do not even bare looking at each others face.

Iraq is isolated within the Arab world and they have deep hatred for other Arab countries especially gulf states and Egypt.

Again for us Turkey is far more important than a divided failed state like Iraq , we never seen anything good from them anyway , after all it was them that tried to invade other Arab countries not Turkey.

War between Iraqi turkish and arab. continue :pop::pop::pop:

Shut up wanker , I am Arab and would certainly take Turkey any-day over a failed state like Iraq.

You are changing views each day nearly. One day Iraqis are our brothers, many originally from the Arabian Peninsula, fellow Muslims, Arabs and Semites and the next day they are the worst of all people.

You are wrong btw. But whatever.

Listen I have ancestral ties to Iraq and I like that country and I have defended it before and will do it again. Not the government mind you or the stupid Shias who hate their own brethren due to a different sect. This is not an Arab-Turkish debate. This is a debate between a troll that is trying to falsify our ancient Semitic history and who trolls and insults my people and indirectly religion. That will never be tolerated by any Arab.

That you here are busy taking any "Turkish" side despite this not being a competition says it all. I suggest looking at that Turkish users posts who started this debate and then come back and "take his side" again.

Iraq might be "a failed state" as you call it but in 10 years time they probably won't be that since they are a very rich country in terms of resources, have a significant population and are located very centrally in the Middle East.

Besides I am not any spokesman of anything.

There are nearly 500 million Arabs inside and outside the ancient and giant Arab world. Do we need to have the same views or what? I speak for myself and reply to what I like.
Some stuff I agree with and some mistakes in the posts of @mahatir

But I agree you change opinion often, anyway won’t be responding to the points don’t have the time atm.
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