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The U.S. is Trusting Turkey to Battle Terrorism, But Here's Why That's a Huge Mistake

Turkmen people and Turkmen places is a different thing, Kerkuk and Arbil are Turkmen cities ? are you kidding me, have you read the history of these cities to start with ? have you read about when Turkmens ( South Azerbijanis ) in Iraq’s case came to these cities ?

It’s not Arabification but Arabization, Arabization of Iraq is something complicated, it is influence from the Semetic Arabian tribes in the south over the language and culture partially, not a complete takeover or completely different people. Hence why today the Arabic language has many dialects with each having it’s own style/words of the pre Islamic era languages of those lands.

Kerkuk/Arbil were not really Arabized, this is a word used to describe the ba’ath era which had an Arabization policy to counter Kurds.

Did I deny that ?
I was speaking about cities, no Turkmen city it seems.

You know what you would like it to be, not what the truth it, explains why you aren't able to argue about it. So would you like me and others to play the same game about Turkey or are you a hypocrite ?
If you want to win a contest,go argue with someone else.
You read my avatar and i stand by it,Kerkuk and Erbil are Turkmen cities.
Go open a thread about it,i'm sure there are enough people who will argue with you about it.
If you want to win a contest,go argue with someone else.
You read my avatar and i stand by it,Kerkuk and Erbil are Turkmen cities.
Go open a thread about it,i'm sure there are enough people who will argue with you about it.

So I show you the facts, you don’t want to look at them ?

Let’s read some history.

Erbil :

It has been claimed that Erbil is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in history. The Neo-Sumerian ruler of Ur, Amar-Sin sacked Urbilum in his second year, c. 1975 BC)

Erbil was an integral part of Assyria from around 2500 BC until 605 BC, and it remained part of Assyria under Persian, Greek, Parthian, Roman and Sassanid rule.

Under the Median Empire, Cyaxares might have settled a number of people from the Ancient Iranian tribe of Sagarthians in Arbela and Kirkuk ( Arrival of the Kurds ), probably as a reward for their help in the capture of Nineveh. The Persian emperor Cyrus the Great occupied Assyria in 547 BC, and established is as an Achaemenid satrapy called in Old Persian Aθurā (Athura), with Arbela as the capital.

The Battle of Gaugamela, in which Alexander the Great defeated Darius III of Persia in 331 BC, took place approximately 100 kilometres (62 mi) west of Erbil. After the battle, Darius managed to flee to the city, and, somewhat inaccurately, the confrontation is sometimes known as the "Battle of Arbela".


It is suggested that Kirkuk was one of the places occupied by Neanderthals based on finds in the Shanidar Cave settlement. A large amount of pottery shards dating to the Ubaid ( First period of URUK civilization )period were also excavated from several Tells in the city.

Ancient Arrapkha was part of Sargon of Akkad's Empire ( Sargon & Akkad empire known Iraqi history ), and city was exposed to the raids of the Lullubi during Naram-Sin's reign.

By the middle of the 2nd millennium B.C. the horse-riding Mittani started settling the Semitic city of Nuzi to the south of Kirkuk and they extended their rule to include the Hurrians and the Assyrians. From 1500 to 1360 BC all kings of Assyria were vassals of kingdom of Mittani.

After Achaemenids ( Persians ) had the region under their dominion; in the Parthian and Sassanid eras Kirkuk was capital of Beth Garmai

Now tell us when Turkic tribes arrived to the region.


What do you think of this bullshit ? You see these are the moments when I think a Pan Arab alliance should be reconsidered to keep things as they should be.
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So I show you the facts, you don’t want to look at them ?

Let’s read some history.

Erbil :


Now tell us when Turkic tribes arrived to the region.


What do you think of this bullshit ? You see these are the moments when I think a Pan Arab alliance should be reconsidered to keep things as they should be.
You idiot,if the Kurds came later and even have an own country there,why the Turkmen cities are not acknowledged.
You fell in your own trap,how dumb can one be.
Last post to you.
So I show you the facts, you don’t want to look at them ?

Let’s read some history.

Erbil :


Now tell us when Turkic tribes arrived to the region.


What do you think of this bullshit ? You see these are the moments when I think a Pan Arab alliance should be reconsidered to keep things as they should be.

I have not read the thread or any posts apart from the one you wrote but all I can say is that Northern Iraq was Semitic (Assyrian) way before the word "Kurd" was mentioned in any historical records.

The Turkmen's are present but they are fairly new arrivals. They mostly came with the conquest of what is today Iraq under Suleiman the Magnificent in 1534 and more came during Murad IV's conquest of Baghdad in 1638.

Turkic migration to what is now Northern Iraq first was recorded in the 7th century when some 1000 Turkmen soldiers were recruited in the Muslim armies of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad.

Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today the Turkmens of Northern Iraq make up 500.000 to 1.000.000 million people and the only major majority Turkmen city I can think about is Tal Afar in Ninawa.

Those towns are mixed today. Arabs, Kurds and Turkmens live side by side. Also Assyrians. There is also a small village of Chechens from what I recall not far from Kirkuk.
I think it is wrong to say that Arbil or Kirkuk are "Turkmen" cities.

Just my opinion. Whatever, can't change people's views anyway when it comes to nationalism.
You idiot,if the Kurds came later and even have an own country there,why the Turkmen cities are not acknowledged.
You fell in your own trap,how dumb can one be.
Last post to you.

What do you mean last post ? no last post when arguing with me.

Kurds are an Iranic tribe, ( MEDIANS ), they conquered these cities along with the Persians ( Medo-Persian empire called by some ), even they came after the Semetic civilizations Akkadia, Sumeria, Assyria, Babylonia.

Turkmens came way later to the region, these are facts, if you don’t like them it’s not my problem, don’t be calling me an idiot for teaching you some history.

Ofc last post, can’t argue your just calling me an idiot, can we argue in real life about it without you calling me an idiot ? do you have a problem facing facts or something ?

So T-123456 your a hypocrite ? we can play the same game with Turkey now.

Sad to see most Pakistani support/almost worship kafir Chinese although they commit genocide on Uighur Muslims. They intentionally turn a blind eye for their own benefit.

And a kafir is not someone that worships Turkic gods ?

Your not the brightest guy either.
What do you mean last post ? no last post when arguing with me.

Kurds are an Iranic tribe, ( MEDIANS ), they conquered these cities along with the Persians ( Medo-Persian empire called by some ), even they came after the Semetic civilizations Akkadia, Sumeria, Assyria, Babylonia.

Turkmens came way later to the region, these are facts, if you don’t like them it’s not my problem, don’t be calling me an idiot for teaching you some history.

Ofc last post, can’t argue your just calling me an idiot, can we argue in real life about it without you calling me an idiot ? do you have a problem facing facts or something ?

And a kafir is not someone that worships Turkic gods ?

Your not the brightest guy either.
Doritos, you are not arguing to since you are a delusional ****. Do you think you are related to Medes and those ancient people that lived there? Medes, Babylonians, Sumerians were not Arab, and neither are you related to them. It is just geographical coincidence thaht you live on the same land. You neither have anything in common with them. So who is the dumb guy? Kirkuk and Erbil is Ottoman land first of all, secondly Kirkuk is historical majority Turkmen city. Because Arabs and Kurds flooded it doesn't mean it is yours. Just keep this in mind.
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Sad to see most Pakistani support/almost worship kafir Chinese although they commit genocide on Uighur Muslims. They intentionally turn a blind eye for their own benefit.

Armenian Genocide Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To date, 22 countries have officially recognized the events of the period as genocide, and most genocide scholars and historians accept this view.[26][27][28][29]

Please link me any semi-official reports or any country that has officially recognized "Uighur genocide" except politically charged "East Turkestan independence movement" people and their mouth pieces. East Turkestan? lol, so you are living in West Turkestan? What about Kazakhstan, Iran, etc, that lie in between? Are they Central Turkestan?

Doritos, you are not arguing to since you are a delusional ****. Do you think you are related to Medes and those ancient people that lived there? Medes, Babylonians, Sumerians were not Arab, and neither are you related to them. It is just geographical coincidence thaht you live on the same land. You neither have anything in common with them. So who is the dumb guy? Kirkuk and Erbil is Ottoman land first of all, secondly Kirkuk is historical majority Turkmen city. Because Arabs and Kurds flooded it doesn't mean it is yours. Just keep this in mind.

Look Ata, your behaviour is like that of a kid, you’ve insulted Turkish members in Dutch here previously.
Since when am I related to Medes ? Medians are Iranians since when am I Iranic ?

Babylonians, Assyrians were Semites, most of Iraqis that are called Arab are descendants and the same people as those Babylonians and Assyrians, proven my Iraqi dialect, history, common culture and standards, proven by historians & DNA.

Kerkuk is an ancient city thousands of years old, when did Turks come to Kerkuk ? Nuff said that’s right, go worship some Turkic gods.

The last person to argue with is you, your a complete nutcase i’ll argue with those more sane.
Armenian Genocide Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To date, 22 countries have officially recognized the events of the period as genocide, and most genocide scholars and historians accept this view.[26][27][28][29]
Which countries "officially" recognized it? All Christian countries. I couldn't care less what they think. What I care about is INTERNATIONAL court. Show me one international court that recognizes that so called genocide. I can show you courts that recognized and trailed nazi leaders about jewish holocaust. Those 22 countries recognizing doesn't mean shyt. They just put out a legislation "Turks are guilty" without court or whatever. Who cares.

Look Ata, your behaviour is like that of a kid, you’ve insulted Turkish members in Dutch here previously.
Since when am I related to Medes ? Medians are Iranians since when am I Iranic ?

Babylonians, Assyrians were Semites, most of Iraqis that are called Arab are descendants and the same people as those Babylonians and Assyrians, proven my Iraqi dialect, history, common culture and standards, proven by historians & DNA.
ok, if it is proven............. prove it to us. Arabs were invaders in mid-east, you belong in the desert.... see I can play the same game. What is your business in the cradle of civilization? You are not related to Babylonians. Even the thought of this is absurd. Just compare the societies.

Kerkuk is an ancient city thousands of years old, when did Turks come to Kerkuk ? Nuff said that’s right, go worship some Turkic gods.

The last person to argue with is you, your a complete nutcase i’ll argue with those more sane.
Well, it doesn't belong to you since you belong in the desert with the camels. Kirkuk was built by Ottomans, it is our legacy. What did you contribute??! Don't tell me about babylonians since you are not them.
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No ?


Bring me Erdogan then i’ll argue with someone smarter, bring me your most educated member here.
I think Erdogan is not even crazy enough as you to claim Babylonians were Arabs..hahaha. That is like an Orc saying he is an Elf.
ok, if it is proven............. prove it to us. Arabs were invaders in mid-east, you belong in the desert.... see I can play the same game. What is your business in the cradle of civilization? You are not related to Babylonians. Even the thought of this is absurd. Just compare the societies.

Turks are invaders, your hitting yourself in the head.

Arabs invaded the middle east during the Islamic conquest, the rest of the middle east I mean since they are native to the middle east, however, Arabs are Semites, partial Arabization of language and culture ( Islamic ) took place, not a takeover, not different people.
Iraqi Arabs aren’t the same as Egyptian Arabs, Arabs differ by ethnicity though something unites us, we aren’t camels.

What is our business ? We belong here, it’s not my problem that you people can’t argue, T12345 insults me, your even worse you make up things without even knowing what it is.

Well, it doesn't belong to you since you belong in the desert with the camels. Kirkuk was built by Ottomans, it is our legacy. What did you contribute??! Don't tell me about babylonians since you are not them.

Our population lives among 2 rivers, fertile land therefor it is called "The fertile crescent".
Kerkuk was built by ancient Semetic tribes as I stated before here, Ottomans did not rebuild that much, The Ottoman empire consisted of Vassal states, People of Mosul Vilayet rebuilt it.

Come on. By your logic then all what is now Turkic land is not originally Turkic but Iranic since the Iranic homeland is the Kazakh Steppe/Central Asia.

Andronovo culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iraq is not a homogenous country. Which country is that? Turkey? Far from it. You have a moderator that is an Circassian, a Caucasian people native to Southeastern Russia. Not very Turkic.

The fact is that way before Turkic people settled in what is today Northern Iraq Semitic people lived there. Assyrians mainly but before them Akkadians which were also Semitic people. Babylonians too although they were mostly confined to Babylonia which correspondents to Southern and the Southern Central parts of Iraq. The Babylonians, where actually just a mixture of Akkadians and Sumerians and most scholars don't use the word Babylonians for a people but only for a region - called Babylonia. Because Akkadian was the language that was spoken in Babylonia for most of its time.

Add the Arabs who have an 2800 year old history in Iraq. The word Arab was first mentioned in an Assyrian text with some battle between Assyrians. Google it.

80% of all Iraqis today, whether of Arab, Assyrian etc. origin are of a Semitic origin. Genetics proof this. History does so very much too. Those Semitic people already mixed with each other way before Islam. Read about the Lakhmids in Southern Iraq for example.

Assyria and Babylonia were mutually exposed to each other and mixed with each other (Akkadians and Assyrians).

Neo-Babylonian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See this map?


Do you also consider Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo etc. for Turkic despite those people being Europeans with only a slight Turkish admixture at most? You don't think those people had a history before the Ottomans came a few centuries ago?

There is no major city in Iraq that is majority Turkmen aside from Tal Afar.

Arabs cannot claim half of the world, just because they conquered all those lands from Portugal in the West to India in the East.

Nor can we claim Latin America just because there are 40-50 Latin Americans of Arab ancestry. Nor can we claim South East Asia just because there are millions of Indonesians and Malaysians of Arab ancestry.

Maybe, if one day Arabs, Turks and other Muslim people become a majority in Paris for example they can claim all of its history?

Come on. You should be smarter than using this failed logic.

I am not against Turks, the Turkish members know this, but I am against historical lies no matter who says it. We Arab users already had to deal with 5-8 farsi trolls yesterday that made similar absurd claims of Lebanon being Iranian, Iraq being Iranian etc.
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