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The Shameful state of the Indian Navy

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I see only Paks jumping here based on the comment of an anonymous networm on the internet.

Power to them !
I see Indians derailing every thread with their psychological obsession with Pakistan :rofl:
Intelligent !
Its pretty interesting that Pakistani members here are so eager to take an anonymous US serviceman's words on the face value. Looks like we are setting a precedence about accepting what a US military man says without any doubt even if the source is anonymous. Lets try and find other news items (while this was not one) where American Military men or Govt officials have commented about PAKISTAN.. By the same logic all that would be assumed true as well ;) NO ???
p.s: - If the jurnails in Pakistan really thought that the capture of just one useless barren peak was worthy enough to expend nearly 4000 soldiers and sacrifice the credibility and humiliate Pakistan in front of the world, I gotta LMAO at the stupidity of the Pakistani generals.

As per the official list of Pakistani soldiers who have been killed during the war period, put up on its website by the Pakistani Army, about 190 of the over 400 dead were killed because of shelling by the Indian Army.

Indian artillery inflicted maximum damage to Pak during Kargil - *

Where did you find 4000 ? lol Even India lost more soldiers than Pakistan ... Around 600

Indian Official Figures:
527 killed[3][4][5]
1,363 wounded[6]
1 fighter jet shot down
1 fighter jet crashed
1 helicopter shot down

Pakistani Estimates:
665+ wounded[9]
8 POWs[11
I see Indians derailing every thread with their psychological obsession with Pakistan :rofl:
Intelligent !

As I said power to you.

If that brings some smile into your daily life of sorrow,fear and misery so be it.
Lets try and find other news items (while this was not one) where American Military men or Govt officials have commented about PAKISTAN.. By the same logic all that would be assumed true as well NO ???
What if we act like you and derail that very thread , like this one was done from the start huh ?

As I said power to you.

If that brings some smile into your daily life of sorrow,fear and misery so be it.

Where does it say India on my location ? :what:
As per the official list of Pakistani soldiers who have been killed during the war period, put up on its website by the Pakistani Army, about 190 of the over 400 dead were killed because of shelling by the Indian Army.

Indian artillery inflicted maximum damage to Pak during Kargil - *

Where did you find 4000 ? lol Even India lost more soldiers than Pakistan ... Around 600

Most of them were given a burial worthy of a soldier by the Indian soldiers after Pakistan refused to accept their bodies in an utterly shameful and humiliating move.

There can be no greater shame on a nation than refusing to honor the sacrifices of its soldiers.Bow your head in shame and humiliation.

Where does it say India on my location ? :what:

it says Karachi is your location. How apt !

BTW how many Mohajirs,Pathans and Balochs were killed today in target killings ?
Most of them were given a burial worthy of a soldier by the Indian soldiers after Pakistan refused to accept their bodies in an utterly shameful and humiliating move.

There can be no greater shame on a nation than refusing to honor the sacrifices of its soldiers.
Can there be any greater shame for a nation who's warships are infested with rats ?
Thought to be Invincible IN !
How come we did not win militarily when we chased the mujaheddin inside Pakistan with tails between their legs and killed about 3500 Mujaheddin + NLI infantrymen whose bodies even were refused by Pakistan in an utterly disgraceful and humiliating move.

BTW the bolded part says we won what we lost and hence that is the best definition of victory.

Statistics from the Kargil War:

India's strength: 30,000 troops
Pakistan's strength: 5000 troops

India's casualty figures: 527 killed
Pakistan's casualty figures: 696 killed

India's injuries figures: 1,363 wounded
Pakistan's injuries figures: 665 wounded

1999 Kargil Conflict

Apply the rule of ratios & see who won? ;) :oops:
its a waste article waste thread indeed....
Its pretty interesting that Pakistani members here are so eager to take an anonymous US serviceman's words on the face value. Looks like we are setting a precedence about accepting what a US military man says without any doubt even if the source is anonymous. Lets try and find other news items (while this was not one) where American Military men or Govt officials have commented about PAKISTAN.. By the same logic all that would be assumed true as well ;) NO ???

lol you know what the funny part is?

When an American Senator, with his name, says something about ISI...he is wrong.

When an American General, with his name, says something about Pakistani double dealings, he is wrong.

When the British PRIME MINISTER :-)woot:), talk of Pakistani habit of looking both ways, he is also wrong.

...but when an anonymous netizen says something about Indian Navy....Oh it must be true!

Amazing creatures these Pakistanis are, I tell you.

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------

Statistics from the Kargil War:

India's strength: 30,000 troops
Pakistan's strength: 5000 troops

India's casualty figures: 527 killed
Pakistan's casualty figures: 696 killed

India's injuries figures: 1,363 wounded
Pakistan's injuries figures: 665 wounded

1999 Kargil Conflict

Apply the rule of ratios & see who won? ;) :oops:


The Munna obvioiusly doesn't know the semantics of a mountain terrain conflict in which one side is sitting on the top and other side is approaching for the bottom ground.
its a waste article waste thread indeed....
this thread was wasted because of Indians terrible obsession with Pakistan otherwise we would have had a healthy debate

When an American Senator, with his name, says something about ISI...he is wrong.

When an American General, with his name, says something about Pakistani double dealings, he is wrong.

When the British PRIME MINISTER (), talk of Pakistani habit of looking both ways, he is also wrong.

...but when an anonymous netizen says something about Indian Navy....Oh it must be true!

Amazing creatures these Pakistanis are, I tell you.
Instead of derailing the thread , we talk like civilized people not posting some random crap to score a few brownie points


The Munna obvioiusly doesn't know the semantics of a mountain terrain conflict in which one side is sitting on the top and other side is approaching for the bottom ground.
Who was sitting at the top since 1984 ? Enlighten us
Statistics from the Kargil War:

India's strength: 30,000 troops
Pakistan's strength: 5000 troops

India's casualty figures: 527 killed
Pakistan's casualty figures: 696 killed

India's injuries figures: 1,363 wounded
Pakistan's injuries figures: 665 wounded

1999 Kargil Conflict

Apply the rule of ratios & see who won? ;) :oops:

In war numbers dont matter kid. A person who knows the ABC in war will understand the person who has the advantage in height will inflcit more damage on the one in lower ground.

In war victory is decided on the basis of stated objectives and the sucess/failure of a nation to achieve it.

In Kargil,

Pak objective - Cut off NH1 from Sri Nagar to Leh and occupy/consolidate in Kargil,Drass sectors.

Indian objective - Just chase out the Mujaheddin rats/trash and NLI soldiers and reclaim back the territory.

Now I will leave it to your IQ (assuming yours is large enough) to decide who won and who lost.
Statistics from the Kargil War:

India's strength: 30,000 troops
Pakistan's strength: 5000 troops

India's casualty figures: 527 killed
Pakistan's casualty figures: 696 killed

India's injuries figures: 1,363 wounded
Pakistan's injuries figures: 665 wounded

1999 Kargil Conflict

Apply the rule of ratios & see who won? ;) :oops:

your army intruded into Indian territory...are you feeling proud of it. your country rejected to take dead body of your soldiers. how pity.

YES you won the war here is the proof
Kargil War - Pakistani Army surrenders and accepts bodies - YouTube
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