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The Secrets of Israel By Junaid Akram

well he is right we don`t want unnecessary enemies recognize isreal and solve problem through dialogue and focus on education to improve ourself's and Pakistan.
There so many people who sell themselves for money from Zionist entity. If you recognize the theft Palestinian land then what about Kashmir ? If we sell off Palestinians the we should also be ready for giving up Kashmir.
The reasons in the video are exactly why I also agree Pakistan should recognize Israel.
Yes, lets kick the domestic hornets nest, lol.

Realistically speaking, if anyone could open relations with Israel, it was Musharraf and there is a reason why he didn't do it.

The extremists in JI, JUiF PQRSTUV etc etc will make sure that who so ever even thinks about such shall be persecuted for the foreseeable future.

By the way, was it odd that i knew the answers to all of this jokers questions and more about the Israelis and jews. It simply means that you don't have to have diplomatic relations with your enemies to know them better. I'm not against it but it won't change anything for us either so why kick the hornets nest anyway, lol. Maybe when Fazlu becomes PM himself cough...wiki leaks...US help...cough...cough...lol.
What a moron in video !?

We have 200 countries to trade with and he suggests we should do trade with country involved in Genocide in Palestine (Economic and cultural)

Peace is for people who understand the language of peace, not people who do a treaty for later to revoke it unilaterally and then bomb the offices of legitimate government of Palestine

Across Islamic history there have been moments where Islamic civilizations gave shelter to Jews and it is well document and acknowledged. Islamic Leaders and rulers , gave such folks shelter and ability to work in their country , paying a tax as people do to run affairs of nation. So technically yes we have had good moments in past

However the issue of Israel different they have a genocidal approach

Pakistan's policy is very peaceful a 2 nation creation in Palestine and Israel , and that is as diplomatic as it gets
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What a moron in video !?

We have 200 countries to trade with and he suggests we should do trade with country involved in Genocide in Palestine (Economic and cultural)

Peace is for people who understand the language of peace, not people who do a treaty for later to revoke it unilaterally and then bomb the offices of legitimate government of Palestine

Across Islamic history there have been moments where Islamic civilizations gave shelter to Jews and it is well document and acknowledged. Islamic Leaders and rulers , gave such folks shelter and ability to work in their country , paying a tax as people do to run affairs of nation. So technically yes we have had good moments in past

However the issue of Israel different they have a genocidal approach

Pakistan's policy is very peaceful a 2 nation creation in Palestine and Israel , and that is as diplomatic as it gets
Then we should also not do trade with India. Ryt?
We will only have relations with Israel when they revert back to pre-1967 borders and accept the two state solution, as encompassed by the numerous UN resolutions.

Kashmir and India issue is only slightly different. We have a common geography with which we have to make compromises(trade etc). I don’t agree with this but this is probably what is causing us to treat India differently than Israel. Otherwise , they are both snakes. You never befriend a snake. All it will give you for your troubles is a snake bite.!
Pakistan and Arab nations have always left door open for 2 state partition for Israel , into Palestine and Israel

It is up to Jews in that area to accept , or continue in their own war path to no where
What a moron in video !?

We have 200 countries to trade with and he suggests we should do trade with country involved in Genocide in Palestine (Economic and cultural)

Peace is for people who understand the language of peace, not people who do a treaty for later to revoke it unilaterally and then bomb the offices of legitimate government of Palestine

Across Islamic history there have been moments where Islamic civilizations gave shelter to Jews and it is well document and acknowledged. Islamic Leaders and rulers , gave such folks shelter and ability to work in their country , paying a tax as people do to run affairs of nation. So technically yes we have had good moments in past

However the issue of Israel different they have a genocidal approach

Pakistan's policy is very peaceful a 2 nation creation in Palestine and Israel , and that is as diplomatic as it gets
inventing the history are we


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