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The Secrets of Israel By Junaid Akram

If we can have diplomatic relations and recognize India (Pakistan's true enemy)... Then why not Israel?

The Jewish people and religion is much more closer to ours than the Hindus. Besides over 80% of the Quran itself is about Bani Israel.

Muslims oppress other Muslims more than any Israeli could. Just ask the Yemeni and many others.

There's a huge difference between Bani Israel and today's Jews, especially Zionists. Also read, what the Quran says about Bani Israel and the Yahud.

I'll tag @Ahmet Pasha's post to expand on my points.

Yes 80% of quran is on bani Israel. It talks about how stupid, stubborn and outrightly disrespectful they were DIRECTLY TOWARDS GOD HIMSELF. How they kindled fires of wars and Allah put those fires out. How they conspired against Muhammad alai salam, with the mushrikeen and munafikeen(they still do same thing only modern mushrik are in India and the munafikeen are in Pakistan).

How they rebelled against Musa alai salam after he LITERALLY saved them from complete annihilation and slavery at hands of Firaun.

80% of the same quran talks about how God gave them one blessing after another. And overlooked their outright rebellion and disrespect and kept forgiving them.

Ham ne tumhe ye ye nematen di. Tum be ye ye gunah kiye. Phir bhi agar hamarey bheje huye akhri rasool par iman le ao ge to phir se hamare ladley ban jao ge.(summarizing quran's stance in urdu)

So its really funny how u libturds act all wise and try manipulating the Quran to suit the people who pay you.

@Clutch did you miss all of this in Islamic Studies & when reading the Quran??

You still want to be Israel's friends??

If so, then you are clearly gone over to the other side.

Heck, even orthodox Jews (true Jews) don't support the state of Israel because in their books, God has forbidden the creation of such a state! Bet you didn't even know this, did you? :D

Muslims will also be dejaals followers

Only some, weak Muslims. We don't know how many will be lead astray but majority will oppose him rest assure.

Just a hypothetical scenario, but can anyone here give us the benefits of recognizing Israel? I know there are none but i would like to know what people think is going to be the benefit? What would happen ? Please enlighten us. And not the India argument. Having diplomatic and trade relations with them have never been beneficial and they still don’t accept Pakistan.

1) The people advocating the relations with Israel will get a new master.

2) They have been look for such a master since the British left us...some find the said "master" in the form of the US but overall, Israel is the one pulling the strings so obviously they'll now start gravitating towards it.

3) The said people can then openly start they campaign for allowing the selling of alcohol and other besharmi in society...which they have been trying to do since some time.

4) The list will be too long but with a bit of imagination and 5 minutes, you'll definitely find more points :D

100) Free visas for the "Friends of Israel"!! :lol:

This guy looks so uncomfortable...

That's what a "ghaddar" looks like. :D

Recognizing Israel is a sensitive issue for many Pakistanis, I think at the moment there are tons of more important issue to solve in Pak before doing something that many people would have problem with, but I have to reply to your statement by the simple fact that Palestine is not Pakistan's internal issue, while Kashmir is. Internal matters of other nations should really not be our concern, we should only be interested in trade and see what benefit it gets us. This of course, is only if people think what is good for Pakistan.

Israel has a very big hand in the oppression of Kashmiri's. It sells weapons and it's own crowd control tactics to India.

Palentine is very much an issue for Pakistan since it's a issue that concerns every Muslim, an individual or a state. It is the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" afterall...not the "Secular Republic of Pakistan".

What's your view on the matter tho? :)
Well the main message was to understand why Jews are smart and pick up good things, follow a constructive path instead of anger and destruction. Unfortunately to gain any benefits to have relations between Pak and Israel seem to be over as Egypt, Jordan and Turkey honey moon is over maybe Jordan not yet.
Still there is no point to have hostile relations with a lot of peopleNations and at the same time.
Try to learn from Sulah Hudabia and History.
Clutch is not a Lib Turd as some are calling him and I do not think the originator of the post is either. The problem with a lot of emotionally charged persons is they do not have enough patience and concentration to understand the real message and they get bogged down by basic emotions thus failing to achieve understanding and cannot have a good plan to protect the interests of Muslims.
It is over, and after Ramadan we may see an atomic change in Jordanian politics
Yeah akhi I also heard about so called "deal of the century".

My gut feeling says that Jews are now seeing signs of their messiah being fulfilled and are expediting the process for the Beit Hamikdahs(3rd temple in hebrew) and Greater Israrl.

They've already got the tyrant GCC leaders in on the game. So they can shove this new peace plan down the throats of muslims. No matter how much they resist.
It is over, and after Ramadan we may see an atomic change in Jordanian politics

BTW what are things like in Jordan right now???
What do average jordanians think of this new peace deal???
Yeah akhi I also heard about so called "deal of the century".

My gut feeling says that Jews are now seeing signs of their messiah being fulfilled and are expediting the process for the Beit Hamikdahs(3rd temple in hebrew) and Greater Israrl.

They've already got the tyrant GCC leaders in on the game. So they can shove this new peace plan down the throats of muslims. No matter how much they resist.

BTW what are things like in Jordan right now???
What do average jordanians think of this new peace deal???
If you mean the Jordanian-Israeli peace deal "Wadi Araba" that took place in 1994 ..

It has been unpopular since it occurred 25 years ago! The Council of Representatives has repeatedly tried to oblige governments to repeal it and did not oblige governments to do so. The Council therefore decides to topple the government by withdrawing confidence from it. The same scenario is repeated with every incident such as the killing of policeman Yousef Al-Jarrah in 2013, Raed Zaiter in 2014 and the martyrdom of Jordanians near the Israeli Embassy in Amman in 2017

But if you mean the new peace deal called the "Deal of the Century" that US President Donald Trump intends to propose through his son-in-law Jared Kouchner after Ramadan.

It is rejected by the people and the government and the king, that is, the king himself rejected it, and the people themselves reject them, for several reasons, I mention:

It exposes the right of Jordan and the Hashemites to oversee the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem
It abolishes the right of the sovereign Palestinian state to the 1967 borders and its eastern Al-Quds capital
It negates the right of return of Palestinian brothers to their lands
It is legislating settlement in the West Bank
It offers the alternative home option to Jordan
It proposes the resettlement of Palestinians in Jordan and Egypt instead of their original lands in Palestine

Rejected at all levels and rejected in whole and in detail

The King of Jordan had a clear word and delivered through it several messages and several indications where he said he is holding his military suit:

We are the Arab Army Mustafa! Our entire history in Jerusalem and Palestine, we have no voice and opinion in what happens!

God save Pakistan from the "Recognize Israel" brigade. Armed with childish arguments and/or Zionist money.

Israel is not India or America. It is a modern genocidal state that regularly exploits its allies. Pakistan can consider recognition once they revert to original borders (at the very least.) Till then, this brigade can keep writing/talking/influencing.
Recognize Isreal or not, is not the point.

This podcast expose hypocrisy of Pakistani soviety - my take. Then we wonder why Pakistan have so many problems.

Yet another liberal enlightened yuppie who thinks he has understood how to deal with the problem of the illegal, illegitimate, terrorist state of israel, when it comes to Pakistan. It starts with the clear and obvious fact that he doesn't know the subject matter to begin with. And that is the problem which plagues most Pakistanis who advocate have good relations with this Zionist Terrorist State.
God save Pakistan from the "Recognize Israel" brigade. Armed with childish arguments and/or Zionist money.

I'm seeing more of these threads popping up for the last 3 months....wonder whose so itching to recognize Israel or/& get that free visa? :D

Recognize Isreal or not, is not the point.

This podcast expose hypocrisy of Pakistani soviety - my take. Then we wonder why Pakistan have so many problems.

Hypocrites & sellouts have been living in Pakistan since time old, we have never really got ridden of them and by the present day, they have multiplied and the effect is for all to see.

We should asap do a Raddul-Fasad-of-Hyporictes-&-Sellouts for the wellbeing of the rest of Pakistan.

Or are you advocating the support of Israel? Your 2 sentences are pretty vague...:)
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