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The Secrets of Israel By Junaid Akram

Lol...Go read MY posts.

To see how they wont JUST get recognition as you claim but arm twist Pakistan into giving soooo much more and become a slave nation. We already kinda are due to high interest loans.

And Mizrahi jews with cover stories like you who infiltrate into our social fabric and destroy it from within.

Surat Al Kaff... The four men in the cave were your ordinary Jewish men. MANY other non-Prophetic Jewish people have been mentioned with affection in the Quran.

Tell me , do you believe that Jews are dajjal's companions or not ? ... when Hazarat Isa alai Salam will will come to kill dajjal then only jews will stand by dajjal , all the other peopele (Christians , hindus , buddhists) will accept Islam , evertthing on earth will fight by the side of Hazrat Isa alai salam except jews ...

Muslims will also be dejaals followers ... There will be many people led astray by dejaal. Look at today's Muslims.... Over 90% would fit the description of dejaals followers.

Muslims have gone astray .... Just like the Jews have.

Very few true believers left in this world.
Jews of today
U thickhead
All u Mossad Mizrahis come here and try to teach us our religion
Surat Al Kaff... The four men in the cave were your ordinary Jewish men. MANY other non-Prophetic Jewish people have been mentioned with affection in the Quran.

Muslims will also be dejaals followers ... There will be many people led astray by dejaal. Look at today's Muslims.... Over 90% would fit the description of dejaals followers.

Muslims have gone astray .... Just like the Jews have.

Very few true believers left in this world.
Jews of today
U thickhead
All u Mossad Mizrahis come here and try to teach us our religion

Muslims of today are the Jews of today as well... Both gone astray and deviant.

God isn't a racist.

The whole dejaal conversation is also foolish considering he could be here tomorrow or a thousand years later... Nobody knows.

In the meantime let's recognize we are meant to live together on this planet with understanding and respect. Not hatred or some sort of superiority hatred.

I am for peace with Israel and for the destruction of the evil regime of Mullah Iran.

Pakistan First.
nope thats because of our stupid habit of adopting orphan races, who end up biting the very mouth that feeds them! First Bengalis now muhajirs, both un-naturalized races whom we dont share anything in common with.....and adopting both was a great mistake for which we were warned before!

u do realize that is only u right?:rofl:

im still waiting as to how will such a relationship will be beneficial to us to begin with? and dont be a phussey of karachi, answer me this time

we our who the **** are you? or whay stupid moronic ethnicity you belojg to?

what the **** was purpose of creation of Pakistan?

yabood Nabion keh nai howay hamaray hojaye gay!! kamal log hain Pakistani!
Jews of today
U thickhead
All u Mossad Mizrahis come here and try to teach us our religion

Btw... You also contradicted yourself.... 1st you said the Jews of the Quran were evil because they didn't obey the prophets... Now you are saying they were Muslims of that time.

You need to make up your mind how your hatred is supposed to work.

Islam teaches us to better ourselves and leave aside the hatred of others.
In the meantime let's recognize we are meant to live together on this planet with understanding and respect. Not hatred or some sort of superiority hatred.
Yeah right , go tell this to the zionists :lol:

Btw... You also contradicted yourself.... 1st you said the Jews of the Quran were evil because they didn't obey the prophets... Now you are saying they were Muslims of that time.

You need to make up your mind how your hatred is supposed to work.

Islam teaches us to better ourselves and leave aside the hatred of others.
He meant to say that the jews of that time (Musa's time) were muslims , you thickhead but in Hazrat Isa alai salam's time they started to call themselves yahudi and till now they call themselves with this name ... is it too hard to comprehend
Yeah right , go tell this to the zionists :lol:

Tell them what exactly?

The Israeli state is guilty of oppressing the Palestinian people and very likely of crimes against humanity.

But engaging them will probably benefit the Palestinians more rather than ignoring them. In over 60 years of ignoring and boycotting Israel hasn't accomplished anything... Mostly because most Muslim nations are weak, impotent, divided, and corrupt.

may be trying a different strategy will work better.

If Pakistan can recognize and have relations with India... Then why not Israel??

Yeah right , go tell this to the zionists :lol:

He meant to say that the jews of that time (Musa's time) were muslims , you thickhead and now they call themselves yahudi ... is it too hard to comprehend

Do you know how long the Jewish history is? It's well over 3,000 years out if which the recieved prophets for over 1,600 years.

They have been knows as Israelites (Bani Israel) for thousands of years.
Stop that man , you are making me laught ..... :lol:

Look at the Yemeni ... Being killed by other bloodthirsty Muslims... Probably worse than the Palestinians right now

Stop that man , you are making me laugh ..... :lol:

You might also want to laugh at this....

More than 50,000 children in Yemen died from starvation during 2017.
Death rate: At least 130 children (adults unknown) per day; (December 2016–Nove...
Observations: Saudi-American Blockade of Yemen; Saudi Arabian–led intervention in ...
Total deaths: More than 85,000 children (adults unknown); (estimate)

You might want to also listen to the original post regarding that hypocrisy...
Do you know how long the Jewish history is? It's well over 3,000 years out if which the recieved prophets for over 1,600 years.

They have been knows as Israelites (Bani Israel) for thousands of years.
Bani Israel is the name of the race , Muslim is not

Look at the Yemeni ... Being killed by other bloodthirsty Muslims... Probably worse than the Palestinians right now

You might also want to laugh at this....

More than 50,000 children in Yemen died from starvation during 2017.
Death rate: At least 130 children (adults unknown) per day; (December 2016–Nove...
Observations: Saudi-American Blockade of Yemen; Saudi Arabian–led intervention in ...
Total deaths: More than 85,000 children (adults unknown); (estimate)

You might want to also listen to the original post regarding that hypocrisy...

Why are you turning the argument towards whole new direction ?
Stop that man , you are making me laugh ..... :lol:
Bani Israel is the of the race , Muslim is not

At least Bani Israel isn't killing their own like the pathetic Muslims do... Here is a pic of Muslim Yemeni children killed by the saudis Muslims...


Yet all you dream about are the evil jooos all day..

Fix your own house first!

Israel isn't the enemy.... The enemy of the Muslims... Is within... It's us. We are our own worst enemy. Failed "Ummah'!
Muslims murdering other Muslims is a whole new topic .....

Did you even watch the video of the original post what this thread is based upon....???

It is exactly this....

Why hate Israel... When Muslims killing Muslims is a bigger problem?

That is the original topic... Stick to the subject of this thread.
Did you even watch the video of the original post what this thread is based upon....???

It is exactly this....

Why hate Israel... When Muslims killing Muslims is a bigger problem?

That is the original topic... Stick to the subject of this thread.
I don't think i'll agree with you and neither will you , so its better to end this argument , i am not deserting but there is no point in educting a libtard ....
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