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The Secrets of Israel By Junaid Akram

Yes 80% of quran is on bani Israel. It talks about how stupid, stubborn and outrightly disrespectful they were DIRECTLY TOWARDS GOD HIMSELF. How they kindled fires of wars and Allah put those fires out. How they conspired against Muhammad alai salam, with the mushrikeen and munafikeen(they still do same thing only modern mushrik are in India and the munafikeen are in Pakistan).

How they rebelled against Musa alai salam after he LITERALLY saved them from complete annihilation and slavery at hands of Firaun.

80% of the same quran talks about how God gave them one blessing after another. And overlooked their outright rebellion and disrespect and kept forgiving them.

Ham ne tumhe ye ye nematen di. Tum be ye ye gunah kiye. Phir bhi agar hamarey bheje huye akhri rasool par iman le ao ge to phir se hamare ladley ban jao ge.(summarizing quran's stance in urdu)

So its really funny how u libturds act all wise and try manipulating the Quran to suit the people who pay you.

Not really. It talks about the prophets stories..
And yes also about how the followers went astray.

It is actually also about how Muslims themselves may go astray just as the Jewish people did.

God doesn't have racial preferences ... Muslims too just like the followers of the Jewish prophets went astray have gone astray themselves.

We are not excluded from making the same mistakes.

Excluding Israel's liberal/secualars. The country called "Israel" is a hotbed of Khwariji Jewish Terror like Al-qaeda and their own brainchild ISIS. If America wants peace and prosperity for its citizen then Israel should have been the first country they invade.

Khawarji are a product of Islamic extremism... They may be Israel's useful idiots... But they are a birth abomination from us.... Our Jahil Ummah our failed Ummah our Jahil Mullahs or pathetic leaders our neo-LibTurds our sins.
Not really. It talks about the prophets stories..
And yes also about how the followers went astray.

It is actually also about how Muslims themselves may go astray just as the Jewish people did.

God doesn't have racial preferences ... Muslims too just like the followers of the Jewish prophets went astray have gone astray themselves.

We are not excluded from making the same mistakes.
Oh boy , here we go again ... you really need to read Holy Quran again , Allah says "yahud aur nasara kabhi tumhary kherkhawa nhi ho sakty" ....
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Oh boy , here we go again ... you really to read Holy Quran again , Allah says "yahud aur nasara kabhi tumhary kherkhawa nhi ho sakty" ....

It's an event in time. Then why are we allowed to marry them and how come one of the prophets wives was Jewish... Why is their food halal for us??

So Islam allows you to marry a Jewish woman but at the same time thou must hate her??? What foolishness is this? Lol
It's an event in time. Then why are we allowed to marry them and how one one of the prophets wives was Jewish... Why is their food halal for us??
According to Muhammad Al-Bukhari, Muhammad(S.A.W) stayed for three days between Khaybar and Medina, where he consummated his marriage to Safiyya. His companions wondered if she was to be considered a slave or a wife. The former speculated that they would consider Safiyya as Muhammad's wife, and thus "Mothers of the Believers", if Muhammad(S.A.W )ordered her to veil herself, else she would be his servant-girl.

Muhammad(S.A.W) suggested that Safiyya convert to Islam, and she agreed and thus became Muhammad's wife. Safiyya did not bear any children to Muhammad(S.A.W).
According to Muhammad al-Bukhari, Muhammad stayed for three days between Khaybar and Medina, where he consummated his marriage to Safiyya. His companions wondered if she was to be considered a slave (Arabic: ma malakat aymanukum) or a wife. The former speculated that they would consider Safiyya as Muhammad's wife, and thus "Mothers of the Believers", if Muhammad ordered her to veil herself, else she would be his servant-girl.[9]

Muhammad suggested that Safiyya convert to Islam, and she agreed and thus became Muhammad's wife.[10] Safiyya did not bear any children to Muhammad.[11]

Still doesn't answer the question... So you are allowed to marry a Jewish person... But then you must hate her???... What foolishness is this??

Mullah have done a number in brainwashing the Moslems into an anti-Semitic bloodthirsty hord...
Yes I know and I admit I did not write down that part in my post.

But aren't you doing the same thing that you advice me against??? You prefer one angle of Quranic surahs and ayat over the other?? When the Allah asks all muslims to accept ALL of the Quran. Aren't you doing what jews did with their God given books followed what suited them and ignored what didnt???

You only focus on the peace love and nirvana everyone lived happily everafter aspects. But not the ayat and surahs where God expresses anger against the Jews and warns the Nabi(and by extension us) alaihi salam against the plots and schemes of Jews. Quran also says dont take the mushrikeen and Jews etc as friends and that they will never be happy unless muslims followed their way of live. In surah maida Allah says that the ones who have most hatred/animosity against muslims are those who are jews and the mushrikeens.

The quran mentions everything for a reason. The prophets storues were to verify that Quran is indeed from same God of Ibrahim, Musa etc etc. And sometimes because the Jews expressly asked for a prophets story like of Hazrat Yusus alai salam. Not out of their love of God but as part of a trick against Prophet Muhammad alaihi salam. Thinking themselves to be wise guys.

So yeah 80% of Quran talks about jews and their evil for muslims in particular. And warns muslims not to become like them.

And as regards the Prophets I advice dont slander their names by implying that Quran mentions the Prophets to give respect to Jews in any way. Afterall, some of those Prophets they killed and some of them they slandered and humiliated and turned away from them.

Have you ever read Tafsir????

Or do u just try miserably to quote Quran as taught to you by Beaconhouse/City school?????
Not really. It talks about the prophets stories..
And yes also about how the followers went astray.

It is actually also about how Muslims themselves may go astray just as the Jewish people did.

God doesn't have racial preferences ... Muslims too just like the followers of the Jewish prophets went astray have gone astray themselves.

We are not excluded from making the same mistakes.

Khawarji are a product of Islamic extremism... They may be Israel's useful idiots... But they are a birth abomination from us.... Our Jahil Ummah our failed Ummah our Jahil Mullahs or pathetic leaders our neo-LibTurds our sins.
Still doesn't answer the question... So you are allowed to marry a Jewish person... But then you must hate her???... What foolishness is this??

Mullah have done a number in brainwashing the Moslems into an anti-Semitic bloodthirsty hord...
You can marry people of the Book , but it does'nt mean that a person becomes a jew , the answer to your question was that she accepted Islam before marrying Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) , maybe its hard for you to comprehend
Yaar ye libturds kisi aur k paison par kaam kartey hain.

Mein ne itni lambi post likhi saying that the religion(as they have it today) of Jews makes them Jewish Khwariji Terrorists. Lekin this traitor is turning around the whole thing in a completely different direction and trying to blame Islam.

No use debating qith this coconut.
Oh boy , here we go again ... you really to read Holy Quran again , Allah says "yahud aur nasara kabhi tumhary kherkhawa nhi ho sakty" ....
And as regards the Prophets I advice dont slander their names by implying that Quran mentions the Prophets to give respect to Jews in any way. Afterall, some of those Prophets they killed and some of them they slandered and humiliated and turned away from them.

Muslims slander and disobey and deviate from the Quran and the Prophet just as bad. They make the same mistakes as the Jews and are being humiliated even worse these days.

You can marry people of the Book , but it does'nt mean that a person becomes a jew , the answer to your question was that she accepted Islam before marrying Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) , maybe its hard for you to comprehend

It's not just about the prophets wife... It's anyone else...

So a.muslim can marry a Jewish person... Then hate her at the same time??... What foolish ideology is that? Lol

"Hate the Jews... But you can marry them." What nonsense!!! A joke .. lol
Libturd sellout Muslims like you
Muslims slander and disobey and deviate from the Quran and the Prophet just as bad. They make the same mistakes as the Jews and are being humiliated even worse these days.

It's not just about the prophets wife... It's anyone else...

So a.muslim can marry a Jewish person... Then hate her at the same time??... What foolish ideology is that? Lol

"Hate the Jews... But you can marry them." What nonsense!!! A joke .. lol
Libturd sellout Muslims like you

Lol... Go read my posts... You will find out I am no libTurd. Childish emojis don't win an argument.

I just don't think Israel is the enemy we need to focus on. I believe Pakistan's enemy is India. Always was and always will be.

Israel can be won over easily ... They just seek recognition. While India seeks Pakistan's extermination.
Hate the Jews... But you can marry them." What nonsense!!! A joke .. lol
Oh you idiot , whats the the point in hating a jew if he/she accepts Islam ... anybody who accepts Islam is treated like if he never was a disbeliever , all his sins are forgiven by Allah ... your argument does'nt make any sense
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Lol...Go read MY posts.

To see how they wont JUST get recognition as you claim but arm twist Pakistan into giving soooo much more and become a slave nation. We already kinda are due to high interest loans.

And Mizrahi jews with cover stories like you who infiltrate into our social fabric and destroy it from within.
Lol... Go read my posts... You will find out I am no libTurd. Childish emojis don't win an argument.

I just don't think Israel is the enemy we need to focus on. I believe Pakistan's enemy is India. Always was and always will be.

Israel can be won over easily ... They just seek recognition. While India seeks Pakistan's extermination.
Oh you idiot , whats the the point in hating a jew if he/she accepts Islam ... anybody who accepts Islam is treated like if he never was a disbeliver , all his sins are forgiven by Allah ... your argument does'nt make anysense

Your wife doesn't need to convert to marry her. Islamic Shariah allows a marriage between a practicing Jew and a practicing Muslim even after the marriage.
Lol... Go read my posts... You will find out I am no libTurd. Childish emojis don't win an argument.

I just don't think Israel is the enemy we need to focus on. I believe Pakistan's enemy is India. Always was and always will be.

Israel can be won over easily ... They just seek recognition. While India seeks Pakistan's extermination.
Tell me , do you believe that Jews are dajjal's companions or not ? ... when Hazarat Isa alai Salam will will come to kill dajjal then only jews will stand by dajjal , all the other people (Christians , hindus , buddhists) will accept Islam , everthing on earth will fight by the side of Hazrat Isa alai salam except jews ...
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