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Think Tank Analysts and Site Staff


See---when you start seeing red in front of your eyes---you stop thinking--. We just want to know TT background---your job---your experience---basically what we want to know is are you a professional or a young kid---.

You may discuss whatever you want to---but when you are sitting on a pedastal---don't be shy---tell us who you are. Why the embarassment---what's to hide.

No one is seeing red. I am giving you my personal opinion that only a fool or a child will put personal information on the internet -- any more than is absolutely necessary.

Once you take out personally identifiable, i.e. verifiable, claims, then we are left with vague assertions, which brings us right back to square one: you either believe those assertions blindly, or you decide their validity based on the content of a person's post. In other words, you judge a person's credibility by their posts, not their claims. At least, that's what I do. Others are free to believe what they want.

I'll leave you with one anecdote: an astrologer once told a famous man, "tell me your birthday and I will tell you your personality". The man replied, "why don't you study my personality and tell me my birth date?".

Relevance of above anecdote is left as an exercise for the reader.
Where can I find a list of all of PDF's think tank analysts, along with their specialties?

EDIT: Apparently, the list is a state secret. If we can't do it the easy way, let's do it the hard way, and crowdsource it. If anyone wants to volunteer areas of expertise, I will add it to the list.


Adios Amigo
Chaku Bamu
Manticore (weapons systems/platforms)

International Moderators
Hu Songshan

Joe Shearer
Rashid Mahmood

Imran Khan
Spring Onion

Think Tank Staff (expertise)
500 (weapons/platforms, Israeli history and politics)
A1Kaid (small arms)
AUSTERLITZ (military history, strategy, general history)
Azlan Haider
cabatli_53 (Turkish defense industry, Turkish weapons/platforms)
Casus Belli (Turkish defense industry, Turkish weapons/platforms)
Chinese-Dragon (Chinese economy, politics)
DaRk WaVe
Last Hope
MBI Munshi
Najam Khan
Penguin (general military, naval focus)
sandy_3126 (aeronautics, small arms)
Slav Defence
Tempest II
That Guy
The Deterrent
vostok (Russian military, Russian history and politics)

Abu Zolfiqar
Safriz The Chutiya

@WebMaster Is there a way to leave post #1 open for me to edit? As I discover more think tank analysts, I would like to be able to add them to the list. Thank you for your consideration.
It's okay, the Indians are feeling left out. We can't really go down to their level and argue.
is their any need to drag India or Indians here... you certainly showed your level... have a nice day.
. .
It's okay, the Indians are feeling left out. We can't really go down to their level and argue.
Finally a TTA spoke and proved @LeveragedBuyout right. :P This is what he had to say.
LeveragedBuyout said:
I have seen TTAs come into threads with abusive language or one liners. And I occasionally see TTAs come out of the woodwork who have not contributed anything meaningful for extended periods of time.

LeveragedBuyout said:
The rank of TTAs should periodically be reviewed and trimmed to keep the value of the title high.
You're right sir.
I hope likes of you are raised to the title of TTA soon, you sound more level headed than many dilettante TTA bunch that already exists here.

It's better to remove the "titles" altogether. It makes no difference anyway.
The quality, language, attitude of the comment speaks of the member it self.
10/10 sir.

Why aren't you a TTA yet??? Or did you decline that title???
. . . . . .

You background is your judge for your qualification---. Thus the content of your post is meaningless if you don't have any kind of experience---credentials identify you---who you are---it authenticates what you are saying.

It is THE world standard---when you are on a pedastal---you introduce yourself---who you are---where you coming from---why you say what you are saying.

If you want to learn from the world---then you need to get out of this " i personally don't give two hoots " kind of mindset----.

How many on this board would want to know the credentials of the doctor treating their young child in serious condition?

Thank you for the answer.
I'm really surprised that you are not a TT by now!! Come on mods he deserves it!!
. .
Why aren't you a TTA yet??? Or did you decline that title???

I resigned my title for TT around 6 years ago.

Too many disagreements----. Give you an example--- i was the only pakistani who stated around 6 years ago when the JF 17 came out that it would take 6 to 10 years to integrate that aircraft minimum & for the pilot to be proficient & excel on the aircraft---it was my car salesman thick skin & fundamental knowledge of the aircrafts that I held firm to my beliefs even after tremendous bashing from senior mods---admins---TT---& many a members for many a years.

I also stated that it was the wrong aircraft for paf ( nothing wrong with the aircraft )---also stated that by the time paf fully integrates this aircraft---they will be 10 to 20 years behind in technology & preparedness if they had bought the grippen or the rafale---.

Incidently I feel terrible about that---but time has proven me right---. These types of comments created a lots of animosity---I gave a piece of my mind to this senior mod / admin ot TT someone---they asked me to apologize---.

Isn't it a tragedy that the current chairperson of this board is a fresh graduate of college with no job experience---living & dependant on his parents to give hoim shelter & feed him---he was in college when he got this job---. Such is the tragedy of my pakistan---without going thru the grinder of life---they want titles---.
I resigned my title for TT around 6 years ago.

Too many disagreements----. Give you an example--- i was the only pakistani who stated around 6 years ago when the JF 17 came out that it would take 6 to 10 years to integrate that aircraft minimum & for the pilot to be proficient & excel on the aircraft---it was my car salesman thick skin & fundamental knowledge of the aircrafts that I held firm to my beliefs even after tremendous bashing from senior mods---admins---TT---& many a members for many a years.

I also stated that it was the wrong aircraft for paf ( nothing wrong with the aircraft )---also stated that by the time paf fully integrates this aircraft---they will be 10 to 20 years behind in technology & preparedness if they had bought the grippen or the rafale---.

Incidently I feel terrible about that---but time has proven me right---. These types of comments created a lots of animosity---I gave a piece of my mind to this senior mod / admin ot TT someone---they asked me to apologize---.

Isn't it a tragedy that the current chairperson of this board is a fresh graduate of college with no job experience---living & dependant on his parents to give hoim shelter & feed him---he was in college when he got this job---. Such is the tragedy of my pakistan---without going thru the grinder of life---they want titles---.

Mastan saheb kab tak insult kero ge? The very chairperson joined Pakistan Air Force.

Give us some credit also yaar. :P
. .

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