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The Political Impact of Chinese President's Proposed Visit

You really need to look past Kejriwal's CMchip....i mean, one CMship in a country of 28/29 states? IK had a complete province out of just 4 provinces!

That is quite a big one..... I agree..... Delhi will be one of the smallest state of the entire 29 states....
When china media quotes his(Sharif) past, We feel shame. They showed them attacking on supreme court, & parliament. When Our corrupt leader meets with honest leader of china, we have no face to hide but our leaders have no shame. We are deprived from this government, & their attitude towards civilian.
China is our best friend, Nobody denies it. We feel sorry that they cancelled the visit. Everybody is ready to welcome them including Opposition. But nobody is ready to come in Pakistan.


Sharif Royal Family only care for themselves to make money from many businesses and from China.

Sharif don't give a damn poor Pakistani people and justice for them
That is quite a big one..... I agree..... Delhi will be one of the smallest state of the entire 29 states....

Exactly, IK had a influential base from where to exert his power elsewhere. If he would have delivered in KPK, by the time next elections were here, in 2018, he would already have gained foothold in Punjab and Sindh. You get those two, you are pretty much set. But no, he had to ruin it for himself, his followers and the country. Even in the area i live in Karachi, which is one of the most important and 'Posh' localities, it was PTI who won. And now people are like, WTH?
As I said game is not over. About half an hour ago, Chaudry Nisar retaliated to Eitezaz Ahsan's statements. The statement almost created a stand off between PML-N and PPP until SS and NS quickly phoned SKS and apologized for Ch Nisar's statement. A timely fire-fight limited the damage. So my friends as I said before that as long as the dharnas are there, there will be continuous attempts from scriptwriters. And there are many moles sitting in the parliament interestingly......The end game is to have a re-election in 2014 and as long as PTI and PAT don't leave the capital, the threat continues to loom.
Exactly, IK had a influential base from where to exert his power elsewhere. If he would have delivered in KPK, by the time next elections were here, in 2018, he would already have gained foothold in Punjab and Sindh. You get those two, you are pretty much set. But no, he had to ruin it for himself, his followers and the country. Even in the area i live in Karachi, which is one of the most important and 'Posh' localities, it was PTI who won. And now people are like, WTH?

I never heard any corruption allegation against IK, where as i have heard a lot about zardari and NS.... I dono IK should have little more patient and should have worked properly..... But then i guess it is good that he screwed up before getting to power... It would have been worse if he screw up while he is leading his government....

Sharif Royal Family only care for themselves to make money from many businesses and from China.

Sharif don't give a damn poor Pakistani people and justice for them
PTI is also Not angel. There are many mistakes, i hope that they will learn it. I only support them because they are better than others, & commitment of Imran khan fighting against injustice, rigging, & gullu butt legacy. There is always roam of deal in politics, but in this case, he is right. Independent investigation is not possible under nawaz sharif. Now, our government is preparing to implement article 19, so 4 PTV for us in future. PTV1, Geo news, aaj news, & dawn news.
This is sad day for us as they cancelled the visit. Nation should burn the election commission, they have ruined the future. :cray:
You really need to look past Kejriwal's CMchip....i mean, one CMship in a country of 28/29 states? IK had a complete province out of just 4 provinces!

Symbolism matters here not size, people gave a greenhorn a state to rule based on his blah blah - and no one easily gets to become a CM of an Indian state. He missed the bus and messed up the opportunity.
Mate, You also had some good leaders, and that is the reason you are here today, It is easy to look at what you do not have, and people normally ignore what you got...... Well If you ask me the reason why people do not trust or care about democracy is "Pakistan Army", When i talk about PA i am talking about their involvement in controlling the government..... Let us accept that they are the most powerful organisation in Pakistan, at times (most of the times) they control the government. The best part is they are able to convince the population that they always do good, or the politicians could not convince the population that they could control the country better.......

Otherwise both countries, have similar dynastic politics, (nehru, Indira, Rajiv/sonia, rahul), corrupt politicians, Power hungry politicians, religious extremists, poverty etc etc.......The only difference i could see is, in India Army is totally under Government of India.....

Nair bhai,

There is a slightly different perspective.

Pakistanis yearn for a disciplined well oiled well dressed type of society and country.

A typical army officer, and the instiution of the army delivers the illusion of precisely that disciplined well oiled well dressed type of institution.

Many Indians today cannot relate to this mindset because the idea is unique to northern Punjab and Eastern KP culture.

This is why Gen. Ayub Khan is admired till today.

His pictures adorn popular imagery on trucks and buses and rickshaws.

I believe Pakistani politicians have not learned to appreciate this longing of Pakistani people.

And thus people do not relate to them as well as people can relate to the army

There are exceptions though.

Sindh urban aka Bihari culture cannot relate to martial culture, so they are not in this with the majority of Pakistanis.
I never heard any corruption allegation against IK, where as i have heard a lot about zardari and NS.... I dono IK should have little more patient and should have worked properly..... But then i guess it is good that he screwed up before getting to power... It would have been worse if he screw up while he is leading his government....

But that is not the correct way to do it if you plan on making a 'Naya Pakistan' ...........Naya here refers to corruption/aristocracy free nation. While his gains and improvements with regards to governance in KPK is plausible, he has shot himself in the foot at the national level. In order to compete with behemoths like NS/Zardari, he needs to field at least 200+ quality, corruption free cadidates who can get votes their way. Then there are the provincial assemblies as well to fill local seats, the seats which really matter to people like you and me living in cities. Where is he going to get those numbers from? PPP/PML-N can do it because they can cash in on their decades old influence in rural/urban areas, and thanks to the illiterate rural people, they get away with it. What ever chance he had, it seems like he is hell bent on throwing it away on purpose. I mean, people gave you votes (last time he won, it was only 1 seat, IK himself) and then after one year you resign. Why would people vote you again if you are just going to waste that mandate?
I believe Pakistani politicians have not learned to appreciate this longing of Pakistani people.

And thus people do not related to them as well as people can relate to the army


I think it is time politicians start thinking on this lines start introspecting... I have seen one of the videos in news where in people where cheering when army entered into one of those agitation areas..... first i thought it was the agitators, but then the reporter explained that they are actually supporting the army....
What do say about the FACT that he ignores out right abusive language from "like-minded" (example below) & sends PM warning to opposing view holders for posting benign meme (see below):

Please take this issue to the GHQ to be sorted out per PDF policy. Thank you.
As I said game is not over. About half an hour ago, Chaudry Nisar retaliated to Eitezaz Ahsan's statements. The statement almost created a stand off between PML-N and PPP until SS and NS quickly phoned SKS and apologized for Ch Nisar's statement. A timely fire-fight limited the damage..

Nah, PPP will not bring down the govt. Not only they have the 'muk mukao' with NS but also PPP is not ready for elections.

Stupid Imran Khan: He ONLY had to wait till 2016/17 and by then he would have found much more support from other parties and angry large population. He would have the KPK govt to show as a 'model' to the rest of the country for governance. As I said above, Benazir Bhutto faced much worse after the 1990 elections (which were also the most rigged in Pakistan's history) but decided to sit in the Parliament. IK had much more going for him in last 15 months compared with Benazir then.
It is safe to say that Kejriwal wont get a state to rule let alone a country unlike the superfluous Pakistani junta backed IK most likely.
It is safe to say that Kejriwal wont get a state to rule let alone a country unlike the superfluous Pakistani junta backed IK most likely.

This is common theme but incorrect.

Pak election history has shown that "junta" may be able to upset the political cart,

But they cannot get their own people elected in the next election.

IK won KP state when he picked the "electables" from KP.

KP CM Khattak comes from dynasty and not from junta. So are most of the big name MNA and MPS of PTI.

So please do not give too much credit to junta.

and in this way you will have a bit more respect for Pakistani voters
I think pakistanis should look the bigger picture. it is not chinese president who was bringing the investments but the businessperson who supposed to accompany him. very very bad signal to investors.

Well, the President doesn't HAVE to be in Pakistan for the deals to be signed but his presence would carry a lot of weight: Not only as major symbol of Pak-China strategic cooperation to the international community--for how many heads of states come to Pakistan anymore anyway? I recall there were endless processions in the 70's with public display of hospitality and ZAB/Ch. Fazal Elahi greeting them--but also the Chinese President's presence would have possibly help iron out some minor disagreements about $$ figures and possibly allow impromptu concessions from both sides.
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