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The Political Impact of Chinese President's Proposed Visit

You misunderstood I do acknowledge ppl have different opinions since threads are opened for debate I can pen down my opinion that certain ppl may disagree with, that does not mean chasing a couple of ppl's tails to insult them that is wrong assumption on your part of Chak Bamu again he shouldn't be passing such comments belittling other members, as for assigned task you dragged it careless whether he is moderator or not he too should follow forum rules just like everyone else.

I see little different in his actions from what you or I, or any other member of the team as done. There is no harm in belittling an opinion. Especially in this case where the opinion was belittled by another TTA and this is just light hearted banter. Regardless, you can always PM a mod about this. There are COUNTLESS examples where members of our TT and TTA teams have indulged in the same and we have given them the benefit of the doubt because their general exemplar behaviour outweighs their smaller follies. Additionally, this is a political opinion difference and I do not see this being dragged on further if you or I or any other member of the team has differing opinions. All of us have been here much longer than this and I suggest this hatchet is buried without further ado.
He is doing the right thing, by protesting he is telling everyone that he doesn't wants to be a part of this corrupt system and he did go by BB method for 1.5 years.

No, he most certainly is not following Benazir's steps! She immediately started street protests when the results of the 1990 elections were out. I was her big supporter then and so I followed her and prayed for her--on the other side were the ISI backed NS and his henchmen (the Asghar Khan Case 1996). The tally of total votes were about the same for her as in 1988 but, mysteriously, there were a few thousand extra votes in almost all constituencies where there were tight races. It was an obvious rigging!
To add insult to injury even in Sindh--despite all rigging she had a plurality of seats--she was denied a govt and instead had a very nasty Jam Sadiq + MQM alliance cobbled together by the Establishment. And boy they hounded her in Karachi, in Lahore, and in Islamabad.

And yet, holding a puny number of seats, she occupied the Leader of Opposition till NS imploded in 1993. She never asked for a Martial Law.

It makes my blood boil to see someone comparing BB's conduct after 1990 elections with this intellectual dwarf of a politicians's conduct after 2013 elections.
You know, you really should talk to someone from PML-N so that he gives an explanation. You are not making much sense by yourself.

Even if President of China does not visit Pakistan, the projects will still go ahead. It is not gloom and doom, but certainly Pakistanis just slapped themselves in their collective face.

There is still no confirmation of cancellation of the visit, those feeling sorry and those celebrating (idiots), both need to take it easy.
you know what amuses me most in all this is that,
the most naïve analysis presented by those who are celebrating & jumping for their Naya Pakistan , comes up with excuses like family commissions, haram ka lukma etc. & what's even more naïve is that, they don't realize that investments are not Aid. & that the Chinese are no Americans, when it comes to investments. they only invest in projects when sure of results & profits , for example, heck they even get projects up & running in Africa ! which benefits both the host country & the investors

so true as some one said

those who, so enthusiastically talk about making Naya Pakistan, so conveniently ignores that, unfortunately
the script writers for their Naya Pakistan, are the ones, who wrote the previous script of Purana Pakistan itself !
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That is like saying that a Pakistani only praises the JF-17 and not the LCA.
Even in my posts, i gave more number to LCA mark II, which will be better than our JF17 block II.. few members asked me if you are Pakistani... lol :lol:
On topic:
Nobody is coming in Pakistan. Not new news
Situation is not good in Pakistan. Leader of Ahle Hadees, & deobandi are promoting sectarian issue including maulana fazul rehman ..Government is getting support from banned organisations & rallies on religious issue against sufism
i.e TUQ & sunni itehad...
This is very dangerous development. Army should take serious step to stop this because government itself is involved in this dirty game. We need martial law on consistence basis for at-least 40 years following Mustafa Kemal Ataturk model.
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I don't know about 90% of people, nor responsible for what they say. I have not been to Pakistan in last 7 years, hence no question of casting my vote, which I never casted anyway. So when I am saying I am not his supporter or voter, I am honest to my words. Now, why it seems I am a supporter of IK, well I am a supporter of any party that will end the musical chair game between the two dynasties, and that was my hope, which got shattered due to the immature actions of Imran. I am not alone in this for many educated middle class families welcomed PTI for the similar reasons.

Sir you seem to work in some technical field. I think you are perhaps a professor in Malaysia?

1. You gravitate towards the Efficiency argument, while ignoring the Legitimacy argument. In essence, you may build the most beautiful house ever, but not on my plot of land. In terms of evolution, our system is at a stage where we can not afford to lust after the perfect system. Efficiency argument has been used by ALL the dictators from 1958 on-wards to cover their ILLEGITIMATE governments. People like yourself (and myself til 2002) supported the Efficiency argument blindly. This has resulted in stunted growth and lop-sided mind-set.

Today you gave a list of wishes for Paksitan. Its the usual stuff - justice, employment, social services. The classic efficiency argument. @FaujHistorian made fun of it. Why? Think..... When we do not support our constitution and respect its dictates as a responsible and mature people, we can not expect to have anything in that list. No usurper can support justice because he himself is unjust in acquisition of power. Why would he think of the people when he only needs to fool them, and not afford to give them the liberty to vote. He may give sops to make people shut up, but the people will never take ownership of the state.

Pakistanis have been through enough already and that is why they are not supporting the two idiots. We, the people of Pakistan are sick and tired of power games. We want our leaders to stop playing games and actually effing DELIVER.

2. If you have not stake in Pakistan and you suffer no consequences for your opinions on Pakistan, then what is your relevance? Yes! Do tell what is your relevance? Do you suffer on the streets of Pakistan. Do you pay for lack of investment in infrastructure? Are you affected by the lack of justice in courts? Do you have to walk in summer sun because of lack of public transport?

You can talk about my rights, and my conveniences, and the social services that are my due, without taking into account my opinion about such matters. Why? What stake do you have in my welfare or the lack of it? Why can you not understand that my country-mates voted for survival, and not for naya Pakistan? You wish demagogues to rule us by hook or crook just so you can feel at peace in your home in Malaysia? Where is sense or justice in that? What the hell does it matter if 3 or 30 constituencies had supposed rigged elections? It changes NOTHING. Get it? NOTHING.

The more I look at it, the more I am convinced that this is no more than an excuse to force elections, which will not change anything unless rigged in PTI's favor.

3. You have a problem with dynasty rule - I have a problem too. But could that be an excuse for supporting Anarchists? NO. Simply NO. When and IF the next generation come up, we will see. Right now I am not interested in what I will get to eat next week or month. I am hungry today. I want to have my food NOW. You can not stuff your face with pudding and tell me that I should go hungry today because you think I should be able to get Biryani next week.

I want power projects being constructed pronto. I want revival of my economy post-haste. I want immediate step taken to alleviate my suffering. IK means nothing to me in this. TuQ an go and ----- himself for all I care. I want my due today.

Your country of residence protects prevlige of birth, does it not? Is that right? You would tell me its their country their rules. Can you allow me to say that same for myself and my country?

Read my post a couple of times before you think about responding. Because any banal defense of your position will get badly trashed by myself. I can not stand that you get to enjoy first-world comfort and prescribe misery to me by supporting Anarchists just because you want to see your ideas play out in Pakistan while you are not here to suffer the consequences of your choices. This is hypocrisy.
The more I look at it, the more I am convinced that this is no more than an excuse to force elections, which will not change anything unless rigged in PTI's favor.

This is a little deeper than just elections. The real game is to prevent a proper political process that can actually deliver social development to the people from ever taking root.
I also respect his opinion, but he never spoke against PPP, PMLN , Nab cases, Shahbaz sharif buying judge even evidences available & any thread against them. etc. He remains quite in those threads. Only PTI bashing threads everywhere. Anyway, he is senior, i respect him.:enjoy:

That is because the Mod in question assiduously stayed away from political topics until a few weeks ago. The said Mod only started expressing his opinions with passion once he realized that his country will pay dearly for power politics, ego clash, and politics of Anarchy. But you can dismiss his concerns and instead go on supporting Anarchists and find conspiracies in his objections to Anarchy and its supporters.

thank God China president visit cancelled or postponed.

now Sharif family limited company will face the long term economic damage :)

First sort out Pakistan mess which has been destroyed by Nawaz and Mr 10%

@Peaceful Civilian please read this post again and again until you realize what bugs me about this mind-set.
We will not see any change. You are here, and I am also here. We will see. Though I may no longer be very active here, but I will continue to pay visits, and keep asking time to time about your envisioned real change through the continued dynasty cycles. I am not a wise person, nor do I have any way to see into the future, but during all this time I have observed few things and learned few things, and based on those observations, I can educatedly guess if there is some light at the end of the tunnel or not.

Mate, You also had some good leaders, and that is the reason you are here today, It is easy to look at what you do not have, and people normally ignore what you got...... Well If you ask me the reason why people do not trust or care about democracy is "Pakistan Army", When i talk about PA i am talking about their involvement in controlling the government..... Let us accept that they are the most powerful organisation in Pakistan, at times (most of the times) they control the government. The best part is they are able to convince the population that they always do good, or the politicians could not convince the population that they could control the country better.......

Otherwise both countries, have similar dynastic politics, (nehru, Indira, Rajiv/sonia, rahul), corrupt politicians, Power hungry politicians, religious extremists, poverty etc etc.......The only difference i could see is, in India Army is totally under Government of India.....
In my view the only similarity b/w IK and Kejriwal was that they started the protests and captured the air waves. Nothing more. Because while Kejriwal couldn't win any significant seats, IK did win them, but out of his sheer stupidity, narrow vision (the type the Scanning Electron microscopes use) and ego, he has done serious damage to PTI. A lot of the people are tired of this drama.

Mate lot of similarities between them, Kejiriwal became chief Minister of Delhi with in few months of launch of his AAP.... Both are stupid (when it comes to taking political decisions) Both has EGO, and people are tired of AAP too... Lot of similarities....
@Peaceful Civilian please read this post again and again until you realize what bugs me about this mind-set.
When china media quotes his(Sharif) past, We feel shame. They showed them attacking on supreme court, & parliament. When Our corrupt leader meets with honest leader of china, we have no face to hide but our leaders have no shame. We are deprived from this government, & their attitude towards civilian.
China is our best friend, Nobody denies it. We feel sorry that they cancelled the visit. Everybody is ready to welcome them including Opposition. But nobody is ready to come in Pakistan. Sad reality.
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Mate lot of similarities between them, Kejiriwal became chief Minister of Delhi with in few months of launch of his AAP.... Both are stupid (when it comes to taking political decisions) Both has EGO, and people are tired of AAP too... Lot of similarities....

How long did Kejriwal's CMship last? IK had an entire province, and an important one. He did well in the elections, much better than what AAP achieved in India. But this was more like the disorganized War of Independence 1857 (or mutiny if you prefer to call it), it gives people an alternative thought to consume, but nothing that can change the overall situation that they envision within the time frame they envision.
How long did Kejriwal's CMship last? IK had an entire province, and an important one. He did well in the elections, much better than what AAP achieved in India. But this was more like the disorganized War of Independence 1857 (or mutiny if you prefer to call it), it gives people an alternative thought to consume, but nothing that can change the overall situation that they envision within the time frame they envision.

I dono it is right to derail the subject, but let me tell you Kejriwal had resigned himself, ( i think he lasted 45 days), if he hadnt he would have been the CM now also..... and you know which province he became CM.... " Delhi " I am sure you know the significance of delhi......But my point was not that the similarities in thier way of using people's sentiments....
I dono it is right to derail the subject, but let me tell you Kejriwal had resigned himself, ( i think he lasted 45 days), if he hadnt he would have been the CM now also..... and you know which province he became CM.... " Delhi " I am sure you know the significance of delhi......But my point was not that the similarities in thier way of using people's sentiments....

You really need to look past Kejriwal's CMchip....i mean, one CMship in a country of 28/29 states? IK had a complete province out of just 4 provinces!
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