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The Political Impact of Chinese President's Proposed Visit

Any idea how Nawaz built motorway? The amount of commission he took for the project? Btw, chinese were not coming here for investments but loan guarantees with interests. This illegitimate government has taken more loans than last decades combined.
I am not an expert in these things but my strong hunch is that the visit of the Chinese President would be good for Pakistan. As to NS and his motorways/loans, well, we would kick him out in 2018 if the situation would be too bad.
I am not an expert in these things but my strong hunch is that the visit of the Chinese President would be good for Pakistan. As to NS and his motorways/loans, well, we would kick him out in 2018 if the situation would be too bad.
Its already bad sir. Model town massacre, Islamabad massacre and G-d knows how many waiting in line. Massive blackouts, price of energy doubled, inflation at its peak. I don't think Pakistanis want another year with this illegitimate government.
You cannot measure that, and that kind of loss is going to be more severe than the other one. It will take time to make people believe that they can invest, and there will be several who thinks it is not safe atall....
Precisely. Perception is the king in business. A slightly distant example: During the Gaza-Israel conflict, a mere one day of travel advisory to Israeli airport had the Israeli govt in panic mode. Why? Not because Israeli strong economy couldn't take a hit for a few millions. But because a 'perception' would be created in tourists and businessmen that that area is not safe.

There are some investors who would take 'risk' but most would rather seek safer places--and there are plenty of countries begging for investment morsels--even rich and stable countries.
Imran is being anti-state now!

Chinese president visit India AFTER pakistan. We're closer friend. How shameful it is that china president will visit india first? Have we not seen how Obama came to India and skipped Pakistan?

And how is it nit anti state if this dharna is stopping some 20-30b dollars of investment? This'd create jobs in Baloch with gawadar, decrease energy crisis, reduce poverty and raise literacy!

Imran Khan should be tried under treason. No safe exit so we never go through such fake inqalab again.

We gave qadri save exit and he came back. It's time these people be tried under treason trial. If Musharaf is tried, an ex president and general, who is Imran? Guy with a world cup and hospital?

These two should be tried under treason, you are correct. 30 Billion dollar worth of investments would create millions of jobs and not to mention, it'll support an insane amount of Pakistani businesses forever and will jump start a big portion of the economy, specially in the Baluchistan side.
Its already bad sir. Model town massacre, Islamabad massacre and G-d knows how many waiting in line. Massive blackouts, price of energy doubled, inflation at its peak. I don't think Pakistanis want another year with this illegitimate government.

Like @Chak Bamu , I too am tired of arguing. As isolated as your viewpoints have been, as desperate as your Messiah has been, as clueless as the 'cause' you espouse, there is no arguing with you, let alone convincing you. Sigh!

PS. Isn't it around 5-6 am in Norway? [I am not Googling]
Like @Chak Bamu , I too am tired of arguing. As isolated as your viewpoints have been, as desperate as your Messiah has been, as clueless as the 'cause' you espouse, there is no arguing with you, let alone convincing you. Sigh!

PS. Isn't it around 5-6 am in Norway? [I am not Googling]

I have a right to hold my own opinions, isolated or not. I am not here to convince others to approve mine or influence them to change theirs. Here in Norway everybody is allowed to form their own views without others telling them what's best for them.

Btw, I work in bank security and I have night shifts these days. Therefore I am mostly online at night.

These two should be tried under treason, you are correct. 30 Billion dollar worth of investments would create millions of jobs and not to mention, it'll support an insane amount of Pakistani businesses forever and will jump start a big portion of the economy, specially in the Baluchistan side.

Haven't I told you. This 30 billion dollar wasn't investment but guarantee of loans that China was willing to provide. These loans had to be paid back with interest for the generations to come.

Precisely. Perception is the king in business. A slightly distant example: During the Gaza-Israel conflict, a mere one day of travel advisory to Israeli airport had the Israeli govt in panic mode. Why? Not because Israeli strong economy couldn't take a hit for a few millions. But because a 'perception' would be created in tourists and businessmen that that area is not safe.

There are some investors who would take 'risk' but most would rather seek safer places--and there are plenty of countries begging for investment morsels--even rich and stable countries.

Israeli economy is export and tourism driven. They cannot afford rockets from Hamas hitting them 24/7 at random places. That's why they were begging them for ceasefire, which they got after they agreed to some of Hamas' core demands.
Now even Chinese dont even want to meet with murderer, lair and illegal PM.
Nawaz Sharif failed to provide justice. Now they on street to get their rights.
Haven't I told you. This 30 billion dollar wasn't investment but guarantee of loans that China was willing to provide. These loans had to be paid back with interest for the generations to come.

Loan?? I thought they were investments that china was to make in pakistan.
I again came late in party.. :sad:

So the visit is postponed I guess, what now? @Chak Bamu

Let us see. This is politics of personalities gone toooooo far. I can not say what might happen now. Its not as though either of us can meaningfully influence events.
Loan?? I thought they were investments that china was to make in pakistan.
That's what this corrupt government said to fool the masses. There was no direct investment from china. Only facilitation of loans.
So far till date no MAJOR deals has been signed with China, PML-N knows only how to talk crap. His visit to Pakistan would had been point less. We saw the same in PPP's time & the same is going on & will go on in PML-N's time.

Only in Gen. Musharraf's time Pakistan & China came very close & in every visit from the countries some major deal was always signed & this did not stay in paper work like PML-N does, there was practical implementation & whole Pakistan saw it.
Haven't I told you. This 30 billion dollar wasn't investment but guarantee of loans that China was willing to provide. These loans had to be paid back with interest for the generations to come.

If you don't know about something, please don't sound like an expert. The 30 billion portion is pure investment that the Chinese strategic infrastructure were going to do. Same thing they've been doing in Brazil, Africa, Sri Lanka and many other places. This is their strategic vision and route to aid their own progress through Pakistan (using Gawader as a port and as a pipeline place for the Western part of China). THEN, there are soft loans for many other things such as energy power plants and all.

On your own, without NS's government's hard work, you guys are losing the aid that you get, let alone anyone giving you loans (Forget about Soft Loans for a second). Soft Loans is a huge thing, almost no interest and they make the payments back for a much longer time than the traditional IMF loan. What more could you ask for? These things are what's really needed to take any country forward. And if someone still fails. I don't have nice words for suck mentality.
If you don't know about something, please don't sound like an expert. The 30 billion portion is pure investment that the Chinese strategic infrastructure were going to do. Same thing they've been doing in Brazil, Africa, Sri Lanka and many other places. This is their strategic vision and route to aid their own progress through Pakistan (using Gawader as a port and as a pipeline place for the Western part of China). THEN, there are soft loans for many other things such as energy power plants and all.

On your own, without NS's government's hard work, you guys are losing the aid that you get, let alone anyone giving you loans (Forget about Soft Loans for a second). Soft Loans is a huge thing, almost no interest and they make the payments back for a much longer time than the traditional IMF loan. What more could you ask for? These things are what's really needed to take any country forward. And if someone still fails. I don't have nice words for suck mentality.

I get Chinese no longer see Nooras as legitimate government of Pakistan. LOL.
So far till date no MAJOR deals has been signed with China, PML-N knows only how to talk crap. His visit to Pakistan would had been point less. We saw the same in PPP's time & the same is going on & will go on in PML-N's time.

Only in Gen. Musharraf's time Pakistan & China came very close & in every visit from the countries some major deal was always signed & this did not stay in paper work like PML-N does, there was practical implementation & whole Pakistan saw it.

Thats genuine khaki logic. All things aside you fail to get what it means for Pakistan when a high dignitary from China visits? And the message we send to the world when Chinese premier visits India but not Pakistan.

I don't get these people, its like they exist in some special khaki world where reality as we know it does not exist.

I get Chinese no longer see Nooras as legitimate government of Pakistan. LOL.

Quite amusing to know that only Indians and PTI/PAT are enjoying the news.
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