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The Political Impact of Chinese President's Proposed Visit

FIR yada yada Police yada yada Brutality blah blah blah.....

Your points have been answered multiple times and yet you keep coming back with same rubbish. We are dealing with Anarchists, not barbie dolls.
they and their leader keep repeating same things again and again like a broken records
The events of the last few weeks if anything prove how Pakistan is maturing as a democracy

public support to end corruption and hsve a free and fair vote

A government falling back on parliamentary and political support to shore itself up

a military backing all parties to resolve their differnces

and no mass slaughter on street

It will take time but Pakistan is emerging as a democratic state
I think you are confusing mobocracy with democracy.
In democracy you get support of the people to get into parliament, in mobocracy you take the whole lot people into the parliament..
I think you are confusing mobocracy with democracy.
In democracy you get support of the people to get into parliament, in mobocracy you take the whole lot people into the parliament..

I said its maturing, you coukd have had a massacre if people approached parliament

but no, neither the government nor army nor the police have slaughtered the protectors

in the past it would be much different

If Pakistan can continue and fix its economic and power issues then it could become a strong state
The events of the past few weeks prove otherwise.

You will only see what you want to see and ignore the rest. To have democracy, political norms must first be established. You got that with Nehru and Congress. We are still struggling. To make fun of our situation does not speak well of you.

Too bad their demands are being ignored and they are being made to look like terrorists. What a wonderful democracy it is .. .

When red-lines are crossed, definitions change. We are looking at a mob of anarchists who have done real damage to my country. It is disturbing to see ex-patriots looking to support choices whose consequences shall not be borne by them but us who live in Pakistan.

But for how long. The real terrorists are inside the parliament, not outside.

The ones inside may be negligent of their duties or may indulge in some funny business. But those spreading Anarchy outside have done real damage to Pakistan, its institutions, its finances, and its reputation.

The ones inside could not have willingly done so much damage in a year what has happened in the last 2 weeks.

I do hope and wish you stick to your country and let us mind ours.
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I do hope and wish you stick to your country and let us mind ours.
I am still a Pakistani citizen despite living here for education and work. I haven't got norwegian nationality yet. My heart and soul beats for Pakistan, not Norway.

The ones inside could not have willingly done so much damage in a year what has happened in the last 2 weeks.
The one's inside have willingly taken loans amounting billions of dollars with interest for the generations coming to pay. They will run away after 4 years. Its you people who will be stuck with repayments. Chinese were not coming here for investments. They were here to provide loans, majority of what goes directly to corrupt officials own bank accounts as commissions.
I am still a Pakistani citizen despite living here for education and work. I haven't got norwegian nationality yet. My heart and soul beats for Pakistan, not Norway.

The one's inside have willingly taken loans amounting billions of dollars with interest for the generations coming to pay. They will run away after 4 years. Its you people who will be stuck with repayments. Chinese were not coming here for investments. They were here to provide loans, majority of what goes directly to corrupt officials own bank accounts as commissions.

Yaar choRo in baton ko. I am tired of arguing. I think we have both made our points. We get nothing out of repeating them. I hope and pray for the best for you and me and Pakistan. I just want stability and work. We can argue and fight in 2018, and so can our politicians. You are taking these two far too seriously. Believe me they are way too self-centered to care for me or you. Its all about them, not Pakistan.
Sir you seem to work in some technical field. I think you are perhaps a professor in Malaysia?

1. You gravitate towards the Efficiency argument, while ignoring the Legitimacy argument. In essence, you may build the most beautiful house ever, but not on my plot of land. In terms of evolution, our system is at a stage where we can not afford to lust after the perfect system. Efficiency argument has been used by ALL the dictators from 1958 on-wards to cover their ILLEGITIMATE governments. People like yourself (and myself til 2002) supported the Efficiency argument blindly. This has resulted in stunted growth and lop-sided mind-set.

Today you gave a list of wishes for Paksitan. Its the usual stuff - justice, employment, social services. The classic efficiency argument. @FaujHistorian made fun of it. Why? Think..... When we do not support our constitution and respect its dictates as a responsible and mature people, we can not expect to have anything in that list. No usurper can support justice because he himself is unjust in acquisition of power. Why would he think of the people when he only needs to fool them, and not afford to give them the liberty to vote. He may give sops to make people shut up, but the people will never take ownership of the state.

Pakistanis have been through enough already and that is why they are not supporting the two idiots. We, the people of Pakistan are sick and tired of power games. We want our leaders to stop playing games and actually effing DELIVER.

2. If you have not stake in Pakistan and you suffer no consequences for your opinions on Pakistan, then what is your relevance? Yes! Do tell what is your relevance? Do you suffer on the streets of Pakistan. Do you pay for lack of investment in infrastructure? Are you affected by the lack of justice in courts? Do you have to walk in summer sun because of lack of public transport?

You can talk about my rights, and my conveniences, and the social services that are my due, without taking into account my opinion about such matters. Why? What stake do you have in my welfare or the lack of it? Why can you not understand that my country-mates voted for survival, and not for naya Pakistan? You wish demagogues to rule us by hook or crook just so you can feel at peace in your home in Malaysia? Where is sense or justice in that? What the hell does it matter if 3 or 30 constituencies had supposed rigged elections? It changes NOTHING. Get it? NOTHING.

The more I look at it, the more I am convinced that this is no more than an excuse to force elections, which will not change anything unless rigged in PTI's favor.

3. You have a problem with dynasty rule - I have a problem too. But could that be an excuse for supporting Anarchists? NO. Simply NO. When and IF the next generation come up, we will see. Right now I am not interested in what I will get to eat next week or month. I am hungry today. I want to have my food NOW. You can not stuff your face with pudding and tell me that I should go hungry today because you think I should be able to get Biryani next week.

I want power projects being constructed pronto. I want revival of my economy post-haste. I want immediate step taken to alleviate my suffering. IK means nothing to me in this. TuQ an go and ----- himself for all I care. I want my due today.

Your country of residence protects prevlige of birth, does it not? Is that right? You would tell me its their country their rules. Can you allow me to say that same for myself and my country?

Read my post a couple of times before you think about responding. Because any banal defense of your position will get badly trashed by myself. I can not stand that you get to enjoy first-world comfort and prescribe misery to me by supporting Anarchists just because you want to see your ideas play out in Pakistan while you are not here to suffer the consequences of your choices. This is hypocrisy.

Waye Nakami! Mataa-e-KarwaN Jata Raha
KarwaN Key Dil Se Ehsas-e-ZiyaN Jata Raha

Sir you seem to work in some technical field. I think you are perhaps a professor in Malaysia?
Bhai meiN bilkul jahil aadmi hooN, mera yahan Biryani ka dhaba hey.
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Syed Talat Hussain ‏@TalatHussain12
Chinese prez's security team gets OK frm Army high command and govt.

1. No more Dharna.
2. No threat of Martial Law.
3. Indirect Support from China to current government, if the visit takes place.
4. IK must accept some sort of face-saver before Qadri's PAT gets cleaned out from Red Area.
5. NS wins a repreive, but we do not know if he will learn his lesson or not. I have enjoyed parliamentarians blasting NS for his imperial airs, bad advisers, and general incompetence in handling PAT/PTI combine. I can not say for sure if NS will perform better despite all this.

@Aether , @Oscar , @Horus , @AgNoStiC MuSliM , @xyxmt , @ice_man , @Spring Onion , @Manticore , @blain2 , @Joe Shearer , @cb4 , @JonAsad , @Fracker , @faisal6309 , @TheFlyingPretzel , @AZADPAKISTAN2009 , @balixd , @Syed.Ali.Haider , @Slav Defence , @SBD-3 , @farhan_9909 , @Jazzbot , @Mugwop , @nair , @Dillinger, @Devil Soul , @Counter-Errorist , @WebMaster , @Secur , @Bratva , @Irfan Baloch , @WishLivePak , @Meengla , @scorpionx , @genmirajborgza786 , @syedali73 , @Devil Soul , @Mav3rick , @orangzaib , @saiyan0321 , @Bratva , @Major Sam , @Ghareeb_Da_Baal, @FaujHistorian , @S.U.R.B.
Imran is being anti-state now!

Chinese president visit India AFTER pakistan. We're closer friend. How shameful it is that china president will visit india first? Have we not seen how Obama came to India and skipped Pakistan?

And how is it nit anti state if this dharna is stopping some 20-30b dollars of investment? This'd create jobs in Baloch with gawadar, decrease energy crisis, reduce poverty and raise literacy!

Imran Khan should be tried under treason. No safe exit so we never go through such fake inqalab again.

We gave qadri save exit and he came back. It's time these people be tried under treason trial. If Musharaf is tried, an ex president and general, who is Imran? Guy with a world cup and hospital?
Imran is being anti-state now!

Chinese president visit India AFTER pakistan. We're closer friend. How shameful it is that china president will visit india first? Have we not seen how Obama came to India and skipped Pakistan?

And how is it nit anti state if this dharna is stopping some 20-30b dollars of investment? This'd create jobs in Baloch with gawadar, decrease energy crisis, reduce poverty and raise literacy!

Imran Khan should be tried under treason. No safe exit so we never go through such fake inqalab again.

This has got nothing to do with the friendship or this agitation, If i remember correctly, there was a request made from newdelhi to reshuffle the dates of chinese President (there is a thread in PDF on that subject), because of the tight schedule of Modi.... ( i think President was supposed to come to India after pakistan and India requested to make it before )
This has got nothing to do with the friendship or this agitation, If i remember correctly, there was a request made from newdelhi to reshuffle the dates of chinese President (there is a thread in PDF on that subject), because of the tight schedule of Modi.... ( i think President was supposed to come to India after pakistan and India requested to make it before )
Pmln minister disagrees with you

It's delayed due to current turmoil.
Imran is being anti-state now!
No, he is anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-rigging and anti-money laundering.

Chinese president visit India AFTER pakistan. We're closer friend. How shameful it is that china president will visit india first? Have we not seen how Obama came to India and skipped Pakistan?
Enough of your conspiracy theories. It doesn't matter which state he visits first. It has all to do with the schedule between all countries involved. China has different interests between Pakistan and India.

And how is it nit anti state if this dharna is stopping some 20-30b dollars of investment? This'd create jobs in Baloch with gawadar, decrease energy crisis, reduce poverty and raise literacy!
LOL. What investment? They were coming here for LOANS with INTEREST, not investments. LOL.

Imran Khan should be tried under treason. No safe exit so we never go through such fake inqalab again.
LOL. What about Noora for killing protesters?

We gave qadri save exit and he came back. It's time these people be tried under treason trial. If Musharaf is tried, an ex president and general, who is Imran? Guy with a world cup and hospital?
Should we not try Noora for Model Town massacre, hypocrite.
And how is it nit anti state if this dharna is stopping some 20-30b dollars of investment? This'd create jobs in Baloch with gawadar, decrease energy crisis, reduce poverty and raise literacy!

I don't know how many Billions of Rupees are already lost. There will be widely varied figures. My guess is several billion. The govt. today (in Dawn) releasing around Rs. 547 Billion. Even if the loss is Rs. 54 billion already, there is more loss from the lack of investment, the further erosion or Pakistan's image, and possible future damages. That money, even if half was looted by the 'corrupt politicians', would still found it to the Pakistani economy.

Alas! Really, alas! The stupid thugs like Imran Khan and TuQ want an idealized society NOW in a typical 3rd world society--a goal unachievable. Perhaps Mr. Stupid Khan had read the 'Animal Farm' to understand what would have happened had he secured power now.

Imran Khan MUST pay a price and the best punishment would be to relegate him to political wilderness once again.

@WishLivePak , I also wanted to thank you for posting the full JH video with Hamid Mir from yesterday--I lost that thread. So thanks.
I don't know how many Billions of Rupees are already lost. There will be widely varied figures. My guess is several billion. The govt. today (in Dawn) releasing around Rs. 547 Billion. Even if the loss is Rs. 54 billion already, there is more loss from the lack of investment, the further erosion or Pakistan's image, and possible future damages. That money, even if half was looted by the 'corrupt politicians', would still found it to the Pakistani economy.

Any idea how Nawaz built motorway? The amount of commission he took for the project? Btw, chinese were not coming here for investments but loan guarantees with interests. This illegitimate government has taken more loans than last decades combined.
there is more loss from the lack of investment, the further erosion or Pakistan's image, and possible future damages. That money, even if half was looted by the 'corrupt politicians', would still found it to the Pakistani economy.

You cannot measure that, and that kind of loss is going to be more severe than the other one. It will take time to make people believe that they can invest, and there will be several who thinks it is not safe atall....

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