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The People's Republic of Scandal - TIME cover

We do not warn anyone. We tell them some facts. Saying that "If you jump off a cliff, you'll die" is not a threat. It is a fact. If you want to interpret that as a threat, that says more about you than it does about me.

right, because it has been factually tested when china says an attack on pak will be considered an attack on china.

what was that notion of higher than mountain and deeper than oceans again?
I stopped reading Times and now Newsweek because I find them to America Centric, rather get an economist something to that caliber for better reading.

I've noticed the same thing Times is rapidly becoming a bad read, they're very America-centric. I agree with you about the Economist more of an international perspective.
The regime propaganda mouthpiece is trying to divert people's attention from internal problems by making use of an "external enemy". This is a classical technique used by authoritarian regimes to hold onto power when their legitimacy is wavering.

Instead of focusing on the massive protests going on at home, they point fingers abroad, much as Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito did.

You forgot to include Mao, Deng, Jiang, Hu....
IS this news or a coverage?

I think everyone knows u need to bribe ur way if u need to do anything in China....from Land mafia working with Govt officials breaking stairs and beating up owners who are forcefully evicted. ...etc etc..are pretty frequent . This is how the CCP does things it a way of life to put frankly; when u have no one to balance u out ur pretty much running things however u want. .

you are so trueful sharing 1% of your virtual experience of "corrupt beyond the core" india.

Oh, but numbers don't matter, do they? It's quality over quantity every time, and this is one of two competitions China will win hands down - every time!

if China is so corrupt and looks down on india in vast majority of all civilized indices then indians should x-ray multiple times on themselves for why they are more corrupt and yet in so much worse shapes than China!
The regime propaganda mouthpiece is trying to divert people's attention from internal problems by making use of an "external enemy". This is a classical technique used by authoritarian regimes to hold onto power when their legitimacy is wavering.

Instead of focusing on the massive protests going on at home, they point fingers abroad, much as Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito did.

its a political tactics than indians copy it well, but they use a different strategy which focuses on the " suffering victims" antics
about "China Threat" until the revelation of "China Killer" and erases all doubts

right, because it has been factually tested when china says an attack on pak will be considered an attack on china.

what was that notion of higher than mountain and deeper than oceans again?

when we see Pakistan is more than capable to relieve themselves of the incoming pressure, it is on free will to carry out their missions independently. You will never miss a chance to see China as the amongst the largest and the first lot of donors when Pakistan suffers at the occasional wrath of Mother Nature.

Pakistanis knows very well where the major threats come from.
Reaction from Chinese and their seditious counterpart immigrants in the US is comforting to me. Nothing guarantees continued corruption like a citizenry brainwashed. Had this been about Pakistan or India. Their respective citizenry, even on these boards, would go" yeah, our damn politicians" … as we read several of them feel no qualms in calling their political corrupt out.

But with Chinese its baaaah baaaah- what was that ? do I hear sheep? second largest GDP and yet a 3rd world dump.
There is nothin new about the Time magazine. Its just that back in the days no one could cross check their "Stories", they are rather irrelavant these days.

Chinese corruption is no where near Indian corruption. A bridge fell down just days before the CWG, the Indian folks as it apears is more brazen than the Chinese.
Chinese should have fixed criteria about what is western propaganda and what is authentic western analysis. They always seems to be confused when it comes to India.
I saw a question on the Time cover:
Murder. Lies. Corruption. Can China face the truth?
And according to what is happening here, the answer is: They cannot!

Flame thread.

More anti-Chinese propaganda by the despotic western regimes butthurt by china success and fearful of chinas rise.

Mods please perma ban indocarib.

It is NOT a flame thread! It is merely the publication of news that the Chinese people need to appreciate and confront.
Reaction from Chinese and their seditious counterpart immigrants in the US is comforting to me. Nothing guarantees continued corruption like a citizenry brainwashed. Had this been about Pakistan or India. Their respective citizenry, even on these boards, would go" yeah, our damn politicians" … as we read several of them feel no qualms in calling their political corrupt out.

But with Chinese its baaaah baaaah- what was that ? do I hear sheep? second largest GDP and yet a 3rd world dump.

The point is that the only "Chinese" we hear from on this and other non-censored forums are PRC-paid internet warriors or wannabees. You never see an introspective and balanced response from a PRC poster. The PRC posters who are going to school in the West are, by definition, the privileged of the privileged. They are ALL "princelings" of some degree. They do not speak for the true Chinese man in the street, but for the Chinese ruling elite. The PRC posters we see are the 0.01%!
Flame thread.

More anti-Chinese propaganda by the despotic western regimes butthurt by china success and fearful of chinas rise.

Mods please perma ban indocarib.

Flame thread? Really? There's so much muck out there that you can't even sweep it under your carpet! Your refutation and lame excuses will not hide the truth. All this is fact and not Western propaganda. You can be in complete denial mode but you can never hide the truth. Period!

bo don't present chinese.he is just a corrupt politician.
Oh yeah? Then Bo's from Mars and his wife's from Venus?

You mean corrupt politicians aren't Chinese? What a straw man argument! Jeeez!
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