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The Islamic Conquest of India Prophecy (Ghazwa-e-Hind)

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So much pseudo-history here. @Hindustani78 are you really a Muslim?

These are real facts which are about Ancient nation of Indus Valley Civilization.

Yes , I am Hindustani Musalman, Aryans have never asked me to changed my religion.

Hindu(Indian nation) bane na Musalman,
bas aashiyaana jalate gaye,
Hind main apne hi aaag lagate gaye.
Jab aagaya waqt samjne ka tou hume hi samjate gaye.

** Hindu(Indian nation) and here Musalman means believer who are from all the nations as Messenger Muhammed Pbuh has spread the same religion of Messenger Ibrahim Pbuh.

Varanasi: A muslim woman on the streets of Varanasi with her kids dressed as Bhagwan Shree Krishna and Radha returning home after a competition in school ahead of Janmashtami, in Varanasi on Saturday. Source- PTI

Hoax, if this Hadith is true the Mohammed bin Qasim might have used it while he conquered Sindh.

No Turkic invader has ever used this Hadith.

It is the isi and Pakistani Army that promotes this.

The authenticity of this Hadith is also questionable.

And how you know that ISI and Pak Army promoting this......You Indians...never let go any chance for any thing to blame ISI and Pak Army..........You people really need to come out from your Nightmares about ISI and Pak Army......
The Khalash people are undoubtedly Dardic people, these pagan people have claimed to be the long-lost descendants of Alexander, they believe in many gods and more specifically in the twelve gods of ancient Greece including Zeus, Apollo and Aphrodite.

I never mentioned the Kalash, Dhul Khalasa is something totally different.
These are real facts which are about Ancient nation of Indus Valley Civilization.

Yes , I am Hindustani Musalman, Aryans have never asked me to changed my religion.

Hindu(Indian nation) bane na Musalman,
bas aashiyaana jalate gaye,
Hind main apne hi aaag lagate gaye.
Jab aagaya waqt samjne ka tou hume hi samjate gaye.

** Hindu(Indian nation) and here Musalman means believer who are from all the nations as Messenger Muhammed Pbuh has spread the same religion of Messenger Ibrahim Pbuh.

Varanasi: A muslim woman on the streets of Varanasi with her kids dressed as Bhagwan Shree Krishna and Radha returning home after a competition in school ahead of Janmashtami, in Varanasi on Saturday. Source- PTI


So basically you are promoting a new hybrid Hindu religion with Muslim words?

The end result of Indian Muslim hyper patriotism, but still you won’t be Hindu enough for BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal, etc.
So basically you are promoting a new hybrid Hindu religion with Muslim words?

There are researches going on, to understand about the hadees said by the Messenger of Supreme Creator, Muhammed S.A.W.S which is related to 124,000 Messengers and Prophets who had came to preach about the Supreme Creator. In which era these Messengers had came and how to understand the holy scriptures.

Messengers who came among the Aryan nation and the Holy scriptures revealed on which Messengers in which era, and the Aryan nation even comes under Ahle Kitab, People of the Book.

The end result of Indian Muslim hyper patriotism, but still you won’t be Hindu enough for BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal, etc.

How to understand this ?

I never mentioned the Kalash, Dhul Khalasa is something totally different.

The Hadees fits on Kalash people which in real explains more about the religious practices in Greek Civilization which was completely different from the Aryan/Yehudi/Zorastrian religion.
Post your source material.

Any books on the matter? Which scholars follow your ideology?

Seems you are having very less knowledge about religion and civilization.

Demolition of Dhul Khalasa occurred in April and May 632 AD, in 10 AH of the Islamic calendar. Dhul Khalasa (or Dhu'l-Halasa) is referred to both as an idol and a temple built and worshipped by pagan tribes located in the Asir region. But old accounts say that it was the name of a God who was worshipped there.

In 25 B.C. Aelius Gallus marched his legions south from Egypt on a 1,300-mile expedition to take control of the ancient overland trade routes between the Mediterranean and what is now Yemen and Hadhramaut. The Romans wanted control of those routes because they were desperate for money and hoped to raise some by capturing Marib, capital of Yemen, and taking control of the trade in incense - then a priceless commodity - and other valuable aromatics. As it turned out, however, the expedition was a disaster and little information about 'Asir emerged.
The Hadees fits on Kalash people which in real explains more about the religious practices in Greek Civilization which was completely different from the Aryan/Yehudi/Zorastrian religion.

It's not talking about the Kalash you idiot, there are no Kalash in Arabia.

Stop spewing your pseudo-history garbage.
If you can’t find sources for all the nonsense pseudo-history you have been posting for several pages then just be honest.

We dont talk nonsense when its about religion . You know how much dangerous are mandir/masjid educated Indians.
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