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The Islamic Conquest of India Prophecy (Ghazwa-e-Hind)

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In the 5th and 6th century (The golden age of subcontinent), our ancestors started solving complex mathematical equations, astronomical data, did surgery on humans (such as cataract) and animals, invented medicines even for trees
And what good did it do to you exactly? You were still ruled. It's His will. Accept it.
So now you are accusing me of hating Muslims out of the blue and ranting some nonsense about me having problems with Muslims and calling the Massacre and Mass Rape at Hagia Sophia as my "opinion". :rolleyes:
What ever helps you sleep at night my friend:coffee:

I have no issue with your religion or race and I have never judged a person by his race or religion alone but actions speak. A Christian that denies the forced conversions by colonial powers is no different than a Muslim that denies what Islamic invaders did or what ever sh*t Hindu/Buddhists/Jews do/did. Bringing "he is an Islamophobe" card is too overused
You seem educated.

I will be truthful. And honest. It is my duty. My jihad as well.

The Arabian peninsula would have remained a place of heathens and idol worship if proper steps were not taken. Current civilization would never have existed. It's His will and we try to follow the best examples known to man.
You really believe in all this? What India with your present day relatives looks like is that of Naga, Aghori naked sages and cow urine drinking RSS/BJP people. I doubt, if they can invent even a toilet in north India. Chest thumping on imaginary history? Real history is the history of cow lynch mobs and Hindu Rashtra craving maggots. This is the present history.
Lol! What are you trying to say? I'm not even talking about RSS, Cows so and so. Try to bring something logical, there are shitheads who still believe the Brits civilized us, rice bag converts are front-runners in that.
Its funny people believing in prophecies and ababeels taunt hindus on vedic science. :cheesy:
the Brits civilized us
I think so, despite British Raj was a catastrophe. I looked into the history, railway lines, automobiles, general infrastruture like buildings and creating big cities of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras etc importing and sharing their technologies when Indians were believing on deities to save them and practices of sati, thuggy (killer thieves) were common. They tried to civilize northern India, thus helping at least the forward caste Hindus to get education so that you can chest thump like this about mythical arsh bharat sanskar and doing surgeries in BC 7000 and Pushpak vimana and rockets all blank shots still good to hear, huh. No problemo. Europeans imported their technolgies, created infrastructure unlike what RSS/militant Hindus imagines. I can still see bridges constructed in the mid 1850's and even India's first concrete bridge in 1914 and all - thanks to the then British Raj. I'm not a supporter of Raj, but cannot compare them to Islamic invaders. Well, even Islamic invasion is supposedly to be credited forcing North India's people started wearing proper clothes. Don't forget the Persian architecture, the Meethi boli (Urdu) and very tasty Mughalai, Afghani cuisines. I believe Hindutva chest thumping is wasting.
I think so, despite British Raj was a catastrophe. I looked into the history, railway lines, automobiles, general infrastruture like buildings and creating big cities of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras etc importing and sharing their technologies when Indians were believing on deities to save them and practices of sati, thuggy (killer thieves) were common. They tried to civilize northern India, thus helping at least the forward caste Hindus to get education so that you can chest thump like this about mythical arsh bharat sanskar and doing surgeries in BC 7000 and Pushpak vimana and rockets all blank shots still good to hear, huh. No problemo. Europeans imported their technolgies, created infrastructure unlike what RSS/militant Hindus imagines. I can still see bridges constructed in the mid 1850's and even India's first concrete bridge in 1914 and all - thanks to the then British Raj. I'm not a supporter of Raj, but cannot compare them to Islamic invaders. Well, even Islamic invasion is supposedly to be credited forcing North India's people started wearing proper clothes. Don't forget the Persian architecture, the Meethi boli (Urdu) and very tasty Mughalai, Afghani cuisines. I believe Hindutva chest thumping is wasting.
Muslims were the first to introduce any civilization here. Credit where it's due
No they aren't, again, there's the hadith about Ghazwa-e-Hind, which may have already been fulfilled or is yet to occur (depending on your interpretation).
I remember the saying of end times. How can it be fulfilled, it's not the end yet and more than 75% are Hindus or other idolators. You need to come to a conclusion on that.

No, because those so called predictions are far more vague.
You can find such vagueness in the same Gazwa e Hind, like you said before, even you're not sure if it's already fulfilled or yet to be done.

Numerous hadees/quranic verses have spoken about scientific knowledge, as you've already accepted.
Wonder why there is no scientists who base their knowledge in Hadees/quran for their invention/discoveries.
Anyway, the point of these hadees is to make us aware of signs that show the end is near, they are not meant to give us knowledge. The hadees fulfil their purpose perfectly.
Earth will survive for another 3billion years. If no Chicxulub asteroid (Dinosaur killer) hit the earth. Wonder why there was nothing about Dinosaurs, the creature before 'Adam' in any religion. Heh!
You can't deny authentic hadith just because you disagree with it. This is not how Islam works.

...Several Islamic scholars, especially from India, have questioned the veracity of the Ghazwa-e-Hind Hadith and reject its repeated contemporary citation as ‘Pakistani terrorists’ anti-India propaganda’. According to Maulana Waris Mazhari of the Darul Uloom Deoband seminary in Uttar Pradesh, India, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir was not jihad; and the dream of establishing ‘Muslim hegemony throughout the entire world’ was fanciful. ‘The term ghalba-e-Islam, the establishment of the supremacy of Islam, used in the context of the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet (Hadith), refers not to any political project of Muslim domination,’ Mazhari wrote, ‘but, rather, to the establishment of the superiority of Islam’s ideological and spiritual message.’ 33

Mazhari pointed out that ‘the statement attributed to the Prophet regarding the Ghazwa-e-Hind is found in only one of the Sihah Sitta, the six collections of Hadith reports of the Sunni Muslims— in the collection by al-Nasai’. He rejected its current interpretations as ‘rhetoric of the self-styled jihadists’ that is ‘based less on proper scholarly analysis of the Islamic textual tradition than on strident, heated emotionalism and a deep-rooted hatred and feeling of revenge’. 34 It reflected a ‘distorted understanding of Jihad’, which started ‘in the very first century of Islam itself, when intra-Muslim wars were sought to be christened by competing groups as Jihads’. 35 In fact, Mazhari argued that the Hadith about Ghazwa-e-Hind would have been narrated by many more companions of Prophet Muhammad and cited in multiple collections of the Hadith ‘considering the merits or rewards of the Ghazwa-e-Hind that it talks about’. 36 Given that only one companion of the Prophet reported it, Mazhari suggests that ‘it is possible that this Hadith report is not genuine and that it might have been manufactured in the period of the Umayyad Caliphs to suit and justify their own political purposes and expansionist designs’. 37

Even if the Hadith were true, Mazhari argues, ‘[ t] he battle against India that it predicted was fulfilled in the early Islamic period itself, and is not something that will happen in the future. This, in fact, is the opinion of the majority of the Ulema, qualified Islamic scholars.’ 38 Mazhari saw the Ghazwa-e-Hind Hadith as an instrument of propaganda in ‘the proxy war engaged in Kashmir by powerful forces in Pakistan in the guise of a so-called Jihad’, which he and other ulema consider ‘nothing but deceit’. He also noted that there was no historic record of the Hadith being cited by the many Muslim conquerors of the subcontinent and the ulema that accompanied them...

Haqqani, Husain. Reimagining Pakistan: Transforming a Dysfunctional Nuclear State (Kindle Locations 2644-2667). HarperCollins Publishers India. Kindle Edition.
I think so, despite British Raj was a catastrophe. I looked into the history, railway lines, automobiles, general infrastruture like buildings and creating big cities of Calcutta, Bombay, Madras etc importing and sharing their technologies when Indians were believing on deities to save them and practices of sati, thuggy (killer thieves) were common. They tried to civilize northern India, thus helping at least the forward caste Hindus to get education so that you can chest thump like this about mythical arsh bharat sanskar and doing surgeries in BC 7000 and Pushpak vimana and rockets all blank shots still good to hear, huh. No problemo. Europeans imported their technolgies, created infrastructure unlike what RSS/militant Hindus imagines. I can still see bridges constructed in the mid 1850's and even India's first concrete bridge in 1914 and all - thanks to the then British Raj. I'm not a supporter of Raj, but cannot compare them to Islamic invaders. Well, even Islamic invasion is supposedly to be credited forcing North India's people started wearing proper clothes. Don't forget the Persian architecture, the Meethi boli (Urdu) and very tasty Mughalai, Afghani cuisines. I believe Hindutva chest thumping is wasting.
haha, why it required an invation in the first place. We develop by sharing such technologies and not by invading. Did the Americans invade the world for sharing internet? Also, no reforms are possible if the people don't want it. It's the people who eventually changed, the British could just play along with great reformers like Ram mohan roy. I don't know why Rice bag converts believe such theories. Reforms started even before like everywhere in the world, many practices were removed. Even before the Brits, the shivites and vyshnavites used to fight each other for their 'gods' as two religions or so. Did the Brits united them or naturally reformers did it?

You are firing blank shots, I'm no RSS or interested in any of the BS you are spouting here. I treat science and religion as two. You can vent all that stuff at them parivars afterall they are the biggest enemies of rice bag converts and green bhakts. You deserve each other.

Next time, try to read what I was saying before you quote me for your rants.
And what good did it do to you exactly? You were still ruled. It's His will. Accept it.
Oh, we have a continuous civilization and an identity, the land that has been the birthplace of dharmic religions and great philosophies. Keep living in fantasies and fairy tales. Soon, you'll be fuel to the plants and creatures in soil and slip into nothingness. The eventuality of Rich, poor, religious, irreligious, atheists and so on.
I remember the saying of end times. How can it be fulfilled, it's not the end yet and more than 75% are Hindus or other idolators. You need to come to a conclusion on that.

You can find such vagueness in the same Gazwa e Hind, like you said before, even you're not sure if it's already fulfilled or yet to be done.

Wonder why there is no scientists who base their knowledge in Hadees/quran for their invention/discoveries.

Earth will survive for another 3billion years. If no Chicxulub asteroid (Dinosaur killer) hit the earth. Wonder why there was nothing about Dinosaurs, the creature before 'Adam' in any religion. Heh!

It doesn't mention the end times, here's what the hadith says:

It was narrated that Thawbaan, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There are two groups of my ummah whom Allah will protect from the Fire: a group who will conquer India, and a group who will be with ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him).”

Narrated by an-Nasaa’i (no. 3175) and Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (37/81). Classed as saheeh (i.e authentic) by al-Albaani in as-Silsilah as-Saheehah (no. 1934).

Some say it has already occurred, others say that because the hadith also mentions Isa (Peace Be Upon Him) that the conquest is to occur in the end times.

Ibn Katheer
said in his book "An-Nihaayah Fil-Fitan Wal Malaahim": “Indeed, the Muslims conquered India in 44 (A.H) during the reign of Mu’aawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyaan
and some incidents took place and we mentioned them in detail. Also, the great king As-Sa’eed Al-Mahmoud Ibn Subiktikeen, the ruler of Ghaznah and its surroundings conquered it in about 400 (A.H) and he did there some renowned acts and good matters and he broke the great idol called "Somnath" and took its garlands and swords and returned to his country victorious and safe."

Shaykh Hammoud At-Tiweejri said: “What was mentioned in the Hadeeth that was reported by Nu’aym Ibn Hammaad from Abu Hurayrah
about the conquest of India, has not yet taken place, and this will happen when ‘Eesa
will descend"



All other hadees on the subject are not sahih/hasan, so we cannot accept them. The hadith also mentions nothing about conversions, it just mentions conquest. Converting you guys isn't required.

The hadith is pretty clear and not vague at all.

Because as I said, the statements are not meant to be used for scientific knowledge, they are meant to tell us about the signs that the end of days is near. Learn to read people's posts properly.

Dinosaurs are not relevant to the religion, so why would they be mentioned? If you guys are stupid enough to deny everything else, you'd probably also deny dinosaurs being mentioned even if they clearly were.
Its funny people believing in prophecies and ababeels taunt hindus on vedic science. :cheesy:

Because our prophecies actually come true, as proven previously.
...Several Islamic scholars, especially from India, have questioned the veracity of the Ghazwa-e-Hind Hadith and reject its repeated contemporary citation as ‘Pakistani terrorists’ anti-India propaganda’. According to Maulana Waris Mazhari of the Darul Uloom Deoband seminary in Uttar Pradesh, India, the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir was not jihad; and the dream of establishing ‘Muslim hegemony throughout the entire world’ was fanciful. ‘The term ghalba-e-Islam, the establishment of the supremacy of Islam, used in the context of the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet (Hadith), refers not to any political project of Muslim domination,’ Mazhari wrote, ‘but, rather, to the establishment of the superiority of Islam’s ideological and spiritual message.’ 33

Mazhari pointed out that ‘the statement attributed to the Prophet regarding the Ghazwa-e-Hind is found in only one of the Sihah Sitta, the six collections of Hadith reports of the Sunni Muslims— in the collection by al-Nasai’. He rejected its current interpretations as ‘rhetoric of the self-styled jihadists’ that is ‘based less on proper scholarly analysis of the Islamic textual tradition than on strident, heated emotionalism and a deep-rooted hatred and feeling of revenge’. 34 It reflected a ‘distorted understanding of Jihad’, which started ‘in the very first century of Islam itself, when intra-Muslim wars were sought to be christened by competing groups as Jihads’. 35 In fact, Mazhari argued that the Hadith about Ghazwa-e-Hind would have been narrated by many more companions of Prophet Muhammad and cited in multiple collections of the Hadith ‘considering the merits or rewards of the Ghazwa-e-Hind that it talks about’. 36 Given that only one companion of the Prophet reported it, Mazhari suggests that ‘it is possible that this Hadith report is not genuine and that it might have been manufactured in the period of the Umayyad Caliphs to suit and justify their own political purposes and expansionist designs’. 37

Even if the Hadith were true, Mazhari argues, ‘[ t] he battle against India that it predicted was fulfilled in the early Islamic period itself, and is not something that will happen in the future. This, in fact, is the opinion of the majority of the Ulema, qualified Islamic scholars.’ 38 Mazhari saw the Ghazwa-e-Hind Hadith as an instrument of propaganda in ‘the proxy war engaged in Kashmir by powerful forces in Pakistan in the guise of a so-called Jihad’, which he and other ulema consider ‘nothing but deceit’. He also noted that there was no historic record of the Hadith being cited by the many Muslim conquerors of the subcontinent and the ulema that accompanied them...

Haqqani, Husain. Reimagining Pakistan: Transforming a Dysfunctional Nuclear State (Kindle Locations 2644-2667). HarperCollins Publishers India. Kindle Edition.

Incorrect, see my previous post.
Because our prophecies actually come true, as proven previously.

So there was no true religion before 632 AD in mankind history whose prophecies could be true?

By the way by what means Allah communicates with prophet in desert? Telepathy?

I mean if hindus say such thing exists, people laugh on them.
USSR was a nuclear state as well. Slowly crumbling US is also a nuclear state.

Many Muslims forget what is the role of a Prophet. Yes, he brought us Islam, codified our law, and relayed us the Quran, but one of the main roles of a prophet is to prophesize about the future.

A few things which must happen in yawm ul akhir (Last Day):
1. Coming of al masih ad dajjal (Anti-Christ) and rule from Israel typified by oppression
2. Beast of the Earth (dabbat ul ardh) dividing the world into Kaffir and Muslim
3. genocide of the Arabs, fighting over Iraq's newly uncovered wealth
4. Conquest of Hind by Khorasaan black flag army
5. emergence of the Mahdi in Madina and establishment of the Mahdi state
6. Khorasaan army joining Imam Mahdi
7. re-emergence of ISA a.s./Jesus in the Holy Land
8. Defeat of masih ad Dajjal by Isa a.s.
4. emergence of Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj), much genocide and bloodshed, eventual defeat via parasites due to Isa a.s. dua
8. Rule of the world by Isa a.s. from newly liberated Jerusalem
9. Some years of peace
10. Cold wind which wipes out believers only
11. destruction of the Earth on the worst of humanity
12. Judgement Day (Yawm ul Qiyamat)

Not all are necessarily in this order. Hadith are Saheeh or Hasan.

For more information, you can check out youtube for Imran N. Hosein, Dr. Israr Ahmad, Dr. Shahid Masood End Times, Khalid Mehmood Abbasi.

@TMA anything to add, brother?

Only Allah Almighty have absolute knowledge of the unknown and when the hour will come:-

Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (Surah Luqman; verse 34)

Refer to point no. 10 in your list:-

Allah Almighty have warned mankind of an apocalyptic event which will transpire before the hour:-

There will be sent upon you a flame of fire and smoke, and you will not defend yourselves. (Surah Rahman; verse 35)

Same apocalyptic event is hinted in another Surah:-

Then watch for the Day when the sky will bring a visible smoke. (Surah Ad-Dukhan; verse 10)

Covering the people; this is a painful torment. (Surah Ad-Dukhan; verse 11)

[They will say], "Our Lord, remove from us the torment; indeed, we are believers." (Surah Ad-Dukhan; verse 12)

Indeed, We will remove the torment for a little. Indeed, you [disbelievers] will return [to disbelief]. (Surah Ad-Dukhan; verse 15)

This event will make mankind submit to Allah Almighty for a while but people will return to disbelief when conditions will return to normal.

Refer to point no. 2 in your list:-

And when the word befalls them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth speaking to them, [saying] that the people were, of Our verses, not certain [in faith]. (Surah An-Naml; verse 82)

And [warn of] the Day when We will gather from every nation a company of those who deny Our signs, and they will be [driven] in rows (Surah An-Naml; verse 83)


As Muslims - we should study Holy Quran in full for greater clarity. We should also study hadith (all of it) but we should be mindful that these are interpretations of sayings of beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH), and interpretations are not necessarily perfect.
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