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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

I don't understand how there are no protests from Germans against these people.
They get paid by the German tax payers, and this is how they keep wasting their time on things that are irrelevant to Germany?

Tell you to me why Turks don't protest against this kind of propaganda.
Ok , easy answer.

PKK followers have a super Network and strict command Level in Germany and Europe, they are allied with other left Terror organisations and get always "effective Support" from Green and Linke. They can easily mobilize 10000 in one day to demonstrate at one hot spot !

Turks are only organized in weak organizations like ADD or DITIB.

And I want to add, if you are KURD you have better chanches then a better qualified Turkish canditate in official positions, even if the Kurds are "known" militants.

Turks fear as Germans say to be "Brandmarked" and Keep quite. @Bismarck

Oh God again IED ambush against Police 3 Police marytred in Mardin during Patrol Service

Mardin’den kahreden haber: 3 şehit – Sözcü Gazetesi
Tell you to me why Turks don't protest against this kind of propaganda.

Because you are in a minority, a minority that is not biased and doesn't swallow everything big media outlets write.

The majority of the people just believe what they want to believe. After years of telling Europeans that Turkey is some kind of apartheid, people don't trust any opinion that is the opposite.
Protests by Turks would have no meaning, the pkk and ultra left wing organizations have so much more pull, it is of no use. Plus it is the pkk who is on the losing side, so in the end who gives a shit anyway.

It is a comparable situation with Israel, they get villified too everytime they need to take action.
The difference is that they have a strong and competent government.

Iste ulkenin teror ile savastaki icler acisi durumu.
Sayfalarca yazsan su bir kac satirin verdigi etkiyi veremezsin yada anlatamazsin bu ulkeyi 13 senede nasil bu duruma getirdiklerini.
Suana kadar 118 vatan evlasi sehid edildi. 13 sene goz yumulan, gormezlikten gelmeye zorlanan polis'e ve aslkere simdi ol diyorlar.
Aslinda sorun vatan ugruna olmek degil. Bu millet dugune gider gibi cepheye gider bunu hepimiz cok iyi biliyoruz ama cephede akitilan kanin sorumlularinin hic birinin hesap vermemesi ustune ustluk 400 verin teror bitsin diye acik acik tehdit etmesi asil sorun.
As you can see that bomb is placed with the help of municipality of that city, they placed maybe one year ago. Mark the place and when the time come. Boom nothing else, so this called peace negotiations is history. The Kurds have to choice site, ther is no middle way.yy


Can't they find out who the hell did this.. Who supported them and finally kick them out to syria or jail


Iste ulkenin teror ile savastaki icler acisi durumu.
Sayfalarca yazsan su bir kac satirin verdigi etkiyi veremezsin yada anlatamazsin bu ulkeyi 13 senede nasil bu duruma getirdiklerini.
Suana kadar 118 vatan evlasi sehid edildi. 13 sene goz yumulan, gormezlikten gelmeye zorlanan polis'e ve aslkere simdi ol diyorlar.
Aslinda sorun vatan ugruna olmek degil. Bu millet dugune gider gibi cepheye gider bunu hepimiz cok iyi biliyoruz ama cephede akitilan kanin sorumlularinin hic birinin hesap vermemesi ustune ustluk 400 verin teror bitsin diye acik acik tehdit etmesi asil sorun.

Man as if we did not heavily suffered in Tansu ciller time.. Fighting terrorists comes with a price to pay..

But now it seems to be a endgame and they know it and behave like it..

Also they have more capabilities because of Iran., Iraq and syria.. You can buy many basic things if you have money! also our enemies like germany armed them..

The government is acting slow but they aren't sleeping the only thing I criticize is that they have to.be harder eg Cizre they try to make the casualties in the normal folk as less as possible
Man as if we did not heavily suffered in Tansu ciller time.. Fighting terrorists comes with a price to pay..

But now it seems to be a endgame and they know it and behave like it..

Also they have more capabilities because of Iran., Iraq and syria.. You can buy many basic things if you have money! also our enemies like germany armed them..

The government is acting slow but they aren't sleeping the only thing I criticize is that they have to.be harder eg Cizre they try to make the casualties in the normal folk as less as possible

The time of Ciller was pathetic time of Turkiye. In 90's we were lack in everything and weak. But She had more balls than Tayyip. She has made many critic moves and made very important decisions. Our current defense industry is based on her decisions. She was corrupt but better and brave than Tayyip. Her anti-terror policies brought western-southwestern lands back to control of state. Massive operations have done while she was in power. That time those sattes were helping and aiding pkk. Nothing has changed so far. Bringing thoes hostile states up, makes no sens for me.

However we cant compare between current time of Turkiye and 90's. There are a lot differences. That time we had gov.'s which were calling it as "terror" now we have a gov. which is calling it "kurdish issue". Even current TSK much more stronger than TSK of 90's.

But we have a coward gov. which believes giving everything what pkk demands may solve this problem. This is our problem and this time we are loosing. The situation in Eastern and Southeastern Turkiye is so different than what you hear and watch from tv.

But if you gave 'em 400 parliamentarian, Terror of pkk will stop. :undecided:

Cizre... Cizre is the perfect sample and proof of fallen policy of akp. They have known that pkk deploying huge amount of weapons and milita power in cities especially Cizre and Hakkari. They have known end of the story we may have a lot causalities but they just let 'em do what they would to do.
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@TrMhMt Bro. Some days ago I wrote that in Kars-Agri-Erzurum area should be almost 3000 terrorists active. I heard that from local sources. Today Dr. Sinan Ogan EX-MP of MHP confirmed it comparable. He said that AKP closed for "VOTES" the main checkpoint TUZLUCA, despite that step HDP won there. Now terrorists are crossing without control from Agri mountain to camps ind Iran and from Igdir to Armenia. He claimed that in Armenia on occupied Azeri territory in Karabag at least 300 hundred terrorists are located.

@Bismarck. bro. You asked me some days ago. Confirmed from an expert !

Sinan Oğan’dan şok açıklamalar – Sözcü Gazetesi
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Duran Arabadiklarini Linc ediyor OROSPU COCUKLARI

Fucking terrorist savages, Switzerland tolerated them for a long time, they turned a blind eye on them, i hope this was a eye opener for the goverment.
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